The Historic Data Quality Monitor (HDQM) of the CMS experiment is a framework developed by the Tracker group of the CMS collaboration that permits a web-based monitoring of the time evolution of measurements ( S/N ratio, cluster size etc) in the Tracker silicon micro-strip and pixel detectors. It addition, it provides a flexible way for the implementation of HDQM to the other detector systems of the CMS experiment. The framework offers a way to build and deploy trend plots based on two steps of actions. In the first step data are retrieved from the offline DQM data base periodically via a cron scheduled job and a list of datasets is produced. In the second step, the web interface dynamically and interactively produces the trend plots from the datasets. The monitoring of time evolution of detector sensitive quantities is fundamental to the control of data quality. At the same time, the effect of calibration sequences performed during a period is checked. The overall organization of the tool will be presented along with its internal structure and representative examples