16–20 Apr 2018
Kobe University Convention Centre / Kobe International Conference Center
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Physics at the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC)

19 Apr 2018, 11:40


WG7: Future of DIS WG7: Future of DIS


Pawel Sopicki


The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a proposed high-luminosity linear
electron-positron collider operated at energies from the top pair
production threshold up to 3 TeV. With its high luminosity and flexible
collision energy CLIC offers a wide spectrum of possible physics research,
from precision measurement of Standard Model parameters to searches for
new particles and new physics phenomena. At the first stage CLIC will be
operated at 350-380 GeV collision energy. At this stage the emphasis is on
precision top quark physics, e.g. via a threshold scan around 350 GeV, and
on model-independent determination of the Higgs boson couplings by
applying the recoil mass technique to Higgs-strahlung events. At the
higher energy stages (1500 and 3000 GeV) Higgs bosons will be produced in
large numbers via the WW-fusion process. This allows to measure the Higgs
boson properties with high precision and to search for rare Higgs decays.
The sensitivity to anomalous top quark form-factors is also improved at
high collision energies. CLIC operation at 3 TeV will allow to perform
direct and indirect searches for supersymmetry and other phenomena of new
physics models. New particles can be discovered in a model-independent way
almost up to the kinematic limit of 1500 GeV, while indirect evidences can
be sensitive to new physics at the scale of tens of TeVs.

In this talk we present an overview of the CLIC physics potential using
physics benchmark studies. The results are based on the full detector
simulations for signal and background processes.


Presentation materials