A bit about history of our first Heavy Flavor Physics Workshop with LISHEP.
It was in LISHEP95 days before the discovery of the Top Quarks held in Rio de Janeiro the Workshop of Heavy Flavor Physics. And we published the Proceedings which is available up today in a few vendors. The editor was "Editions Frontieres". If you go to this link you can read some pages.
With the discovery of HIGGS and with a lot of progress in the results for CHARM, BEAUTY, TOP we decide to review these subjects and to do a new Proceedings of CBT+HIGGS workshop.
One of the challenges for us is to get the Proceedings before the end of 2018. For this we asked the speakers to bring the text when they arrive in the workshop. And by end October we have to have the final version to be publish in one International Editor. We will publish the Proceedings of LISHEP2018 in World Scientific editors.
How to Publish my paper
To be easy to the authors we are offering a Latex template to write your paper here. As we will have the free format you can provide us the text as soon as you have it. Another option if you do not want to edit in latex you can write in a Word format. All figures have to be in pdf or png or jpeg or jpg.
The file with your text in Latex or Word have to be sent to
Prof. Vitor Oguri - and copy to