14 - Future Machines and Projects
- Steinar Stapnes (Fysisk Institutt, Oslo)
14 - Future Machines and Projects
- Steinar Stapnes (Fysisk Institutt, Oslo)
14 - Future Machines and Projects
- Mel Shochet (Enrico Fermi Institute)
Barry Barish
24/07/2010, 11:00
14 - Future Machines and Projects
Parallel Session Talk
A reference design and costing for a 500 GeV electron-positron linear collider based on superconducting radio frequency acceleration (ILC) was produced by the Global Design Effort(GDE) in 2007. That design and the risk mitigating R&D toward a technical design are being evolving with a goal of developing a technical design report and implementation plan at the end of 2012. The ILC TDR, CLIC...
Brian Foster
(University of Oxford)
24/07/2010, 11:25
14 - Future Machines and Projects
Parallel Session Talk
The ILC is unique in particle physics in not having a "host" laboratory and in being fully international from the outset. Studies over the last two years have gathered data from other major projects of a similar size in order to learn lessons and formulate suggestions for how an ILC project can best be realised and managed. The current report is interim and is intended to engage with funding...
Daniel Schulte
24/07/2010, 11:40
14 - Future Machines and Projects
Parallel Session Talk
The compact linear collider study (CLIC) is aiming at delivering a conceptual design for a multi-TeV linear electron-positron collider in 2011.
This concept is based on high gradient normal-conducting accelerating structures. The RF power for the acceleration of the colliding beams is produced by a novel Two Beams Acceleration scheme based on extracting power from a high current drive beam...
Eric R. Colby
24/07/2010, 12:05
14 - Future Machines and Projects
Parallel Session Talk
With the potential to reach high gradient with unrivaled compactness, acceleration using dielectric structures is an area of active research. Dielectrics offer an order-of-magnitude improvement in damage resistance to short pulses of radiation compared to metals, and exhibit lower loss at optical and terahertz frequencies. Dielectrics have demonstrated the ability to withstand broadband...
Paul Kooijman
(Univ. of Amsterdam)
24/07/2010, 13:50
14 - Future Machines and Projects
Parallel Session Talk
The technical design report of the KM3NeT neutrino detector has been published. In this talk we describe the main features of this future telescope . The detector will be located on the floor of the Mediterranean Sea and will have a total volume of about 8 km3. The point source sensitivity for sources near the Galactic Centre will be more than two orders of magnitude better than any other...
Marcello Giorgi
(INFN& Universita' di Pisa)
24/07/2010, 14:05
14 - Future Machines and Projects
Parallel Session Talk
SuperB is a project to build in Italy a high luminosity (Peak Luminosity> 10^36) asymmetric e+ e- collider to study flavour physics in the present decade with the goal of disovery New Physycs beyond Standard Model.One of the beams will be longitudinally polarized (P>80%) and the machine can be operated at open charm threshold.
Beauty and Charm rare decays can be studied in five years run with...
Masako Iwasaki
24/07/2010, 14:30
14 - Future Machines and Projects
Parallel Session Talk
For the next generation B-factory experiment in Japan, SuperKEKB, the high luminosity e+e- asymmetric collider at the B mesons CM energy, is planed as an upgrade of the current KEKB.
It is designed to achieve a luminosity of 8x10^35 /cm^2/s, 40 times higher than the highest luminosity record at KEKB.
A summary of the current machine deign and R&D status will be presented.
Grigory Trubnikov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna)
24/07/2010, 14:55
14 - Future Machines and Projects
Parallel Session Talk
New project - heavy ion collider facility NICA/MPD (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility + MultyPurpose Detector) is under active development now at JINR (Dubna).
The general goal of the project is to start in the coming 5 years experimental study of hot and dense strongly interacting baryonic matter and search for possible signs of the mixed phase and critical endpoint in heavy ion...
Max Klein
(University of Liverpool)
24/07/2010, 15:20
14 - Future Machines and Projects
Parallel Session Talk
Under the auspices of CERN, ECFA and NuPECC, a Conceptual Design Report is being prepared on the physics, detector and accelerator for an ep/eA collider, which by adding an O(60) GeV energy electron beam to the proton/ion beams of the LHC, will open a path to high mass and lowest Bjorken x explorations of polarised electron/positron-quark/gluon interactions at TeV energies. The LHeC will...
Bob Tschirhart
24/07/2010, 16:15
14 - Future Machines and Projects
Parallel Session Talk
Fermilab is leading an international consortium to develop the design of “Project-X” which is an accelerator complex based on a new H- linac that will drive a broad range of experiments at the Intensity Frontier. Project X will provide multi-MW beams from the Main Injector over the energy range 60-120 GeV, simultaneous with mult-MW beams at 3 GeV. The Project-X research program includes...
Ken Long
(Imperial College London)
24/07/2010, 16:40
14 - Future Machines and Projects
Parallel Session Talk
The International Design Study for the Neutrino Factory (the IDS-NF) has been established by the Neutrino Factory community to deliver the Reference Design Report (RDR) for the facility by the 2012/13 decision point identified by the Strategy Session of CERN Council. The baseline design for the facility will provide 10^21 muon decays per year from 25 GeV stored muon beams. The facility will...
Gail Hanson
(University of California)
24/07/2010, 17:05
14 - Future Machines and Projects
Parallel Session Talk
The physics potential of a high-energy lepton collider has been shown to be extraordinary. This facility is capable of detailed studies of potential new physics uncovered at the LHC and can extend the search to mass scales beyond those accessible at the LHC. The Muon Collider provides a possible realization of a multi-TeV lepton collider. A muon accelerator facility that leads to a multi-TeV...
Roger Bailey
24/07/2010, 17:30
14 - Future Machines and Projects
Parallel Session Talk
The plans for increasing the integrated luminosity of the LHC beyond its nominal parameters are well under way. The first upgrade is based on improvement of the collimation system, probably the most limiting factor at present. This will allow to reach and to pass the nominal 10^34 cm^-2 s^-1. Other improvements in the injector chain (Linac4, PSB at 2 GeV, SPS upgrade) and in the LHC ring (a...