16–20 Apr 2018
Kobe University Convention Centre / Kobe International Conference Center
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Vector boson scattering, triple gauge-boson final states and limits on anomalous quartic gauge couplings with the ATLAS detector

17 Apr 2018, 09:45
503 (Kobe International Convention Centre)


Kobe International Convention Centre

WG4: Hadronic and Electroweak Observables WG4: Hadronic and Electroweak Observables


Tatsumi Nitta (Waseda University (JP))


Measurements of the cross sections of the production of three electroweak gauge bosons and of vector-boson scattering processes at the LHC constitute stringent tests of the electroweak sector of the Standard Model and provide a model-independent means to search for new physics at the TeV scale. The ATLAS collaboration searched for the production of three W bosons or of a W boson and a photon together with a Z or W boson at a center of mass energy of 8 TeV. ATLAS has also searched for the electroweak production of a heavy boson and a photon together with two jets. Evidence has been found for the exclusive production of W boson pairs. All results have been used to constrain anomalous quartic gauge couplings and have been compared to the latest theory predictions.


Daniela Rebuzzi (Universita e INFN, Pavia (IT)) Tatsumi Nitta (Waseda University (JP))

Presentation materials