5–10 Aug 2019
Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto Canada
America/Toronto timezone

Search for Dark Matter produced in association with a jet with the ATLAS detector

5 Aug 2019, 15:30
Harbour Ballroom (Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto Canada)

Harbour Ballroom

Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto Canada

1 Harbour Square, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Poster submission Dark Matter Searches Poster Session (Mon/Tue)


Jack Lindon (University of Birmingham (GB))


The astrophysical evidence of dark matter provides some of the most compelling clues to the nature of physics beyond the Standard Model. If it interacts weakly with the Standard Model, Dark Matter can be produced directly at the LHC. This talk presents the results of the search for dark matter using events with large missing transverse momentum produced in association with jets using the full run-2 13 TeV ATLAS data.

Presentation materials