Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

Swedish Teacher Programme

from Sunday 28 October 2018 (17:00) to Friday 2 November 2018 (17:30)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
28 Oct 2018
29 Oct 2018
30 Oct 2018
31 Oct 2018
1 Nov 2018
2 Nov 2018
Lectures (until 12:15) (3/R-002 - Teacher Training Room)
09:00 Objectives of the week - Jeff Wiener (CERN)   (3/R-002 - Teacher Training Room)
09:30 Introduction to CERN - Lennart Jirden   (3/R-002 - Teacher Training Room)
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
10:50 Introduction to Accelerators - Roderik Bruce (CERN)   (3/R-002 - Teacher Training Room)
11:50 Particle Physics in the classroom - Lennart Jirden   (3/R-002 - Teacher Training Room)
Lectures (until 10:45) (3/R-002 - Teacher Training Room)
09:00 Introduction to Particle Physics II - Giacinto De Cataldo (Universita e INFN, Bari (IT))   (3/R-002 - Teacher Training Room)
10:00 Future Accelerators - Roger Ruber (Uppsala University (SE))   (3/R-002 - Teacher Training Room)
10:45 --- Coffee break ---
Lectures (until 12:25) (3/R-002 - Teacher Training Room)
11:05 Overview of ESS in Lund - Roger Ruber (Uppsala University (SE))   (3/R-002 - Teacher Training Room)
11:20 Experimental Program at CERN - Johannes Bernhard (CERN)   (3/R-002 - Teacher Training Room)
12:10 Beamline for Schools - Sarah Aretz (CERN)   (3/R-002 - Teacher Training Room)
Lectures (until 12:30) (3/R-002 - Teacher Training Room)
08:45 Introduction to Particle Physics III - Giacinto De Cataldo (Universita e INFN, Bari (IT))   (3/R-002 - Teacher Training Room)
09:35 Cosmology - Michael Doser (CERN)   (3/R-002 - Teacher Training Room)
10:35 --- Coffee break ---
10:55 Antimatter - Michael Doser (CERN)   (3/R-002 - Teacher Training Room)
11:45 Question and Answer session - Michael Doser (CERN) Giacinto De Cataldo (Universita e INFN, Bari (IT))   (3/R-002 - Teacher Training Room)
Visits (until 10:30) ()
08:30 CMS Service Cavern   ()
10:30 --- Coffee ---
Lectures (until 11:30) (508-1-001)
10:50 Tabletop accelerators in education - Carl Michel Marten Viderstrom   (508-1-001)
11:10 Particle Physics at School   (508-1-001)
Visits (until 12:50) ()
11:30 ISOLDE - Hanne Heylen (CERN)   ()
Lectures (until 11:00) ()
08:30 Introduction to the International MasterClasses - Despina Hatzifotiadou (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))   (572-R-006)
09:00 Exploring particles at school with ALICE data - hands-on exercise - Despina Hatzifotiadou (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))   (572-R-006)
Lectures (until 13:40) (3/R-002 - Teacher Training Room)
11:00 --- Walk to Teacher Training Room ---
11:15 Why do we do Physics Research at CERN - Tord Johan Carl Ekelof (Uppsala University (SE))   (3/R-002 - Teacher Training Room)
12:15 --- Lunch ---
Welcome to CERN! (until 19:30) ()
19:00 Welcome reception   (61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -)
19:30 --- Dinner ---
Visits (until 13:00) ()
12:15 Synchrocyclotron - Jeff Wiener (CERN)   ()
13:00 --- Lunch break ---
Visits (until 15:10) ()
14:00 Cryogenic test facility hall SM18   ()
Lectures (until 16:10) (3/R-002 - Teacher Training Room)
15:10 Introduction to Experiments - Hans Danielsson (CERN)   (3/R-002 - Teacher Training Room)
16:10 --- coffee ---
Lectures (until 18:00) (3/R-002 - Teacher Training Room)
16:30 Introduction to Particle Physics I - Giacinto De Cataldo (Universita e INFN, Bari (IT))   (3/R-002 - Teacher Training Room)
17:30 Review of the day - Lennart Jirden   (3/R-002 - Teacher Training Room)
12:25 --- Lunch break ---
Visits & Workshops (until 18:15) ()
13:40 CERN Control Centre & AMS POCC   ()
15:20 --- Coffee ---
15:35 Cloud Chamber Workshop - Jeff Wiener (CERN)   (143/R-003 - S'Cool LAB)
17:00 The Extreme Energy Event project (EEE) - Despina Hatzifotiadou (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))   (29-R-001)
17:45 Review of the day   ()
19:30 Screening of "Particle Fever"   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
12:30 --- Lunch break ---
Social Events (until 21:30) ()
14:00 Discover Geneva Treasure Hunt   ()
19:30 Official Dinner   ()
12:50 --- Lunch break ---
Visits (until 16:15) ()
13:55 Data Centre & Antimatter Factory   ()
15:55 --- Coffee break ---
Lectures (until 17:45) (3/R-002 - Teacher Training Room)
16:15 Medical applications at CERN - Benjamin Frisch (CERN)   (3/R-002 - Teacher Training Room)
Lectures (until 16:10) (3/R-002 - Teacher Training Room)
13:50 Teaching Particle Physics - All   (3/R-002 - Teacher Training Room)
15:10 Evaluation & Conclusion   (3/R-002 - Teacher Training Room)
15:40 Distribution of Certificats & Goodies - Anja Kranjc Horvat (University of Potsdam (DE))   (3/R-002 - Teacher Training Room)
16:00 --- Break ---
16:10 --- End of course Aperetif ---