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19–23 Jun 2017
Europe/Berlin timezone


Plenary: WP updates and plans for collaboration week, part 1 (WP1-WP7)

19 Jun 2017, 14:15


Notkestraße 85 22607 Hamburg Germany


WP talks (5 min talk + 10 min discussion): what was achieved; is there any input missing/needed; is the share of the work with connected WP’s fully defined; any other problems we should be aware of; what are the WP’s goals and plans for the collaboration week.
14:15 General update & WP1 (R. Assmann)
14:45 WP2 (A. Mosnier)
15:00 WP3 (B. Cros)
15:15 WP4 (L. Gizzi/F. Mathieu)
15:30 WP5 (E. Chiadroni)
15:45 WP6 (M.E. Couprie)
16:00 WP7 (A. Specka/R. Walczak)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Ralph Wolfgang Assmann (DESY)
19/06/2017, 14:15
Alban Mosnier
19/06/2017, 14:45
Brigitte Cros (LPGP CNRS)
19/06/2017, 15:00
Francois Mathieu (CNRS), Leonida Antonio (Leo) Gizzi (CNR and INFN)
19/06/2017, 15:15
Enrica Chiadroni (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
19/06/2017, 15:30
Marie-Emmanuelle Couprie (Synchrotron SOLEIL)
19/06/2017, 15:45
Arnd Ernst Specka, Roman Walczak
19/06/2017, 16:00
Building timetable...