Weak gravitational lensing is an extremely powerful probe for gaining insight into the nature of two of the greatest mysteries of the universe -- dark energy and dark matter. To help prepare for the massive amounts of data coming from next generation surveys like LSST that hope to advance our understanding of these mysteries, we have developed an automated and seamless weak lensing cosmic shear analysis pipeline that begins with survey catalogs and performs all the necessary analysis steps in order to derive the cosmological parameters at the end. This pipeline is designed to be generic enough to handle data from any galaxy survey and has been tested by re-analyzing existing datasets from four different surveys -- CFHTLens, DES-SV, KiDS-450, and DLS -- and comparing their results. It is flexible enough to allow running each pipeline step on distributed resources at different sites in order to optimally match the computational capabilities of each site to the unique requirements of each task. This talk will begin with a brief overview of the analysis performed by this pipeline and then delve into a discussion of the architecture and performance of an actual implementation using modern work-flow engines and description languages.