We report on a recent computation of the NLO inclusive photon cross section using the Color Glass Condensate framework at the RHIC and LHC energies. Our result is appropriate for collisions where a dilute projectile (proton) hits a dense target (a proton or a heavy ion). We will briefly elucidate the main analytic NLO formula obtained in [1], while the main focus of this contribution are the first numerical results of the inclusive isolated photon cross section up to NLO [2] and its comparison to the available experimental data. Our main findings are summarized as:
(i) We demonstrate the kinematic region where the NLO contribution completely dominates over the LO valence quark bremsstrahlung [3].
(ii) We find that our results compare well with the available $p+p \to \gamma+X$ LHC data at 2.76 TeV and 7 TeV.
(iii) We make predictions for the upcoming LHC data at 13 TeV.
[1] S. Benic, K. Fukushima, O. Garcia-Montero and R. Venugopalan, JHEP 1701, 115 (2017).
[2] S. Benic, K. Fukushima, O. Garcia-Montero and R. Venugopalan, in preparation.
[3] F. Gelis, J. Jalilian-Marian, Phys. Rev. D 66, 014021 (2002).