26–28 Nov 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone

Status on TRAMOS (Trapping MOS) and DotPix (QuantumDot Pixel) ongoing developments

27 Nov 2018, 14:30
6/2-024 - BE Auditorium Meyrin (CERN)

6/2-024 - BE Auditorium Meyrin


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Dr Nicolas Fourches (IRFU/DEDIP/DePhyS CEA Saclay)


Abstract: The DotPix project is the result of several attempts to design a new kind of pixel for inner vertex detectors arrays with enhanced point-to-point resolution. As experiments include the DEPleted FET (DEPFET) based detector or monolithic pixels, it is now important to design a pixel based on a single device, which can reach a resolution below the micron with reduced thicknesses allowing track reconstruction and vertex determination with unprecedented accuracy. This is necessary for the future e+e- colliders (FCC,ILC).The proposed pixel structure, based on MOS technology will be described with its different possible implementations. It comprises a buried gate, which acts as a charge-collecting electrode with memory effect and controls the current of a micron-size n-channel MOS transistor. The device may be downscaled. The design of an architecture compatible with a process flow close to standard CMOS has required the massive use of device simulations. We have identified the bottlenecks and we will describe the way we can overcome them in a near future.
Short Bibliography:
Nicolas T. Fourches, IEEE Transactions On Electron Devices, Volume 64, Issue 4, (2017) 1619-1623. http://doi.org/10.1109/TED.2017.2670681


Dr Nicolas Fourches (IRFU/DEDIP/DePhyS CEA Saclay)

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