7–13 May 2017
Sintra, Portugal
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Interference effect in vacuum polarization from BABAR, KLOE,CMD2 and SND data.

12 May 2017, 09:30
Sintra, Portugal

Sintra, Portugal

Hotel Sintra Jardim 30º47'40'' N - 9º 22' 55'' W Quinta Visconde de Tojal Largo Sousa Brandão, nº 1, São Pedro de Sintra 2710-506 Sintra Portugal


Vladimir Sauli (Nuclear Institute Rez near Prague)


The cross section of the process $e^+e^- ->\mu^+\mu^-$ is calculated within hadronic polarization taken into account. The interference effects in vicinity of $\phi$ and $\omega$ mesons are calculated (not only) from $\sigma(e^+e^- -> hadrons)$ and compared with available experiments.


Vladimir Sauli (Nuclear Institute Rez near Prague)

Presentation materials