PolariX TDS Applications at DESY

5 Jun 2018, 17:40


Florian Christie (DESY)


A collaboration between DESY, PSI and CERN has been established to develop and build a high-gradient polarizable X-band transverse deflecting structure (PolariX TDS) [1] which offers the possibility to streak in different directions. This PolariX TDS will be included in the DESY beamlines FLASH2, FLASHForward, and SINBAD and offers a variety of applications which will be presented in this talk.
At the free-electron laser (FEL) user facility FLASH2, it is planned to install two PolariX TDS downstream of the FLASH2 undulators. In combination with a dipole magnet this will enable the observation of the longitudinal phase space density of the electron bunches and the reconstruction of the X-ray temporal intensity profile [2].
At the plasma-wakefield acceleration experiment FLASHForward, it is intended to use one PolariX TDS downstream of the plasma cell. Beams driving as well as beams being driven by a plasma wakefield will be characterized and their capabilities to drive an FEL will be assessed [3].
The Accelerator Research Experiment at SINBAD (ARES) is dedicated to accelerator research and development, most notably plasma wakefield acceleration and dielectric accelerating structures. The ARES linac, where electron bunches with low charge (sub-pC) will be accelerated, will include two PolariX TDS to measure the bunch length, characterize the longitudinal phase space [4], and reconstruct the 3D charge distribution [5].
This presentation will give an overview of the different applications of the PolariX TDS at DESY.

[1] P. Craievich et al., Status of the X-Band TDS Project, in Proceedings of IPAC18, Vancouver, BC, Canada, paper THPAL068, 2018
[2] F. Christie et al., Generation of Ultra-Short Electron Bunches and FEL Pulses and Characterization of Their Longitudinal Properties at FLASH2, in Proceedings of IPAC17, Kopenhagen, Denmark, paper WEPAB017, 2017
[3] R. D'Arcy et al., Longitudinal Phase Space Reconstruction at FLASHForward Using a Novel X-band Transverse Deflection Cavity (XTDC), in Proceedings of IPAC18, Vancouver, BC, Canada, paper TUPML017, 2018
[4] D. Marx, et al., Longitudinal phase space reconstruction simulation studies using a novel X-band transverse deflecting structure at the SINBAD facility at DESY, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, 2018
[5] D. Marx et al., Reconstruction of the 3D Charge Distribution of an Electron Bunch Using a Novel Variable-Polarization Transverse Deflecting Structure (TDS), in Proceedings of IPAC17, Kopenhagen, Denmark, paper MOPAB045, 2017


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