9–13 Jul 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Europe/Sofia timezone

Enabling production HEP workflows on Supercomputers at NERSC

9 Jul 2018, 11:30
Hall 7 (National Palace of Culture)

Hall 7

National Palace of Culture

presentation Track 3 – Distributed computing T3 - Distributed computing


Wahid Bhimji (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))


Many HEP experiments are moving beyond experimental studies to making large-scale production use of HPC resources at NERSC including the knights landing architectures on the Cori supercomputer. These include ATLAS, Alice, Belle2, CMS, LSST-DESC, and STAR among others. Achieving this has involved several different approaches and has required innovations both on NERSC and the experiments’ sides. We detail the approaches taken, comparing and contrasting the benefits and challenges. We also describe the innovations and improvements needed particularly in the areas of data transfer (via DTNs), containerization (via Shifter), I/O (via burst buffer, Lustre, or Shifter per-node-cache), scheduling (via developments in SLURM), workflow (via grid services or on-site engines), databases, external networking from compute nodes (via a new approach to networking on Cray systems), and software delivery (via a new approach to CVMFS on Cray systems).
We also outline plans, and initial development, for future support of experimental science workloads at NERSC, via a ‘Superfacility API’ that will provide a more common, plug-and-play base for such workflows, building on best practises to provide a lower bar of entry to HPC for new experiments as well as consistency and performance.


Lisa Gerhardt (LBNL) Dr Mustafa Mustafa (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Mr Rei Lee (LBNL) Shane Canon (NATIONAL ENERGY RESEARCH SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING CENTER) Wahid Bhimji (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))

Presentation materials