The NA48/2 experiment presents a final result of the charged kaon semileptonic decays form factors measurement based on 4.28 million $K^\pm_{e3}$ and 2.91 million $K^\pm_{\mu 3}$ selected decays collected in 2004. The result is competetive with other measurements in $K^\pm_{\mu 3}$ mode and has a smallest uncertainty for $K^\pm_{e3}$, that leads to the most precise combined $K^\pm_{l3}$ result and allows to reduce the form factor uncertainty of $|V_{US}|$. The NA62 experiment at the CERN SPS collected a large sample of charged kaon decays with a highly efficient trigger for decays into electrons in 2007. The kaon beam represents a source of tagged neutral pion decays in vacuum. A preliminary result of a new measurement of the electromagnetic transition form factor slope of the neutral pion in the time-like momentum region from 1.05 million fully reconstructed π 0 Dalitz decays is presented in the second part of this report.