Technological progress and changes in customer requirements have brought the need to change thinking and implementation of production and logistics activities. Mainly it involves interconnecting the systems, on-line information exchange, changes in production management and logistics, based on actual status and prediction of its behavior, or constant optimization of the system with the gradual use of artificial intelligence. And all mentioned above in line with Industry 4.0 which is gradually becoming an important part of the design and operational functioning of both production and logistics systems. The presentation will present an innovative logistics solution that is unique in terms of how it works and is implemented in the automotive industry. This solution has a wide range of its application.
About the speaker:
Ing. Andrej Štefánik, PhD. was the coordinator of many international research projects focused on Virtual Factory, Digital Factory and 3D Laser Scanning in the CEIT company. He is the co-author of an interactive design planning system for manufacturing system design and co-author of the VisWizard for visualization of the solution results in augmented reality and a progressive Virtual trainer designed to educate and train maintenance and its activities of a modular robotic cell in a virtual reality environment.
He currently holds the position of Development Manager at CEIT.