Coaches to both Kansai (KIX) and Itami (ITM) leave Sannomiya from the place indicated in the map with a red star. The timetables are below the map.
The first train from Shimin Hiroba to Sannomiya in the morning is 5:28, arriving at Sannomiya at 5:37. If are not familiar with Sannomiya it would be difficult for you to catch 5:45 coach to KIX or 5:50 to ITM - for that please use taxi.
The next service is 6:00 through loop line, 6:13 (strait), 6:22 (loop) 6:33 (strait) and 6:44 (strait).
Timetable from Kobe Sannomiya to KIX (Kansai International)
Timetable from Kobe Sannomiya to ITM (Itami)