Opening talk by the Rector of Technical University of Košice
About the speaker:
Prof. Stanislav Kmeť was born in 1957 in Přerov. He graduated with honours at the Faculty of Civil Engineering at what is presently Technical University of Košice where he also defended his dissertation thesis in 1989. and received his Assoc. Prof. Degree in 1994. In 2000 he was inaugurated as a Professor in the...
The mutual impact of HEP and the concept of Industry 4.0 is an important open problem which merits a discussion on a variety of topics. Government organizations, academia and industry alike are expected to contribute valuable ideas to the debate. As a result, HEPTech has decided to organise a series of events focusing on the impact of Industry 4.0 on HEP and vice versa. The first...
The aim of this talk is to lay the foundation for discussions on the matter if research in high-energy physics (HEP) is a driver, a user or both, in relation to Industry 4.0.
It presents the current trends in HEP R&D areas and the priorities of the European Strategy for Particle Physics. The Industry 4.0 technologies are briefly described and their impact on HEP R&D is discussed, as...
Recent economic crisis and achieving the employment and growth targets of the Europe 2020 strategy requires a competitive industry that builds its competitiveness on innovation in all its forms: development and application of technologies at the technology frontier, new business and organisational models reaching out new geographic markets. The innovation capacity of industry depends...
Slovak Republic as highly industrialised country has proceeded to grasp Industry 4.0 trends with several activities. MoE as a body responsible for support of industry and innovation will provide its view on this topic and elucidate state approach. Details will be provided about approved Concept of Smart Industry and progress with preparation of Action Plan of Smart Industry for the...
CERN – European Organization for Nuclear Research with its seat in Geneva is the most important international governmental organization in the field of particle research and is the world leader in this field. Slovak Republic is a member state of CERN since its creation in 1993 and has a high reputation in this organization. The membership of Slovak Republic in CERN is of important...
CERN is the world’s largest particle physics laboratory. The cooperation with CERN is not only about fundamental research, in which has Slovakia long-term excellent performance during its 25 years long membership. There are also three other areas of cooperation, which is an important benefit for all Member States: Industry, Innovations / Knowledge Transfer and Education. The annual...
The ambition of the Technical university of Košice is to be the central hub of the regional innovation ecosystem development based on internationally comparable outcomes in science, research and development in cooperation with industry. To reach this aim the existence of institutional platform is needed. This platform allows to create and facilitate transfer of new innovative ideas...
Slovak Republic will soon celebrate its 25 years of its active presence at CERN. During these years, Slovak contribution was not only scientific work, but also several unique detector components and equipment for the construction of the Large Hadron Collider. The talk will discuss the effects of the Industry 4.0 trends on the technology transfer between CERN and Slovak...
The industrial control systems at CERN are mainly based on off-the-shelf components present in many industries like oil and gas, electrical power, water treatment, pharmaceutical or food with fundamental constraints mainly due to the size, criticality and accessibility of the CERN installations. These components are deployed in all the layers of the classical automation pyramid and...
Subtitle: Optimization of production processes in Industry 4.0 - digital twin
This lecture will be oriented on presentation of current situation and trends of aplication of the Industry 4.0 in the Slovak Industry. It will also touch the cooperation between universities and the industry, and also the state activities in this field. Significant part of the presentation will be...
As a part of the first-stage of Ricaip teaming project, a small demonstration testbed is being built at CEITEC Brno University of Technology. It will contain both additive and subtractive machinery technologies – 3D SLS (Selective Laser Sintering) printer, and 3DOF CNC milling machine. Material and product movement is provided by means of standard and collaborative industrial...
The dynamics of multibody systems is in general described by complex nonlinear equations. These equations are often unsuitable for design and analysis of controls. The equations also provide little information on important dynamic properties like invariance of quantities. The latest knowledge in geometric mechanics provides effective means to formulate equations of motion as well as...
The ALICE experiment is the heavy-ion detector designed to study the physics of strongly interacting matter and the quark-gluon plasma at the LHC. After 10 years of operations, a new computing system called O2 (Online-Offline) is currently under development and is scheduled for production in 2021. Built on a microservices architecture and comprised of +100k processes running on 2000...
Predictive maintenance software solutions from IBM access multiple data sources in real time to predict asset failure or quality issues so company can avoid costly downtime and reduce maintenance costs. Driven by predictive analytics, these solutions detect even minor anomalies and failure patterns to determine the assets and operational processes that are at the greatest risk of...
ThingSpeak is an Internet of Things (IoT) platform that lets you collect and store sensor data in the cloud and develop IoT applications. The ThingSpeak IoT platform provides apps that let you analyze and visualize your data with MATLAB, and then act on the data. MATLAB and Simulink products support IoT systems by helping you develop and test edge node devices. Sensor data can be...
Smart Video Cameras present a modern Cyber Physical System suitable for acquisition and local processing of information in Industry 4.0 and other automation, control, or surveillance setup. The contribution will describe an embedded processing unit based on processors and programmable hardware (Xilinx Zynq with dual ARM and FPGA), interfacing and preparation of applications using...
Industry 4.0 requires specific features from SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) software. These include among others high flexibility in terms of adjustment to concrete applications, hardware integration, support for variety of communication protocols. These requirements were present at large scale scientific infrastructures like synchrotrons, from the beginning. Tango...
This paper presents the activities of the Center of Modern Control Techniques and Industrial Informatics at the Department of Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Technical University of Košice with the emphasis on research, teaching and technology transfer from academia to industry. The research and pedagogical activities...