Apr 23 – 26, 2019
Zurich University
Europe/Zurich timezone

The SM@LHC Workshop deals with the latest developments and future prospects in Standard Model phenomenology at the LHC, with emphasis on the most interesting and topical aspects at the interface between theory and experiment. The main topics include Electroweak, QCD, Higgs, Top and Flavor physics.

Lunch: the Canteen of Zurich University and the Canteen of ETH are nearby

Conference Dinner: Restaurant Blaue Ente on Wednesday, April 24th, 19:00 (see directions here)

Excursion: we cordially invite you to reach the conference dinner by walking with us through Zurich's old town and along the lakeside

Local Organizing Committee: Stefano Pozzorini (chair), Florencia Canelli, Günther Dissertori, Massimiliano Grazzini, Aude Gehrmann-De Ridder, Thomas Gehrmann, Gino Idisori, Tomáš Ježo, Matthias Kerner, Ben Kilminster, Katharina Müller, Nicola Serra, Adrian Signer, Michael Spira, Rainer Wallny

International Organizing Committee: Juan Alcaraz Maestre, Jeppe Andersen, Mario Campanelli, Tancredi Carli, Vitaliano Ciulli, Ayres Freitas, Stefan Höche, Eric Laenen, Katharina Müller, Aleandro Nisati

Official Webpagehttps://www.physik.uzh.ch/smlhc2019/

Previous editions: Berlin (SM@LHC 2018), Amsterdam (SM@LHC 2017), Pittsburgh (SM@LHC 2016), Florence (SM@LHC 2015,  indico), Madrid (SM@LHC 2014,  indico), Freiburg (SM@LHC 2013), Copenhagen (SM@LHC 2012), Durham (SM@LHC 2011), London (SM@LHC 2009)


Zurich University
KOL F 101