15–16 Mar 2018
Grandhotel**** Stary Smokovec
Europe/Zurich timezone

Industry 4.0 – Slovakia reality

15 Mar 2018, 16:20
Grandhotel**** Stary Smokovec

Grandhotel**** Stary Smokovec

Starý Smokovec 38 High Tatras, Slovakia


Martin Morhac (SOVA Digital)


Subtitle: Optimization of production processes in Industry 4.0 - digital twin

This lecture will be oriented on presentation of current situation and trends of aplication of the Industry 4.0 in the Slovak Industry. It will also touch the cooperation between universities and the industry, and also the state activities in this field. Significant part of the presentation will be dedicated to challenges and opportunities, which are Slovak Industry is facing in the context of digitalization.

About the speaker:
Martin Morháč graduated at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering faculty of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava on 1982. In the same year he started at same faculty as a research worker focusing on automation control systems, with specialisation on the R&D. In 1989, he became a head of Division of Automation of Engineering Works at Bratislava branch of Inorga Praha. In the 1991 he co-founded SOVA s.r.o and has worked as the CEo since then (the company is named SOVA Digital a.s. today). At the same time, Mr. Morháč is actively involved in the work of Automotive Industry Association of the Slovak Republic, where he is leading the Commission for Research and Development.

Presentation materials