We report studies of charge-independent (CI) and charge-dependent (CD) two-particle differential number correlation functions, $R_{2}( \Delta \eta, \Delta \varphi)$, and transverse momentum correlation functions, $P_{2}( \Delta \eta, \Delta \varphi)$, of charged particles produced in pp collisions at the LHC centre-of-mass energy $\sqrt{\textit{s}}$ = 2.76 TeV with the PYTHIA and HERWIG models. Model predictions for $R_{2}$ and $P_{2}$ correlation functions are presented for inclusive charged hadrons ($h^\pm$), as well as pions ($\pi^\pm$), kaons (K$^\pm$), and protons/anti-protons (p/$\bar{p}$) in the transverse momentum ranges $0.2 < \textit{p}_{\rm T} \leq 2.0~GeV/\textit{c}$, $2.0 < \textit{p}_{\rm T} \leq 5.0~GeV/\textit{c}$ and $5.0 < \textit{p}_{\rm T} \leq 30.0~GeV/\textit{c}$, and with full azimuthal coverage in the pseudorapidity range $|\eta|< 1.0$. We compare the two model predictions for the strength, shape, particularly the width of the $R_{2}$ and $P_{2}$ correlation functions as these pertain to recent measurements of such correlations by the ALICE collaboration.Our analysis indicate that comparative studies of $R_{2}$ and $P_{2}$ correlation functions provide valuable insight towards the understanding of particle production in pp collisions, and by extension, should also be useful in studies of heavy-ion collisions at high energy.