After registration, your participation in this conference will be confirmed by the organization through a confirmation letter that will be sent to your email.
The Registration page will be available from March 1st till August 10 2018.
Be aware that, depending on your nationality, you MAY NEED A VISA to be admitted to Brazil. If you have a TOURIST VISA, please remember to check TOURISM in the appropriate space of the admission form. The best is to present in the Brazilian Consulate the formal letter of invitation as one of the documents to be presented. You have to write to us asking for an Invitation Letter for VISA.
For your information here you have Brazilian Embassies.
If you need to go to the consulate of your Country here in Salvador, we have put together the following list for your convenience here.
If you have any problem feel free to call us. Do not forget to exchange some money to Reais. The airport is a convenient place to do that at Banco do Brasil S. A. or any other exchange house.
Airport instructions are generally presented on board of your aircraft. Salvador arrival procedures are very standard. As soon as you arrive you will go through passport control with separate counters for Brazilian and non-Brazilian citizens.
If you have any problem feel free to call us.
Alberto Santoro
Celular: 55-21-981177771
Residence (in Rio de Janeiro): 55-21-25518489
Luciano Melo Abreu
Gabinete 517-D
Instituto de Física
Universidade Federal da Bahia
Campus Universitário de Ondina
Rua Barão de Jeremoabo , s/n
Salvador, Bahia
CEP: 40170-115
Celular: +55 71 999634118
Tel.: +55 71 3283 6699
Fax: +55 71 3283 6606
• Consumer Protection: +55 71 3103 6804
• International Airport: +55 71 3204 1010
. Military Police: 190
• Federal Police: 194 / +55 71 3319 6000
• Civil Police: 197
• Ambulance Service (SAMU): 192• Fire Department: 193
• Women Protection Police Station: +55 71 3117 8205
• Dial Sexual Exploitation of Children and adolescents: 100
• Civil Protection: 199
• Traffic Control Agency: +55 71 3343-8888
• Post Office: 0800 725 7282 / 3003-0100
• Bahiatursa: +55 71 3117 3000
• Ferry Boat: +55 71 3254 1020
• Public General Hospital: +55 71 3117 5999
• Aliança Hospital: +55 71 2108 5600
• Portuguese Hospital: +55 71 32035555
• Spanish Hospital: +55 71 3264 1500
• Civil Police: 197
• Bus Central Station: +55 71 3616 8300
• Tourist Protection Police Station: +55 71 3116 6817
Tourism Information: +55 71 3321-3127 / +55 71 3321 2133
All participants are requested to register on this LISHEP 2018 webpage in the appropriate item of the left side menu. All statistic about LISHEP, number of persons in the conference room, dinners, eventual tours, and so on is made from the list of Registrants.
We will have wireless network access in the conference room.
We strongly recomend the participants to upload the slides in the appropriate item (Timetable) on the left side menu. If you experiment any difficulty with your talk please let us know to be possible to help you.
The speakers may use their personal laptops for the presentations, however, please bring a copy of your slides, using pendrives or other storage devices, just in case of unexpected problems.
We would like to publicate the Proceedings of Session C, Like we did in 1995 the Lishep dedicated to Heavy Flavor Physics CBT-Charm, Bottom, Top. You can see here the first pages of the book that have in total 539 pages. Unfortunately is sold out. For that, we asked speakers to bring your first draft when you arrive in Salvador. The editor of the Proceedings will soon announce more information. We will also send the appropriated templates to facilitate your work.
A strong participation of physicists and students from all over the world is encouraged. We would like to give the opportunity to young researchers, students, to get in contact with lecturers, speakers, experts on the subjects of the LISHEP2018 since they will be the future collaborators and will develop together the future detectors and experiments. Then, please help us to get success in this workshop.