AIDA-2020 WP15 satellite meeting during 5th BTTB Workshop
Residencia d'Investigadors
WP 15.2:
# Telescope is commissioned, now run with uses to complete the commissioning (if it did not happen in 2016);
# Development toward high rates is a synergy with WP 5;
# Commissioning data will be available in the deliverable report;
# Checklist for the users about how to use it and maintain it will be a separate document from deliverable report
# Better to keep the telescope out of the beam when not used (Henric knows and can inform the PS users).
WP 15.3
# OK – chips ordered and they should be delivered in time.
WP 15.4
# the design has been modified such as is not necessary to modify the LINAC.
# other things have been modified in order to simplify the procurement and be on time for M30 (new deadline).
WP 15.5 (JSI)
# commissioning of the new channel: 1 sample per week / cooldown during WE (activation potentially bigger problem). Idea is to start performing simple irradiations to understand how to make it operational.
# now got cheap silicon – do other irradiation experiments.
# study of the damage.
# samples to put in the BRAN for very-high fluence tests
USFD: Box end of march 2017
GIF++: Gas recirculation module to be completed