12:30 PM
--- Lunch ---
1:30 PM
Cyber-Physical Systems
(until 3:30 PM)
1:30 PM
The detector control systems of large experiments at the LHC accelerator at CERN
Peter Chochula
1:50 PM
Industrial Controls at CERN
- Dr
Enrique Blanco Vinuela
2:10 PM
CERN - Unique devices manufactured in ZTS VVU Kosice, a.s.
Dusan Cani
2:30 PM
ELI Beamlines control system development
- Dr
Pavel Bastl
2:50 PM
Driving the Digital Enterprise for discrete industries
Marian Filka
3:10 PM
Innovative automated logistics solutions
Andrej Stefanik
3:30 PM
--- Coffee break ---
4:00 PM
Modelling and Simulation
(until 5:40 PM)
4:00 PM
Computing for materials science at the European Spallation Source ERIC
Thomas Holm Rod
4:20 PM
Industry 4.0 – Slovakia reality
Martin Morhac
(SOVA Digital)
4:40 PM
Effectivity of the application of experimental and simulation methods in the development of NVH measuring stations in industrial production (EoL Testing).
Otto Petraska
5:00 PM
Demonstration Testbed for Industry 4.0 at Brno University of Technology
Ludek Zalud
(CEITEC, Brno University of Technology)
5:20 PM
Modeling of nonholonomic multibody robotic systems using geometric mechanics methods
Erik Prada
(ZTS VVU, Cluster AT+R )
5:40 PM
Presentation of industrial partners, poster session
(until 7:00 PM)
7:00 PM
--- Banquet ---