6–9 Apr 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.


FAQ - MedTech:Hack

Below are some common questions and answers that may answer questions you have. The FAQ will be updated continuously.


Signing up to the MedTech:Hack

What are the different steps of signing up to the MedTech:Hack?

  1. Registrering your team through filling out the registration form linked to in the menu of the Indico event.
  2. Before the registration deadline, March 6th, you will have to choose a challenge and at least one CERN technology (found in the menu of the event) to base your solution on. You will then have to make a two-minute video where you present your team, the chosen challenge and your proposed idea/solution based on the CERN technology. This video must be uploaded through the Indico page, before the registration deadline.


When is the registration deadline?

6th of March. Before then, both steps of the registration (mentioned above) must be completed.


I want to register my team, but I cannot find the challenges. When will they be available?
The challenges will be launched very soon. Meanwhile, feel free to register with a team already and browse the technologies. When you have registered your team, you will receive more information. 



What makes a team eligible?

  • All participants are at least 18 years of age.
  • The team has between 3-5 members.
  • The participants should ideally (not exclusively) have different backgrounds within either medicine, applied physics, engineering, entrepreneurship, biomedicine, computer science or global health.


I want to participate in the MedTech:Hack, but I have no team can I register anyways?

  • Only fixed teams can register for the hackathon.


Will all teams that register be invited to the hackathon?

  • No, a selection of the best teams will be invited to participate in the hackathon. These are selected based on the application and a video the teams must submit with their suggested solution before March 6th.


I do not live in Switzerland/Europe - can I still apply?

Yes. We are looking for teams from across the globe.


We are not sure if all our team members can join the hackathon. Is it okay if only a few participates?
At least three team members must be present during the MedTech:Hack. If you appear to be less people than what was initially registered, please inform us about it as soon as you know (due to accommodation etc.). In any case, what is important is that you have the competencies on the team that you need to solve the challenge in a good manner.


Challenges and technologies

Can I bring my own challenges to the MedTech:Hack?

  • The teams must choose either of the challenges addressed at the MedTech:Hack Indico page.


Do I have to use the technologies listed at the MedTech:Hack Indico page?

  • At least one of the listed technologies must be part of the solution. You are however free to combine these with other, external technologies.


Can I use other technologies than the ones listed to solve the challenge?

  • Yes. As long as they are combined with at least one of the listed technologies.