12–16 Apr 2010
Uppsala University
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Impact of the synthetic seismogram archive for the CMT determination

12 Apr 2010, 17:40
Aula (Uppsala University)


Uppsala University

Demonstration Experiences from application porting and deployment Demo Session 1, Welcome Drink


David Weissenbach (CNRS / IPGP)


The aim of this demo is to show the performance increase provided by an indexed synthetic seismograms archive. It is also an opportunity to identify partners wishing to distribute and consolidate this archive.

Justification for delivering demo and/or technical requirements (for demos)

the demo gives the opportunity to show the significant impact provided by the database and archive running in the same time as the full computation as well as other tools (VTK correlation display)

Detailed analysis

The method used for CMT determination allows to keep intermediate results that can are used for results refinement but that also can be used for other earthquakes at the same location. This saves up to 80% CPU time (avg 600CPU hours) at the cost of less than 10GB per earthquake.
The use of a database interfaced with grid jobs (by use of the GRelC software) is the most accurate way to ensure that once recorded these synthetic seismograms will be used again if needed. The archive itself relies on grid storage facilities to allow full availability and consistent network usage.


The primary impact of the service is the tremendous decrease of time needed to complete a CMT determination once the synthetic seismograms are recorded. The added value of the database and the consolidated archive is to systematically reuse them. As these CMT are then useful for further studies, providing them to the community as early as possible is the main objective. As a side product, the database also provides statistics about the usage of the seismometer network by the application.

Conclusions and Future Work

The Grid already changed the utility of the application, allowing it to run effectively in a routine usage despite its heavy computation needs. The synthetic seismogram indexed archive not only improves the performance, but also the robustness and the flexibility of the application, and optimises its use of the Grid.

URL for further information http://www.geoscope.fr
Keywords database earthquake seismogram archive


David Weissenbach (CNRS / IPGP)

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