9–13 Jul 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Europe/Sofia timezone

EventDB: an event indexer and caching system for BESIII experiment

10 Jul 2018, 12:15
Hall 8 (National Palace of Culture)

Hall 8

National Palace of Culture

presentation Track 4 - Data Handling T4 - Data handling


Yaodong Cheng (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))


Beijing Spectrometer (BESIII) experiment has produced hundreds of billions of events. It has collected the world's largest data samples of J/ψ, ψ(3686), ψ(3770) andψ(4040) decays. The typical branching fractions for interesting physics channels are of the order of O(10^-3). The traditional event-wise accessing of BOSS (Bes Offline Software System) is not effective for the selective accessing with the rate of O(10^-3). We proposed and implemented an event indexer system - EventDB, which extracts the characteristics of all of events and stores them in hbase. Currently, the characteristics contain 22 variables including BeamEnergy, NTracks, NShowers, BeamVx, BeamVy, BeamVz and so on. We adopted inverted index technologies to store event index in hbase, and the index count is less than 1/1000 of event count. We also puts real event data into hbase for hot events caching to accelerate event access. After using EventDB, the data analysis workflow of BESIII experiment is changed as follows: the analysis program firstly queries the corresponding event index from database, then get event data from database if the event is cached, or get data from DST file using ROOT framework if it is not cached. Finally, the test results on one billion dataset showed the query speed was improved more than 10 times.


Yaodong Cheng (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))

Presentation materials