6–11 Jun 2010
Village de Vacances de Lamoura
Europe/Zurich timezone

Possibility of production of new superheavy nuclei in complete fusion reactions

Not scheduled
Village de Vacances de Lamoura

Village de Vacances de Lamoura

39310 Lamoura France
Board: 8
poster with financial aid Fusion reactions and synthesis of heavy and superheavy nuclei


Dr Vazgen Sargsyan (JINR)


Using available experimental data, the survival probabilities of excited uperheavies are extracted. Their increase beyond $Z=114$ indicates the next proton shell closure at $Z$ between 120 and 126. The perspectives of the production of new superheavy nuclei ($Z\ge 114$) in complete fusion reactions were investigated. The possible way to synthesize new superheavies is the use of the actinide-based reactions with projectiles heavier than $^{48}$Ca. At present, there are theoretical shell model calculations which predict a stability island close to the element $Z$=114 or 120, or 126 and $N$=184. Using these predictions of properties of superheavy nuclei and the dinuclear system fusion model, the production cross sections in the hot fusion reactions $^{48}$Ca,$^{50}$Ti,$^{54}$Cr,$^{58}$Fe,$^{64}$Ni+$^{238}$U,$^{244}$Pu,$^{248}$Cm,$^{249}$Cf were calculated. It was shown that the cross sections are much larger with mass tables which predict the next double magic nucleus $^{A}Z$=$^{310}$126 beyond $^{208}$Pb. In this case there are possibilities to synthesize new superheavy elements with the present experimental setups. The excitation functions of superheavy nuclei in hot fusion reactions $^{32,34,36,38}$S + $^{233-238}$U$\to$ 108 and $^{40,44,48}$Ca + $^{238}$U$\to$ 112, were predicted using the available predictions of nuclear properties.
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