22–28 Jul 2010
Palais des Congrès de Paris
Europe/Paris timezone

Power suppressed effects in Bbar -> Xs gamma at O(alpha_s)

24 Jul 2010, 09:15
Salle 242A

Salle 242A

Parallel Session Talk 06 - CP violation, CKM and Rare Decays 06 - CP violation, CKM and Rare Decays


Dr Soumitra Nandi (University of Torino)


We compute the O(alphas) corrections to the Wilson coefficients of the dimension five operators emerging from the Operator Product Expansion of inclusive radiative B decays. We employ an off-shell matching procedure and discuss the impact of the resulting O(alpha_s Lambda_QCD^2/m_b^2) corrections on the extraction of m_b and mu_pi^2 from the moments of the photon spectrum.


Dr Soumitra Nandi (University of Torino)


Prof. Paolo Gambino (University of Torino) Dr Thorstein Ewerth (University of Karlsruhe)

Presentation materials