9:00 AM
Detectors/Accelerators/Computing (Parallel)
Daniela Bortoletto
(University of Oxford (GB))
(until 10:30 AM)
9:00 AM
Variational Autoencoders for New Physics Mining at the Large Hadron Collider
Olmo Cerri
(California Institute of Technology (US))
9:15 AM
Precision Timing with the CMS MIP Timing Detector
Pablo Martinez Ruiz Del Arbol
(Universidad de Cantabria and CSIC (ES))
9:30 AM
The CMS ECAL Upgrade for High Precision Timing and Energy Measurements in HL-LHC
Nancy Marinelli
(University of Notre Dame (US))
9:45 AM
ATLAS Trigger and Data Acquisition Upgrades for the High Luminosity LHC
Alessandra Camplani
(University of Copenhagen (DK))
10:00 AM
The Phase-II upgrade of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer
Junjie Zhu
(University of Michigan (US))
Junjie (Stony Brook) Zhu
(University of Michigan)
10:15 AM
Small-Strip Thin Gap Chambers for the Muon Spectrometer Upgrade of the ATLAS Experiment
Benoit Lefebvre
9:00 AM
Flavour Physics (Parallel)
Rahul Sinha
(The Institute of Mathematical Sciences)
(until 10:30 AM)
9:00 AM
Search for LFV and LNV decays of the $D^0$ meson and observation of $D^0\to K^-\pi^+e^+e^-$
Fergus Wilson
(Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))
Fergus Wilson
(STFC - Science & Technology Facilities Council (GB))
9:15 AM
Search for New Physics with semi-leptonic B Decays at Belle
Karol Adamczyk
9:30 AM
B lifetime and $B^0-\bar B^0$ mixing results from early Belle II data
- Ms
reem rasheed
9:45 AM
First look at time dependent CP violation using early Belle II data
Daniel Cervenkov
(Charles University in Prague)
10:00 AM
Semileptonic and leptonic charm decays at BESIII
Liu Ke
(Central China Normal University)
10:15 AM
Searches for charged lepton flavor violating muon decay, MEG/MEG II experiment
Toshiyuki Iwamoto
9:00 AM
Neutrino Physics (Parallel)
Deborah Harris
(until 10:30 AM)
9:00 AM
DUNE – Precision Neutrino Observatory of the Future
- Prof.
Alfons Weber
(University of Oxford (GB))
9:15 AM
MINERvA's Medium Energy Physics Program
Kevin McFarland
(University of Rochester)
Kevin McFarland
(University of Rochester)
Kevin McFarland
(University of Rochester)
9:30 AM
Status of JUNO Experiment
Shaomin Chen
(Tsinghua University)
Xiaonan Li
(IHEP, Beijing)
9:45 AM
Latest results of the STEREO sterile neutrino search at the ILL Grenoble
Aurélie Bonhomme
10:00 AM
Results from the CUORE experiment
- Dr
Laura Marini
(University of California, Berkeley)
10:15 AM
Results and future plans of the NEXT double beta decay experiment
Andrew Laing
(University of Texas Arlington)
10:30 AM
--- Coffee ---
10:30 AM
Poster Session (Thu/Fri)
(until 11:00 AM)
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:30 AM
The ATLAS Electron and Photon Trigger Performance in Run 2
- Mr
Lucas Macrorie Flores
(University of Pennsylvania (US))
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
ATLAS Muon Trigger performance
Yohei Noguchi
(Kyoto University (JP))
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
ATLAS Transverse Missing Momentum Trigger Performance
Antonia Strubig
(Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
Decay of a bound muon to a bound electron
- Dr
Muhammad Jamil Aslam
(University of Alberta)
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
Dynamic Structure of Hadrons in ChPT
Svetlana Barkanova
(Grenfell Campus of Memorial University)
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
Early physics prospects for radiative and electroweak penguin decays at Belle II
(Tokyo Metropolitan University)
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
Effective Lagrangian Approach to Top Decay via Flavor Changing Neutral Current
Kazumasa OHKUMA
(Okayama University of Science)
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
Efficient Neutrino Oscillation Parameter Inference with Gaussian Processes
Jianming Bian
(University of California Irvine (US))
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
Exploring the structure of hadronic showers and hadronic energy reconstruction with highly granular calorimeters
Kiyotomo Kawagoe
(Kyushu University (JP))
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
First physics run of the WAGASCI-BabyMIND detector with full setup
- Mr
Giorgio Pintaudi
(Yokohama National University)
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
Hadronic charm decays at BESIII
Shuaiying Li
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
High-energy DIS at CERN: The Large Hadron-electron Collider
David Curtin
(University of Toronto)
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory computing requirements and infrastructure
Giuseppe Andronico
(Universita e INFN, Catania (IT))
Giuseppe Andronico
(INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
Latest ALICE results on coherent J/psi photoproduction in ultra-peripheral Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC
Tomas Herman
(Czech Technical University (CZ))
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
Latest Reactor Oscillation Results from the Daya Bay Experiment
- Dr
Zhe Wang
(Tsinghua University)
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
Light detection in DUNE Dual Phase
- Mr
Jose Soto-Oton
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
Luminosity determination in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV using the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Joseph Carter
(University of Toronto (CA))
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
Neutrino CP Violation with the European Spallation Source neutrino Super Beam project
Marcos Dracos
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
New results of the vector charmoniumlike states
Qingqing Song
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
Observation 0f new charmonium decays
Liu Tong
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
Performance of the ATLAS tau-lepton trigger at the LHC in Run 2
Eleni Myrto Asimakopoulou
(Uppsala University (SE))
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
Physics Potential of the Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory
Giuseppe Andronico
(Universita e INFN, Catania (IT))
Giuseppe Andronico
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
Probing the dark sector via searches for invisible decays of the Higgs boson at the ILC
Akimasa Ishikawa
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
Production and electroweak couplings of 3rd generation quarks at the ILC
Yuichi Okugawa
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
Prospects for doubly charged scalar at the future colliders
- Mr
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
Rare decays at CMS
Dayong Wang
(Peking University (CN))
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
Scintillation light collection, production and propagation in the 4 tonne dual-phase demonstrator (data analysis and simulations)
Chiara Filomena Lastoria
(Centro de Investigaciones Energéti cas Medioambientales y Tecno)
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
Semileptonic and leptonic B decay results from early Belle II data
Andrea Fodor
(McGill University)
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
Study of Physics Performances at Muon Collider
Nazar Bartosik
(Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
Study of quark GTMDs for kaon in light-cone quark model
Satvir Kaur
(Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar)
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
The ILC as a natural SUSY discovery machine and precision microscope: From light higgsinos to tests of unification
Mikael Berggren
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
Toward realistic implementation of large imaging calorimeters
Kiyotomo Kawagoe
(Kyushu University (JP))
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
Upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter for the High Luminosity LHC
Krystsina Petukhova
(Charles University (CZ))
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
Vector Boson Scattering in Semi-leptonic Final States with the ATLAS Detector
Robert Les
(University of Toronto (CA))
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:40 AM
Vertex Reconstruction and Deep Learning Applications in JUNO
- Dr
(SUN YAT-SEN University)
(Harbour Ballroom)
10:59 AM
Communicating ATLAS: adapting to an ever-changing media landscape
Ana Maria Rodriguez Vera
(York University (CA))
(Harbour Ballroom)
11:00 AM
Detectors/Accelerators/Computing (Parallel)
Daniela Bortoletto
(University of Oxford (GB))
(until 12:30 PM)
11:00 AM
A Generative-Adversarial Network Approach for the Simulation of QCD Dijet Events at the LHC
Riccardo Di Sipio
(University of Toronto (CA))
11:15 AM
Application of Quantum Machine Learning to High Energy Physics Analysis at LHC using IBM Quantum Computer Simulators and IBM Quantum Computer Hardware
Alex Zeng Wang
(University of Wisconsin Madison (US))
11:30 AM
Latest Results on the Radiation Tolerance of Diamond Detectors
Lukas Baeni
(ETH Zurich (CH))
11:45 AM
New beam test results of 3D pixel detectors constructed with poly-crystalline CVD diamond
Michael Philipp Reichmann
(ETH Zurich (CH))
12:00 PM
FCC-ee machine performance
Mogens Dam
(University of Copenhagen (DK))
12:15 PM
Muon collider: the Low EMittance Muon Accelerator (LEMMA) approach
Nazar Bartosik
(Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
11:00 AM
Flavour Physics (Parallel)
Rahul Sinha
(NIT - National Inst. of Technology (IN))
(until 12:30 PM)
11:00 AM
Prospects for electromagnetic dipole moments of short-lived particles at the LHC
Nicola Neri
(Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT))
11:15 AM
CP violation and mixing in beauty with LHCb
Cibran Santamarina Rios
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))
11:30 AM
CP violation and mixing in charm with LHCb
Serena Maccolini
(Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))
11:45 AM
- Mr
Radoslav Ivanov Marchevski
(Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz (DE))
12:00 PM
Exotic and Conventional Quarkonium Physics Prospects at Belle II
(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
12:15 PM
The Super Charm-Tau Factory at Novosibirsk
Alexander Barniakov
(Novosibirsk State University (RU))
Alexander Barniakov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU) & Novosibirsk State University (RU))
11:00 AM
Outreach & Theory (Parallel)
Mihoko Nojiri
(Theory Center, IPNS, KEK)
(until 12:30 PM)
11:00 AM
Freeze-in production of dark matter through spin-1 and spin-2 portals
- Ms
Maíra Dutra
(Carleton University)
11:15 AM
Electric Dipole Moments From Dark Sectors
Shohei Okawa
(University of Victoria)
11:30 AM
Dispersive Two-Loop Calculations: Theory and Applications
- Prof.
Aleksandrs Aleksejevs
(Memorial University of Newfoundland)
11:45 AM
Belle2VR: An Interactive Virtual Reality Visualization of GEANT4 Event Histories
Leo Piilonen
(Virginia Tech)
12:00 PM
Evolution of Regional, Age and Gender Demographics in the ATLAS Collaboration
Ana Maria Rodriguez Vera
(York University (CA))
12:15 PM
Subatomic Physics Education and Outreach in Newfoundland
Svetlana Barkanova
(Grenfell Campus of Memorial University)