22–27 Sept 2019
Hyatt Regency Hotel Vancouver
Canada/Pacific timezone

Wed-Af-Or15-05: Superconducting magnetic heterostructured components for electric motor applications

25 Sept 2019, 17:00
Regency EF

Regency EF

Contributed Oral Presentation Wed-Af-Or15 - Rotating Machines I


Dr Vicente Climente-Alarcon (ASCG - Dept. Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge)


Trapped magnetic flux magnets made by stacking high temperature superconducting tape portray an easy assembly with already available materials, high mechanical resistance, provided by the substrate and improved thermal stability, which enhances the trapped flux compared to bulks and allowed reaching the world record of 17.7 T [1]. The presented analysis will expand the work of Patel et al. [2] with wide superconducting tapes showing further developments in this kind of devices in order to be used as source of magnetic flux in electrical motors, substituting permanent magnets. These developments aim at increasing the trapped magnetic flux during field cooling magnetization (where pulse magnetisation was studied in our earlier research [2]), reducing the demagnetization and proposing means to decrease the leakage flux at the edges of the magnet during the operation of the machine. This is expected to be achieved by introducing new materials in between the individual tapes: active, such as other superconductors, or passive, such as ferromagnetic layers. The results of simulations using the H-formulation as well as experimental measurements will be presented in detail.


This research is financially supported partially by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research innovation programme under grant agreement No. 7231119 (ASuMED “Advanced Superconducting Motor Experimental Demonstrator”) and also by EPSRC grant No. EP/P000738/1 entitled “Development of superconducting composite permanent magnets for synchronous motors: an enabling technology for future electric aircraft”.


[1] Patel et Al., “A trapped field of 17.7 T in a stack of high temperature superconducting tape,” Superconductor Science and Technology, 31, 9 (2018).
[2] Patel A, Hopkins S C, Glowacki B A, “Trapped fields up to 2T in a 12 mm square stack of commercial superconducting tape using pulse field magnetization”, Superconductor Science and Technology, 26, 032001 (2013).


Dr Vicente Climente-Alarcon (ASCG - Dept. Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge) Dr Nikolay Mineev (University of Cambridge) Anis SMARA (University of Cambridge) Łukasz Tomków (Wrocław University of Technology) Bartlomiej Glowacki (University of Cambridge)

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