The proceedings for LP2019 are published by Proceedings of Science.
Speakers and poster presenters have received an invitation to submit their proceedings electronically to the PoS web system during the conferenc. The deadline for contributions will be September 15, 2019. Contributions will be reviewed a member of the LP2019 editorial team and revisions may be requested before they are finally accepted.
Plenary speakers are invited to submit contributions of up to 10 pages in length. Parallel sessions speakers are invited to submit 5 page contributions and poster presenters are invited to submit 3 page papers.
Word and LaTex templates and instructions for the papers can be found here.
Authors have been invited to go to: to access their proceedings entry. If you have not received an invitation to submit proceedings and you think you should have (we might have missed a few presentations that were transferred between authors at the last minute) you should get in touch with the editors at and we'll try to sort this out.