STAR has previously reported significant transverse momentum imbalance of a specific set of di-jets selected with "hard cores", i.e. with a constituent cut of 2 GeV/$c$. After reclustering these same di-jets with a lower constituent cut of 200 MeV/$c$, the di-jet balance is restored to the level of p+p collisions within the original cone size of $R=0.4$.
The interpretation of these results as resulting from tangential bias with restricted in-medium path lengths promised Jet Geometry Engineering of jet production vertices through systematic variations of parameters such as centrality, the constituent $\mathrm{p_T}$-cutoff, and the initial imbalance between the hard cores.
Taking advantage of the tenfold increase statistics from recent data taking runs, we will present a systematic exploration of jet quenching effects on di-jets sampled from a larger parameter space and explore in detail the possibilities and limitations of using them to constrain the influence of geometry on energy loss in the quark gluon plasma created in heavy-ion collisions.