28–31 Aug 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone

【350】 FIT: The Fiber Tracker for the HERD Facility

30 Aug 2018, 16:00

CE 3


Talk Nuclear, Particle- and Astrophysics (TASK) Nuclear, Particle- & Astrophysics (TASK)


Dr Chiara Perrina (Universite de Geneve (CH))


The high energy cosmic radiation detection (HERD) facility is a space astronomy payload proposed to be installed onboard the future Chinese space station. The University of Geneva is working on the development of a tracking detector made of scintillating fibers read-out by arrays of silicon photomultipliers that could be placed on the four lateral sides of the detector. A mechanical and electronics design has been proposed, and various prototypes have been produced. Two different read-out electronics based on two ASICs (VATA and SIPHRA) are under test. The results of beam tests carried out at CERN, the predictions of a dedicated Monte Carlo simulation and the status of the ongoing space qualification process are presented in this contribution.


Dr Chiara Perrina (Universite de Geneve (CH))


Philipp Azzarello (Universite de Geneve (CH)) Frank Raphael Cadoux (Universite de Geneve (CH)) Daniel La Marra (Universite de Geneve (CH)) Junjing Wang (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN)) Xin Wu (Universite de Geneve (CH))

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