16–20 Apr 2018
Kobe University Convention Centre / Kobe International Conference Center
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Recent QCD results from the xFitter project

18 Apr 2018, 16:30


WG1: Structure Functions and Parton Densities WG1: Structure Functions and Parton Densities


Fred Olness (Southern Methodist University)


We present the xFitter project  which provides an open-source software framework for the determination of the proton's  parton distribution functions and for the interpretation of the physics analyses in the context of  Quantum Chromodynamics. The project has been used recently for a number of analyses performed by the LHC collaborations and theory community, which are summarised briefly. The xFitter developer’s team also performed several studies in the last year including estimation of the  impact of heavy quark matching scales, which are presented in more details.


Fred Olness (Southern Methodist University)


Alexander Glazov (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) xFitter developers team

Presentation materials