Bradley Cheal
(The University of Manchester, UK)
Laser spectroscopy performed at ISOLDE, CERN has been revolutionised by the installation of an ion beam cooler, ISCOOL. This device, a gas-filled linear RFQ, serves not only to improve the beam quality but also delivers a bunched ion beam. Recent measurements on isotopes of gallium (Z=31) are presented which illustrate the improvement. The phenomenon of monopole migration is the primary physics motivation in these studies - specifically the movement of proton states as the g9/2 neutron orbit is filled. The nuclear spin, magnetic moment, quadrupole moment and mean-square charge radius are complementary probes and all are obtainable from optical spectroscopy. Anomalous ground state spins have been measured for A=73 and A=81, and these, together with the moments, are compared with theoretical calculations.
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Bradley Cheal
(The University of Manchester, UK)
Alex Brown
(NSCL and Dept. Physics and Astronomy, MSU, USA)
Andreas Krieger
(Mainz, Germany)
Ari Jokinen
(JYFL, Jyvaskyla, Finland)
Christopher Geppert
(GSI, Darmstadt, Germany)
David Forest
(University of Birmingham, UK)
Deyan Yordanov
(CERN, Switzerland)
Ernesto Mane
(The University of Manchester, UK)
Frances Charlwood
(The University of Manchester, UK)
Gerda Neyens
(IKS, KU Leuven, Belgium)
Henry Stroke
(New York University, USA)
Iain Moore
(JYFL, Jyvaskyla, Finland)
Jonathan Billowes
(The University of Manchester, UK)
Jorg Kramer
(Mainz, Germany)
Kieran Flanagan
(The University of Manchester, UK)
Klaus Blaum
(MPI, Heidelberg, Germany)
Magda Kowalska
(CERN, Switzerland)
Mark Bissell
(IKS, KU Leuven, Belgium)
Michael Schug
(MPI, Heidelberg, Germany)
Michio Honma
(University of Aizu, Fukushima, Japan)
Monica Zakova
(Mainz, Germany)
Pieter Vingerhoets
(IKS, KU Leuven, Belgium)
Rainer Neugart
(Mainz, Germany)
Wilfried Nortershauser
(Mainz, Germany)