Jul 25 – 28, 2018
Ohrid Congress Centre (OCC), Ohrid, Macedonia
Europe/Zurich timezone

By a click on Timetable you could access to the different presentations given in the 2018 International Workshop on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering held in Ohrid (Macedonia) from July 25th to July 28th.

As usual there are below several data which will allow young students to prepare their participation in any  Workshop on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering which will be held  un Partnership between IFMP and an institution of the host country.

Data consist mainly in pdf versions of several powerpoint presentations covering a large spectrum of  Medical Physics topics from Medical Imaging , to Radiotherapy and Radiation protection in Medical Physics. These lectures were given in European School of Medical Physics In Archamps (France) in 2012 - 2013

Note: former lecturers and students from ESMP during the past two decades are eligible to become member of the IFMP Association (see http://www.ifmp.eu, home page, to become member by a few clicks)

Ohrid Congress Centre (OCC), Ohrid, Macedonia
Main Amphitheatre
Main Amphitheatre, Ohrid Congress Centre, Ohrid, North Macedonia