MT26 Abstracts, Timetable and Presentations

from Sunday 22 September 2019 (14:00) to Friday 27 September 2019 (13:00)
Hyatt Regency Hotel Vancouver

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
22 Sept 2019
23 Sept 2019
24 Sept 2019
25 Sept 2019
26 Sept 2019
27 Sept 2019
07:50 --- Registration Open (7:00 AM - 6:30 PM) ---
07:55 --- Exhibits Open (9:00 AM - 4:30 PM) ---
08:00 --- MT26 Opening ---
Plenary: Herman ten Kate (CERN) -Prof. Lance Cooley (ASC/NHMFL/FSU) (until 08:50) (Regency Ballroom)
08:05 Mo-Mo-PL1-01: SUPER-Conductors for Successful Magnets - Herman Ten Kate (CERN)   (Regency Ballroom)
08:50 --- IEEE Awards Presentations ---
09:15 --- Coffee Break (during Poster Sessions) ---
Mon-Mo-Po1.01 - Quench Protection and Detection Systems I - Maxim Marchevsky (LBNL) Konstantinos Bouloukakis (Victoria University of Wellington) (until 11:15) (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.01-01 [1]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.01-02 [2]: Design and Evaluation of a Controllable Contact Resistance for Meter-Class REBCO No-Insulation Pancake Coils - Prof. Tao Wang (Nanjing University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.01-04 [3]: Performance of the Large Hadron Collider’s Cryogenic Bypass Diodes over the First Two Physics Runs, Future Projects and Perspectives - Giorgio D'Angelo (CERN)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.01-05 [4]: Quench protection method using current of magnetically coupled secondary coil for fast current reduction of superconducting magnet - Yojong Choi (Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.01-06 [5]: Voltage Signal rate change of Quench Detection by Real-Time Least squares for HTS Tape and Coil - Jie Chen   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.01-07 [6]: Optimal Design and Performance Evaluation of Quench Protection System using Dual-capacitor Switching with Various Design Parameters for scale-up Test coil - Yojong Choi (Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.01-08 [7]: Quench Protection of Multi-coil Low Temperature Superconducting Systems - Michael Parizh (GE Global Research)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.01-09 [8]: Experimental Study on the Electrical Properties of Optical Fiber Encapsulated High Temperature Superconducting Tapes - Z.Y. Li   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.01-10 [9]: A Conceptual Design of “Magnetic Dam” as a Quench Protection System Using Electromagnetically Coupled Coils for NI HTS Magnet - Mr Soobin An (SeoulNationalUniversity)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.01-11 [10]: Experimental study on quench protection of HTS magnet composed of multiple pancake-coils by use of auxiliary resistive shunt loop method - Takuma Ichikawa (university)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.01-12 [11]: Cenceptual Design and Performance of Quench Detection System for Super High Field Magnet Using Multi Receivers via Wireless Power Transfer Technology - Yojong Choi (Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea) Yoon Do Chung (Suwon Science College)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.01-13 [12]: Dynamic quench protection framework for nuclear fusion energy devices based on superconducting magnet testing - Kun Wang (Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP))   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Mon-Mo-Po1.02 - Multiphysics Design and Analysis I - Walter Fietz (KIT) Victor Bykov (Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Greifswald, Germany) (until 11:15) (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.02-01 [13]: Parametric Sensitivity Characteristics of Numerical Simulations on EMF Free Bulging of Circular Sheet Metal - Prof. Evandro Paese (Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, Universidade de Caxias Sul, Campus Universitário da Região dos Vinhedos)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.02-02 [14]: Progress in Simulation Method of No-Insulation High Temperature Superconductor Magnets - Kabindra Bhattarai (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.02-03 [15]: Update of Joule Losses Calculation in the ITER Cold Structures during Fast Plasma Transients - Francesca Cau (Fusion for Energy)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.02-04 [16]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.02-05 [17]: Stress Distribution of Magnetically Controlled Reactor Core in Gaps Area under Simulated Service Conditions - Long Chen (China Three Gorges University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.02-06 [18]: Magneto-Mechanical Analysis of A Racetrack Superconducting Magnet Using Multiscale Approach - Qiang Hu (Key Laboratory of Mechanics on Western Disaster and Environment, Ministry of Education, College of Civil Engineering and Mechanic, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China; Institute of Modern Physics of Chinese Academy of Science, Lanzhou, China;)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.02-07 [19]: User Defined ANSYS Elements for 3D Multiphysics Modeling of Superconducting Magnets - Ms Kathleen Edwards (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.02-08 [20]: Accurate calculation of field expansion coefficients in FEM magnetostatic simulations - Dr Vasily Marusov (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.02-09 [21]: HTS magnetization current simulation using ANSYS iterative algorithm method and user defined element - Dr Kai Zhang (Paul Scherrer Institut)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.02-10 [22]: Design and Optimization of a High-frequency Rotational Magnetizer for Nanocrystalline Alloys Based on Improved SVM and PSO Algorithms - Dr Long Chen (China Three Gorges University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Mon-Mo-Po1.03 - High Field Magnets for Accelerators - Peter McIntyre (Texas A&M University) Karie Badgley (Fermilab) (until 11:15) (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.03-02 [23]: Fracture Failure Analysis for MQXFA Magnet Aluminum Shell - Heng Pan (LBNL)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.03-03 [24]: Performance update of 2-m-long 11 T Nb3Sn dipole magnet models for HL-LHC - Gerard Willering (CERN)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.03-04 [25]: Analysis of quench in the HL-LHC 11 T dipole model magnets with 1-D and 2-D models - Marco Breschi (University of Bologna)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.03-05 [26]: Geometrical Inspection and Analysis of the Impregnated Nb3Sn 11 T Coils - Friedrich Lackner (CERN)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.03-07 [27]: Analysis of the heater-to-coil insulation in MQXF coils. - Vittorio Marinozzi (FNAL)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.03-08 [28]: Vacuum impregnation of long Nb3Sn coils for the HL-LHC project - Mr Jerome Axensalva (CERN)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.03-09 [29]: Characterization of NbTi busbar for HL LHC Interaction Region Quadrupoles - Maria Baldini (Fermi national accellerator laboratory)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.03-10 [30]: Design of a Compact Support Structure for a High Gradient Niobium Tin Superconducting Magnet for a Proposed Electron Ion Collider (EIC). - Ms Kathleen Amm (BNL)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.03-11 [31]: Test of a single Nb3Sn sextupole coil for ECR ion source using a mirror structure - Dr Wei Wu   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.03-12 [32]: Final focus superconducting magnets for CEPC - Dr Yingshun Zhu (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.03-14 [33]: A High Precision Magnetic Field Shimming algorithm for Inclined 45° Continuous Cutting on Spiral Pole of SC Cyclotron - Dr Ming Li (China Institute of Atomic Energy)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.03-15 [34]: Magnetic Field Measurement, Amending and Processing for 230MeV Superconducting Cyclotron Main Magnet - Prof. Tianjue Zhang (China Institute of Atomic Energy)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.03-16 [35]: Preliminary Study of the High Temperature Superconducting Solution for 2GeV CW FFAG Magnet - Dr Ming Li (China Institute of Atomic Energy) Tianjue Zhang (China Institute of Atomic Energy)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Mon-Mo-Po1.04 - High Field Magnets for Future Colliders - Qingjin XU (IHEP, CAS) Friedrich Lackner (CERN) (until 11:15) (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.04-02 [36]: 3D mechanical Analysis of the Block-coil Dipole option for the future Circular Collider - Mr Chhon Pes (CEA)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.04-03 [37]: Engineering Design and Digital Twin of the Nb3Sn 16T main dipole magnet of the FCC accelerator - Mr Charilaos Kokkinos (FEAC Engineering P.C. & University of Patras)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.04-04 [38]: Electromagnetic and mechanical study for the Nb3Sn bending dipole short model for FCC - Riccardo Umberto Valente (LASA-INFN (Milano, Italy))   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.04-05 [39]: Quench protection study for F2D2, the Flared-end Block Dipole Demonstrator for the Future Circular Collider - Dr Valerio Calvelli (CEA)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.04-06 [40]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.04-08 [41]: Investigations into the preliminary Future Circular collider 16 Tesla dipole cryostat design. - Zoe Marie Townsend (CERN)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.04-10 [42]: Design of an 18 T arc dipole for an LHC energy doubler - Peter McIntyre (Texas A&M University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.04-11 [43]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.04-12 [44]: Mechanical behavior of a dipolar support structure for sextupole-in-solenoid Magnet during assembly, cool-down and warm-up processes - Beimin Wu (1 Key Laboratory of Mechanics on Western Disaster and Environment, College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Lanzhou University, China; 2 Institute of Modern Physics of Chinese Academy of Science, China)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.04-13 [45]: Fabrication and High-field Performance of the First Iron-Based Superconductor Racetrack Coil - Dr Zhan Zhang (IHEP, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) )   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.04-14 [46]: Mechanical Design, Assembly and Strain Measurement Results of LPF2: a 12-T Hybrid Common-coil Dipole Magnet - Yingzhe Wang (IHEP, CAS)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.04-15 [47]: Mechanical analysis and measurements of MQXFS6, the fifth short model of the Nb3Sn Low-β Quadrupole for the Hi-Lumi LHC - Giorgio Vallone (LBNL)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Mon-Mo-Po1.05 - Fusion I: CFETR & JT-60 - Jinxing Zheng (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) (until 11:15) (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.05-01 [54]: Safety Research of the 100 kA HTS Current Lead for CFETR - Dr Kaizhong Ding (Institute of plasma physics, Chinese academy of sciences)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.05-02 [55]: CFETR Central Solenoid Magnet System Structural Analysis - Aihua Xu (institute of plasma physics Chinese academy of sciences)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.05-03 [56]: Fabrication Status of CFETR Central Solenoid Model Coil - Houxiang HAN   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.05-04 [57]: The application of TSTC based on ReBCO tapes in CFETR CS magnet design - Mr Yong Ren (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.05-05 [58]: Seismic analysis of the CFETR central solenoid model coil - Mr Fan Wu (a. Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031, China; b. University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.05-06 [59]: Optimization design and mechanical analysis of the CFETR TF coil - Mr Xiaogang Liu (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.05-07 [60]: The CFETR CSMC Nb3Sn coil heat treatment process research - Song Jian (Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.05-08 [61]: Effects of Resonance Phenomenon caused by Power Supply on JT-60SA CS - Mr Shogo Sonoda (Sophia university)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.05-09 [62]: Mechanical Compress Process for Pre-compression of JT-60SA Central Solenoid - Haruyuki Murakami (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Te)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
Mon-Mo-Po1.06 - Motors I - Qiuliang Wang (IEE CAS) Prof. Naoyuki Amemiya (Kyoto University) (until 11:15) (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.06-01 [63]: Electromagnetic Performance Analysis of an Axial Flux Partitioned Stator Hybrid-excited less-rare-earth PM synchronous Machine - Mr Wenjie Fan (Jiangsu univeristy school of electrical and informantion engineering)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.06-02 [64]: Study on Performance and Irreversible Demagnetization according to rotor-teeth of SPMSM - Mr Seung-Gu Kang (SungKyunKwan University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.06-03 [65]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.06-04 [66]: A Study on a New Structure Ferrite Magnet Motor with Improved Output Density and Mechanical Stability - Kidoek Lee (Korea Electronics Technology Institute)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.06-05 [67]: Design and Analysis of a New Synchronous Reluctance Machine with the Aid of Grain Oriented Silicon Steel Cores - Dr Chengcheng Liu (Hebei University of Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.06-06 [68]: A Saddle-shaped Post-assembly Magnetizing Coil for a 300 kW 2-pole High-speed Permanent Magnet Rotor - Tao Peng (Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center) Prof. Houxiu Xiao (Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.06-07 [69]: Demagnetization Analysis and Design Optimization of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor for Electric Power Steering Applications - Mr Weihua Huang (State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology, Schoole of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.06-08 [70]: A Study on the NVH Characteristic Analysis of a Teeth-Concentrated Winding Motor - Won-Ho Kim (Gachon University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.06-09 [71]: A study on IE5 class synchronous reluctance motor design using Co-analysis - Hyunwoo Kim Jae-Kwang Lee (hanyang university)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.06-10 [72]: A study on the design of BLDC Slot-less PM motor using Response Surface Method - Hyunwoo Kim Hyungkwan Jang (Hanyang University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.06-11 [73]: A Study on the Design of IPMSM for Reliability of Demagnetization Characteristics-based Rotor - Hyungkwan Jang (Hanyang University) Hyunwoo Kim   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.06-12 [74]: Design of Coreless PM motor using with non-magnetic tooth-slot structures using 3D printing technology - Seungheon Lee Hyunwoo Kim   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.06-13 [75]: Design of High Torque Density Magnet Coupling Using Halbach Magnet Array Structure - Hyungkwan Jang (Hanyang University) Hyunwoo Kim   (Level 2 Posters 2)
Mon-Mo-Po1.07 - Motors II -Prof. Naoyuki Amemiya (Kyoto University) Qiuliang Wang (IEE CAS) (until 11:15) (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.07-01 [76]: Study on Analysis Method of Asymmetric Permanent Magnet Assistance Synchronous Reluctance Motor Considering Magnetic Neutral Plane Shift - Mr Hyungkwan Jang (Hanyang University) Mr Hyunwoo Kim (Hanyang University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.07-02 [77]: Study on Inter-turn Fault Diagnosis of the Six-Phase Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Using d-Axis Current - Mr Hyunwoo Kim (Hanyang University) Mr Seungheon Lee (Hanyang University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.07-03 [78]: A Study on the effect of Eddy Current Loss and Demagnetization Characteristics by the Direction of Magnet division - Mr Byungchan kim (keimyung university)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.07-04 [79]: The Study on the rotor design for LSPMSM considering the Starting Torque and Magnetic Saturation - Won-Ho Kim (Gachon University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.07-05 [80]: Superconducting stage actuation - Dr Gudrun De Gersem (ASML Netherlands, B.V.)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.07-06 [81]: Comparison and Optimization of Permanent Magnet Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Machine - Mr Ding Yuanbo (State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology,Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, 430074, R.P.China)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.07-07 [82]: Stator MMF Equation of Three-phase Motor Considering Sub-Harmonics for Analyzing Electromagnetic Vibration - Won-Ho Kim (Gachon University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.07-08 [83]: Study on the Design Process of the Spoke Type Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Considering Magnetization Performance - Sung Gu Lee (Busan University of Foreign Studies)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.07-09 [84]: Design of SMC core in Axial-Flux Motor with 3D Printing - Prof. Sung Gu Lee (Busan University of Foreign Studies) Mr Hyun-Jo Pyo (Gachon University) Mr Dong-Woo Nam (Gachon University) Dr Suyeon Cho (KATECH) Prof. Won-Ho Kim (Gachon University) Mr Hyung-Sik Kong (Gachon University) Mr Min-Jae Jeong (Gachon University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.07-10 [85]: Optimized design of segmented magnet considering demagnetization and vibration analysis of IPMSG for ISG - Byungchan Kim (keimyung university)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.07-11 [86]: Analysis of Characteristics of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines with Novel Topology of Fractional-Slot Concentrated Winding - Mr Linwei Hu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.07-12 [87]: Design and Experimental Verification of Limited Angle Rotary Torque PM Motor for Control Valve with Self-Alignment Characteristic - Gang-Hyeon Jang (Chungnam National University, Korea)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
Mon-Mo-Po1.08 - Cryostats and Cryogenics - Alexey Dudarev (CERN) Hongyu Bai (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory) (until 11:15) (Level 3 Posters)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.08-01 [88]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 3 Posters)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.08-02 [89]: The Cryogenic Thermosiphon for the CEPC Solenoid - Dr Ning Feipeng (State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Science,)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.08-04 [90]: Development of Cryostats for Superconducting Magnets at IHEP - Mr Miaofu Xu (Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.08-05 [91]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 3 Posters)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.08-06 [92]: A solid nitrogen cooling system for HTS magnets - Mr Zhen Luo (Southwest jiaotong university)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.08-07 [93]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 3 Posters)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.08-08 [94]: A long-life, high-capacity and high-efficiency cryogenic system based on the Stirling-type pulse tube cryocooler developed for high-Tc superconducting applications - Prof. Haizheng Dang (State Key Laboratory of Infrared Physics, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.08-09 [95]: AC operation characteristics of conduction-cooled HTS magnet for ADR - Prof. Sangkwon Jeong (KAIST)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.08-10 [96]: Nab Spectrometer Magnet System - Dr Roger Mitchell (Cryogenic Ltd)   (Level 3 Posters)
Mon-Mo-Po1.09 - Levitation and Magnetic Bearings I - Guangtong Ma (Southwest Jiaotong University) Mochimitsu Komori (Kyushu Institute of Technology) (until 11:15) (Level 3 Posters)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.09-01 [97]: 3D modeling and analysis of superconducting tape stack conductors for uniform trapped field - Liu Zhaoxin Yang Wenjiang   (Level 3 Posters)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.09-02 [98]: Magnetic levitation using stacks of commercial superconducting tapes - Wei Wang (Sichuan University)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.09-03 [99]: Improvement of magnetic levitation force of YBCO superconductor - Prof. Sang Heon Lee (Department of Electronic Engineering, Sunmoon University)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.09-04 [100]: Analysis to the forced vibration of a high temperature superconducting system with hysteresis - Prof. Zhao Xian-Feng (Lanzhou Jiaotong University)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.09-05 [101]: Levitation characteristics of a magnetic bearing with a superconducting stator from CC tapes - Mr Dmitry Abin (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))   (Level 3 Posters)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.09-06 [102]: Design and Analysis of Coaxial Magnetic Gears Considering the Electromagnetic Performance and Mechanical Stress - Jeong-In Lee (CHUNGNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.09-07 [103]: Design and Analysis of a Special Lateral Suspension Coil for a Spherical Superconducting Rotor - Dr Hao Wang (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.09-08 [104]: Structure and Electromagnetic Characteristics according to Pole Piece Supporter Material of Magnetic Gear - Eui-Jong Park (Chosun University)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.09-09 [105]: Electromagnetic Analysis of Linear Magnetic Gears according to the Characteristics of their Flux-Modulation Poles - Sung-Won Seo (Chungnam National University)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.09-10 [106]: Self-sensing Modeling of Rotor Displacement for Six-pole Hybrid Magnetic Bearing Based on Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Support Vector Machine - Ms Mengyao Wu (Jiangsu University)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.09-11 [107]: Parameter Optimization Design of Six-pole AC Hybrid Magnetic Bearings Considering Variable Stiffness - Ms Mengyao Wu (Jiangsu University)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.09-12 [108]: Decoupling Control Based on Active Disturbance Rejection Control of Six-pole Radial-axial Active Magnetic Bearing - Mengyao Wu (Jiangsu University)   (Level 3 Posters)
Mon-Mo-Po1.10 - Levitation and Magnetic Bearings II - Guangtong Ma (Southwest Jiaotong University) Mochimitsu Komori (Kyushu Institute of Technology) (until 11:15) (Level 3 Posters)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.10-01 [109]: Optimal Design and Performance Analysis of Six-pole Hybrid Magnetic Bearing - Mengyao Wu (Jiangsu University)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.10-02 [110]: Dynamic behaviors of the axial levitation force for the radial-type superconducting magnetic bearings - Prof. Guomin Zhang (Key Laboratory of Applied Superconductivity, Institute of Electrical Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.10-03 [111]: Rotational test of integrated magnetic bearing using multiple HTS cubic bulk units. - Kazuhito YAMAGISHI (Yokohama National University)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.10-04 [112]: Dynamic Characteristics in The Horizontal Direction for New Type SMB Using SC Bulk and SC Coil - Prof. Mochimitsu Komori (Kyushu Institute of Technology)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.10-05 [113]: Characteristics Comparison of Magnetic Gears According to Permanent Magnet Material - Eui-Jong Park (Chosun University)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.10-06 [114]: Design, fabrication and testing of a 15-m long YBCO magnet-based linear synchronous motor for EDS train - Guangtong Ma (Southwest jiaotong University)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.10-07 [115]: Design and optimization of closed-loop NI-HTS coils for a prototype EDS-Maglev system - Dr Wei Wu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.10-08 [116]: Magnetic Levitation Characteristics of HTS bulk above new type of Electromagnets for HTS Maglev - Mr Chaoqun Zhao (Tianjin University)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.10-09 [117]: A quadratic approximation method for the limit value of magnetic stiffness in a high temperature superconducting levitation system - Prof. Xian-Feng Zhao (Lanzhou Jiaotong University)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.10-10 [118]: Design of a Fan-shaped Electromagnetic Guideway for HTS Maglev and Analysis of its Performances - Ms Wei Hong   (Level 3 Posters)
09:15 Mon-Mo-Po1.10-11 [119]: Demagnetization performance of Superconducting Permanent Magnets under Vibration in Electrodynamic-suspension Levitation System - Dr Jie Sheng (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)   (Level 3 Posters)
Mon-Mo-Or1 - Fusion II: Projects Around the World - Alfredo Portone (Fusion For Energy/European Commission) Boris Stepanov (EPFL) (until 12:45) (Regency AB)
11:15 Mon-Mo-Or1-01 [Invited]: The conceptual design of the DTT superconducting magnet system - Aldo Di Zenobio (ENEA)   (Regency AB)
11:45 Mon-Mo-Or1-02: Design of the inter-coil structures and supports of the DTT magnet system - Mr Alessandro Anemona   (Regency AB)
12:00 Mon-Mo-Or1-03: Challenges of Superconducting Magnet System and Development of TF Prototype Coil of CFETR - Dr Jinxing Zheng (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Regency AB)
12:15 Mon-Mo-Or1-04: Design of CFETR TF Prototype Coil - Yu Wu (ASIPP)   (Regency AB)
12:30 Mon-Mo-Or1-05: Updates on the conceptual design of the European DEMO superconducting magnet system - Kamil Sedlak (EPFL Lausanne)   (Regency AB)
Mon-Mo-Or2 - HTS Magnets I - Hubertus Weijers (NHMFL/FSU) Satoshi Awaji (Tohoku University) (until 12:45) (Regency CD)
11:15 Mon-Mo-Or2-01: Technology for Compact CORC Multi-Layer Solenoid and Racetrack Coils - Dr Tim Mulder (CERN)   (Regency CD)
11:30 Mon-Mo-Or2-02: High-field magnets wound from CORC® cables and wires - Jeremy Weiss (Advanced Conductor Technologies)   (Regency CD)
11:45 Mon-Mo-Or2-03: Critical Current and Quench Characteristics of a ReBCO 2G Roebel Cable Pancake Coil at Different Temperatures between 4.2K and 77K in an External Field up to 10T - Yifeng Yang (University of Southampton (GB))   (Regency CD)
12:00 Mon-Mo-Or2-04: Bi-2212 Coil Technology Development Efforts at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory - Dr Youngjae Kim (Applied Superconductivity Center, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Florida State University)   (Regency CD)
12:15 Mon-Mo-Or2-05: 25T High Field Bi-2212 Magnet Development - Dr Stephen Minter (Cryomagnetics, Inc.)   (Regency CD)
12:30 Mon-Mo-Or2-06: Presentation withdrawn   (Regency CD)
Mon-Mo-Or3 - Quench and Normal Zone Behavior I - Haigun Lee (Korea University) Fedor Gömöry (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy) (until 12:45) (Regency EF)
11:15 Mon-Mo-Or3-01: Methods for performance diagnostics for Nb3Sn accelerator magnets in the CERN superconducting magnet test facility - Gerard Willering (CERN)   (Regency EF)
11:30 Mon-Mo-Or3-02: Overall critical current in tapes and devices made from superconductors with critical current fluctuating along the wire length - Fedor Gömöry (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences)   (Regency EF)
11:45 Mon-Mo-Or3-03: Use of Silicon Carbide Varistors For Quench Protection of Superconducting Magnets in Cryogenic Environments - Andrew Twin (Oxford Instruments)   (Regency EF)
12:00 Mon-Mo-Or3-04: Cable Quench Simulations and Current Sharing in REBCO Conductors Wound on Round Cores (CORC) for High Field Accelerator Magnet - Honghai Song (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   (Regency EF)
12:15 Mon-Mo-Or3-05: Quench Behaviour of Multi-Layer High Temperature Superconducting CORC Cables used in Hybrid Electric Aircraft - Zixuan Zhu   (Regency EF)
12:30 Mon-Mo-Or3-06: Calibration, validation and application of a novel 1D thermal-hydraulic/electric model for the quench analysis of the Al-slotted core HTS conductor for fusion applications - Andrea Zappatore (Politecnico di Torino)   (Regency EF)
07:50 --- Registration Open (7:00 AM - 5:00 PM) ---
07:55 --- Exhibits Open (8:30 AM - 4:00 PM) ---
Plenary: Helen Felice (CEA Paris-Saclay) - Soren Prestemon (LBNL) (until 08:45) (Regency Ballroom)
08:00 Tu-Mo-PL2-01: Advances in Nb3Sn Superconducting Accelerator Magnets - Helene Felice (CEA Paris-Saclay)   (Regency Ballroom)
08:45 --- Coffee Break (during Poster Sessions) ---
Tue-Mo-Po2.01 - Magnets for X-Rays and Neutrons -Dr Hitoshi KITAGUCHI (National Institute for Materials Science) Iain Dixon (NHMFL-FSU) (until 10:45) (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.01-01 [1]: A large scale cryogen-free magnet for neutron decay research - Dr Jeremy Good (Cryogenic Ltd) Dr Roger Mitchell (Cryogenic Ltd)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.01-02 [2]: Development of An 10 T Superconducting Split Magnet for X-ray Diffractometer - Dr PengCheng Huang   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Tue-Mo-Po2.02 - Pulsed Magnets Technology - Doan Nguyen (LANL) Dr Jun Lu (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory) (until 10:45) (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.02-01 [3]: Design of a 70T Quasi-Continuous High Magnetic Field System with a Dual-Coil Magnet - Dake Li (Huazhong University of Sci. & Tech.)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.02-02 [4]: Research on Repeated Pulsed High Magnetic Field Control System Based on Pulsed Generator Power Supply - Yun Xu ( Huazhong University of Sci. & Tech.)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.02-03 [5]: A Design Method for Repetitive Pulse High Magnetic Field System Based on Multi-objective Optimization Algorithm - Yun Xu (Huazhong University of Sci. & Tech.)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.02-04 [6]: Research on a Combined Power Supply of Battery and Pulsed Generator System for High Pulsed Background Magnetic Field - Yun Xu (Huazhong University of Sci. & Tech.)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.02-05 [7]: Design and Implementation of DC Pulsed Power Supply Employing Self-excited Induction Generators and Flywheels for Toroidal Field Coils of a tokamak device, Plato - Masamichi Murayama (Tokyo Institute of Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.02-06 [8]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Tue-Mo-Po2.03 - Detector Magnets II - Boris Bellesia (Fusion for Energy) Christophe Berriaud (CEA / Irfu) (until 10:45) (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.03-01 [9]: Conceptual Design of DUNE Near Detector Superconducting Magnet System - Vladimir Kashikhin (Fermilab)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.03-02 [10]: 2D and 3D Conceptual Magnetic Design of the MADMAX Dipole - Dr Valerio Calvelli (CEA)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.03-04 [11]: Conductor development and Cold mass design for an ultra-thin 2T, 4m bore, 6m long detector solenoid for the FCC-ee IDEA detector - Tobias Kulenkampff (CERN)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.03-05 [12]: Performance of the new ALPHA-G conduction cooled solenoid - Cristian Boffo (Bilfinger Noell GmbH)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.03-07 [13]: loffe Trap Magnet for Project 8 Experiment - Alexey Radovinsky (MIT)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.03-08 [14]: An investigation of the electromagnetic Interactions between the CLAS12 Torus and Solenoid Superconducting Magnets at Jefferson Lab - David Kashy (Jefferson Lab)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.03-10 [15]: Design and Manufacturing Assessment of a Multi-purpose Detector for NICA Collider - Martina Neri (ASG Superconductors SpA) Simone Grillo (ASG Superconductors SpA)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Tue-Mo-Po2.04 - Resistive Magnets for Accelerator and Fusion I - Tenming Shen (LBNL) Reed Teyber (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) (until 10:45) (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.04-01 [16]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.04-02 [17]: Optimising a Magnetic Septum with Heating Jacket - Peter Rottländer (GSI Darmstadt)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.04-04 [18]: Three-Dimensional Design of Massless Septum Magnets for High Intensity Synchrotrons with Slow Beam Extraction - Yasuhiro Fuwa (Kyoto University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.04-05 [19]: Optimization of a Solenoid for an Electron Lens in SIS18 - Dr Carsten Muehle (GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.04-06 [20]: Magnet design of the electron cooling System for HIAF - Ms Lixia Zhao   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.04-07 [21]: Design and Optimization of Eddy-Current Type Thin Septum Magnet for Beam Injection of Diffraction Limited Storage Ring - Mr Jin Tong ( (SARI-CAS( Shanghai Advanced Research Institute Chinese Academy of Sciences ), SINAP(Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences),UCAS (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences))   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.04-08 [22]: Design of focusing solenoids for charged particle beam applications - Dr Ye Bai (GE Global Research Center)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.04-09 [23]: Optimization of the compression coil configuration in magnetic trap type magnetic compression device - Prof. Houxiu Xiao (Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center) Tao Peng (Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Tue-Mo-Po2.05 - Mechanical Behavior I -Dr Shintetsu Kanazawa (Muroran Institute of Technology) Hyung-Seop Shin (Andong National University) (until 10:45) (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.05-01 [24]: Analytical formulation of mechanical stresses in no-impregnated, multi-layer solenoids - Philippe Fazilleau (cea)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.05-02 [25]: Strain characteristic exploration for a 5 T superconducting split magnet system of a multi-field test facility - Beimin Wu (1 Key Laboratory of Mechanics on Western Disaster and Environment, College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China; 2 Institute of Modern Physics of Chinese Academy of Science, China)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.05-03 [26]: Performance Analysis and Testing of High Temperature Superconducting Magnet Impregnated with Composite Resin - Mr Zhenming Li   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.05-04 [27]: An Analytic Study on Electromechanical Conditions for Compressive Electromagnetic Stress in an HTS Magnet - Jeonghwan Park (Seoul National University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.05-05 [28]: Tensile properties of DyBaCuO low porosity bulk material melt-processed in oxygen atmosphere - Prof. Akira Yamamoto (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.05-06 [29]: Frictional Force Effects Between Superconducting Tapes on Stress–Strain Characteristics of GdBCO Magnets - Mr Jimin Kim (Korea University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.05-07 [30]: Micromechanical properties evaluation of BaHfO$_3$-doped EuBCO coated conductors using a microcantilever beam method - Shogo Muto (Fujikura Ltd.)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.05-08 [31]: Numerical evaluation on electromagnetic force and stress due to screening current in REBCO coil - Prof. Hiroshi Ueda (Okayama University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Tue-Mo-Po2.06 - MRI Magnets II - Lionel Quettier (CEA Paris-Saclay) Shoichi Yokoyama (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation) (until 10:45) (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.06-01 [32]: Several Key Issues in 14 Tesla Whole body MRI Magnet development - Chao Dai (Institute of Plasma Physics, CAS)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.06-02 [33]: Magnetic and Finning Force behavior on Nb3Sn Strands Subjected to Transverse Deformation for 14 T MRI Superconducting Magnet - Prof. Shi Yi (Institute of Plasma Physics, China)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.06-03 [34]: An optimal design approach for 14T actively shielded magnetic resonance magnets - Mr Kaihong Wu (Institute of Plasma Physics,Chinese Academy of Science)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.06-04 [35]: Magnet design of a 7 T animal MRI scanner - Dr Yaohui Wang (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.06-05 [36]: FEM modelling of superconducting whole body, actively shielded 7 T MRI segmented coil magnets wound using Nb3Sn strands - Milan Majoros (The Ohio State University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.06-06 [37]: Analysis of Gradient-Induced Eddy Current in a superconducting MRI Magnet - Dr Qiuliang Wang (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.06-07 [38]: An Optimal Target Field Approach for Passive Shimming In Superconducting MRI - Dr Qiuliang Wang (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.06-08 [39]: Design of the Superconducting Main Coils Based on Variable Density Method in MRI - Dr Qiuliang Wang (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.06-09 [40]: On the Accurate Calculating of Coil-tissue Interactions for Ultra-high Field MRI RF Coils Using a Hybrid MoM/FDTD Algorithm - Qiuliang Wang (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Tue-Mo-Po2.07 - MRI Magnets III - Lionel Quettier (CEA Paris-Saclay) Shoichi Yokoyama (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation) (until 10:45) (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.07-01 [41]: Design of a Tabletop Liquid-Helium-Free, Persistent-Mode 1.5-T/90-mm MgB2 “Finger” MRI Magnet for Osteoporosis Screening - Dongkeun Park (Francis Bitter Magnet Laboratory / Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.07-02 [42]: Design, manufacturing and testing of a high-field 2 + 3 T MgB2 dry magnet demonstrator - Julien Avronsart (CEA)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.07-03 [43]: Charging, Discharging, and Over-current Characteristics of Partially Insulated MgB2 Magnet Using Cr-coated MgB2 Wires - Mr Kihyun Kim (Korea University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.07-04 [44]: Suitable Excitation Method of REBCO MRI Magnet for Suppressing Screening Field Attenuation - Yoh Nagasaki (Tohoku University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.07-05 [45]: A No-insulation YBCO Magnet using Multiple Flux Pumps as Sources to Improve Central Magnetic Field - Wei Wang (Sichuan University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.07-06 [46]: A Study on the Effects of Iron Diffusion Barrier on the Magnetic Field Characteristics of MgB2 Coil - Jiman Kim (Kiswire Advanced Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.07-07 [47]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.07-08 [48]: Development and construction of an actively shielded zero boil-off 7T/700 bore magnet. - Dr Martina Neri (ASG Superconductors)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Tue-Mo-Po2.08 - Resistive Magnets for Accelerator and Fusion II - Helene Felice (CEA Paris-Saclay) Michele Modena (CERN) (until 10:45) (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.08-01 [54]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.08-02 [55]: Radiation resistant magnets for the Super-FRS of the FAIR project - Hanno Leibrock (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.08-03 [56]: The New Magnet System for the East Area at CERN - Jaime Renedo Anglada (CERN)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.08-04 [57]: The upgrade of the CERN Proton Synchrotron Booster transfer line magnets - Antony Newborough (CERN)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.08-05 [58]: The Design and Manufacture of the 90 Degree bending Magnets for Proton Beam Therapy - Mr Zhihong Liu   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.08-06 [59]: Design and Test of an Octupole Scanning Magnet for Proton Therapy - Mr Lianhua Ouyang (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, CAS)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.08-07 [60]: Consideration of misalignment and fringe field of beamline elements in a proton therapy facility - Dr Qushan Chen (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.08-08 [61]: Correction magnet with Permanent magnets - Dr Yoshihisa Iwashita (Kyoto University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.08-09 [62]: Magnetic Property of Praseodymium Permanent Magnet at Cryogenic Temperature - Yasuhiro Fuwa (Kyoto University) Yoshihisa Iwashita   (Level 2 Posters 2)
Tue-Mo-Po2.09 - REBCO Wires & Cables I -Prof. Tetsuo Oka (Shibaura Institute of Technology) Vitaly Vysotsky (Russian Scientific R&D Cable Institute) (until 10:45) (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.09-01 [63]: Influence of GdBCO stoichiometry on the superconducting properties of industrial 2G HTS wire in magnetic field - Pavel Degtyarenko (JIHT RAS)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.09-02 [64]: Mechanical properties of BaHfO3-doped EuBCO coated conductors fabricated by hot-wall PLD on IBAD template - Mr Shinji Fujita (Fujikura Ltd.)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.09-03 [65]: Design and electromagnetic characteristics study of YBCO cable for fast cycled accelerator magnet applications - Zhuoyue Du (Institute of Modern Physics ,Chinese Academy of Science)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.09-04 [66]: Determination of the thermal resistance between pressed copper-copper and copper-stainless steel interfaces for high current HTS Cable-in-Conduit Conductors - Dr Walter H Fietz (KIT)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.09-05 [67]: Numerical Study on AC Loss of Quasi-isotropic Superconducting Strand in AC Magnetic Fields at Low Temperature - Yiran Meng (North China Electric Power University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.09-06 [68]: Mechanical and electro-mechanical investigations of assembled HTS CroCo triplets - Walter H. Fietz (KIT)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.09-07 [69]: Study on Mechanical properties of Superconducting conductor on Round Core at 77K - Ms Wenrong Li (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.09-08 [70]: Performance Degradation of YBCO Tape with Different Stabilizing Layers under Cyclic Mechanical Stress - Dr Ying Xu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.09-09 [71]: Performance Degradation of YBCO Tape Under Overcurrent Considering Different Heat Exchange Conditions - Guilun Chen (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.09-10 [72]: Investigation for Thermal Stability of Quasi-isotropic Superconducting Strand Stacked by 2mm Wide REBCO Tapes With Different Sheaths - Ziqiu Liu (North China Electric Power University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
Tue-Mo-Po2.10 - REBCO Wires & Cables II - Vitaly Vysotsky (Russian Scientific R&D Cable Institute) Prof. Tetsuo Oka (Shibaura Institute of Technology) (until 10:45) (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.10-01 [73]: Structural Modelling of HTS Cable-in-Conduit Conductor with Helically Slotted Aluminum Core for High-Field Magnet Applications - Federica Pierro (Tufts University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.10-02 [74]: Electromechanical analysis of simplified CORC® cable configurations: experiments and FE modeling - Anvar V A (University Of Twente)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.10-03 [75]: Relevance of current density in copper stabilizer for quench protection of coated conductors - Xijie Luo   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.10-04 [76]: Direct Measurement of Modified Interconductor Contact Resistance Values in Coated Conductor Stacks and Roebel Cables - Chris Kovacs (The Ohio State University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.10-05 [77]: In-Field Current Transport Properties in Long Length IBAD-PLD REBCO Tapes under the Influence of Local Ic Variation - Takanobu Kiss (Kyushu University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.10-06 [78]: Extra fine filamentation with width below 100 μm by ESPC method in RE123 split wire - Dr Shintetsu Kanazawa (Muroran Institute of Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.10-07 [79]: High-field electrical transport properties of THEVA GdBa2Cu3O7 coated conductors - Mayraluna Lao (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.10-08 [80]: Improved performance at low temperatures of CSD-grown YxGd1-xBa2Cu3O7-BaHfO3 nanocomposite films - Pablo Cayado (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.10-09 [81]: The study of quench behavior of REBCO cables under different twist pitch and perpendicular magnetic field - Dr Zhang Haiyang   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.10-10 [82]: Electromechanical Performance of Practical REBCO CC tapes for Superconducting Wind Power Applications - Hyung-Seop Shin (Andong National University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
Tue-Mo-Po2.11 - Motors V -Dr Alessandro Anemona (ENEA) Vitaly Vysotsky (Russian Scientific R&D Cable Institute) (until 10:45) (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.11-01 [88]: Design and Analysis of an HTS Synchronous Motor with a Hybrid Magnets Rotor - Dr Zhen Huang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.11-02 [89]: Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of an On-board 2G HTS Magnet System for Maglev Applications - Fangliang Dong (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.11-03 [90]: Dynamic Characteristics Analysis Considering Instantaneous Inductance According to Mover Position of Flat-type Permanent Magnet Linear Oscillating Machines - Chang-Woo Kim (Chungnam National University)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.11-04 [91]: Experimental Verification and Analytical Study of Influence of Rotor Eccentricity on Electromagnetic Characteristics of Permanent Magnet Motor - Hoon Ki Lee (ChungNam National Unversity)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.11-06 [92]: Research on a High Torque Density Outer Rotor Flux-Modulated Machine with Sandwiched-Permanent-Magnet Topology - Dr Zixuan Xiang (School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, China)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.11-07 [93]: Comparative research for a novel dual stator synchronous machine with permanent magnet-reluctance composite rotor - Fengge Zhang (Shenyang University of Technology)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.11-08 [94]: Experiments and Comparative Study of Rotor Vibration of Permanent Magnet Machines with Two Different Fractional pole/slot combinations - Tae-Kyoung Bang (Republic of Korea /Chungnam National University)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.11-09 [95]: Unbalanced magnetic force and vibration analysis of dual mechanical port flux switching PM machine considering rotor eccentricity - Mr Yifeng Hua (Jiangsu univeristy school of electrical and information engineering)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.11-10 [96]: Cogging Force Reduction of Tubular Flux Switching Permanent Magnet Motor by Using Unsymmetrical Design Method - Dr Chengcheng Liu (Hebei University of Technology)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.11-11 [97]: Investigation of High Temperature Superconducting Flux-Switching Motors with Different Secondary Structures - Mr Lu Minghang (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics) Ruiwu Cao   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.11-12 [98]: A Study on the Shape Design of a Magnetic-Geared Synchronous Motor for Improvement of Performance and Securing Rigidity - Hyunwoo Kim Hyungkwan Jang (Hanyang University)   (Level 3 Posters)
Tue-Mo-Po2.12 - Motors VI -Dr Alessandro Anemona (ENEA) Vitaly Vysotsky (Russian Scientific R&D Cable Institute) (until 10:45) (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.12-01 [99]: Efficiency Improvement of Permanent Magnet BLDC with Halbach Magnet Array for Drone - Hyunwoo Kim (Hanyang University) Seungheon Lee (Hanyang University)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.12-02 [100]: Optimization Design of Permanent Magnet Assisted Single Winding Bearingless Synchronous Reluctance Motor - Ying Xu (Jiangsu University) Mengyao Wu (Jiangsu University)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.12-03 [101]: Design and Analysis of a BLDC Motor with Halbach array magnets - Seungheon Lee   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.12-04 [102]: Analysis and Design of a New Type of Less-rare-earth Hybrid-magnet Motor with Different Rotor Topologies - Mrs Yunyun Chen (School of Hydraulic, Energy and Power Engineer, Yangzhou University)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.12-05 [103]: Design and Electromagnetic analysis of 2 MW Fully-Superconducting Synchronous Motors Composed of REBa2Cu3Oy coated conductors for Turboelectric Propulsion System - Mr Ryota Sugouchi (Kyushu University)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.12-06 [104]: Conceptual design and electromagnetic analysis of superconducting induction motors using REBa2Cu3Oy tapes - Mr Koichiro Ozaki (Kyushu University)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.12-07 [105]: Optimized Design of Permanent Magnet Considering Thermal Demagnetization Analysis of Synchronous Motor - Mr Jonghun Lee (KEIMYUNG UNIVERSITY)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.12-08 [106]: Design, Fabrication, and Testing of a YBCO Racetrack Coil for an HTS Synchronous Motor with Brushless Exciter - Dr Wei Wang (Sichuan University)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.12-09 [107]: Proposed Commutation Method for Performance Improvement of Brushless DC Motor - Prof. Chang-Sung Jin (Wonkwang University) Hyungkwan Jang (Hanyang University)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.12-10 [108]: A new linear permanent magnet switched reluctance motor with segmented primary for urban rail transit - Mrs Shen Danni (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics) Ruiwu Cao   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.12-11 [109]: Analysis and Optimization of Less-rare-earth Hybrid Excitation Flux-switching Machine - Yunyun Chen (School of Hydraulic, Energy and Power Engineer, Yangzhou University)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.12-12 [110]: Design and Investigation of a Dual-Stator Flux-Modulated Permanent Magnet Motor with High Demagnetization Withstand Capability - Deyang Fan (Jiangsu University)   (Level 3 Posters)
Tue-Mo-Po2.13 - Low Tc Wires and Cables - Emanuela Barzi (Fermilab) Peter Lee (Florida State University) (until 10:45) (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.13-04 [111]: FEM modeling of stability and current sharing in Nb3Sn Rutherford cables - Milan Majoros (The Ohio State University)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.13-05 [112]: The Superconducting NbTi Wirе for the Superconducting Dipole Magnet for CBM Experiment at FAIR - Mr Yury Karasev (JSC VNIINM (Bochvar Institute))   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.13-06 [113]: Study on High Jc and Low AC Losses NbTi/Cu5Ni Superconducting Wire for HIAF Magnets during recently years in WST - Qiang Guo (WST)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.13-07 [114]: Effects of Processing Conditions on Critical Current Density and Flux Pinning for Nb3Al Wires Fabricated by Jelly Roll Method - Yong Zhao (Fujian Normal University)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.13-08 [115]: Investigation of the Tape Shaped RHQT-Processed Nb3Al Conductors - Akihiro Kikuchi (National Institute for Materials Science) Mr Kyohei Yamada (Sophia University)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.13-09 [116]: Phase structure and superconducting properties of RHQT Nb3Al wires fabricated by static and dynamic rapid heating - Dr Zhou Yu (Superconductivity and New Energy R&D Center (SNERDC), Key Laboratory of Magnetic Levitation Technologies and Maglev Trains (Ministry of Education), Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031,China)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.13-11 [117]: Dimensional Changes of Nb3Sn Conductors During Heat Treatment Using Digital Image Correlation - Mr Etienne Rochepault (CEA Paris-Saclay)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Tue-Mo-Po2.13-12 [118]: Study on the defects degree and flat-rolling reduction of round wires of Nb3Sn Rutherford Cable for High-Energy Accelerators - Mrs Yanmin Zhu (Western Superconducting Technologies Co., Ltd)   (Level 3 Posters)
Tue-Mo-Or7 - LHC Upgrade and High Field Magnets for Future Colliders - Charlie Sanabria (Commonwealth Fusion Systems) Giorgio Ambrosio (Fermilab) (until 12:15) (Regency AB)
10:45 Tue-Mo-Or7-01: Assembly and First Test of a 15 T Nb3Sn Dipole Demonstrator - Dr Alexander Zlobin (Fermilab)   (Regency AB)
11:15 Tue-Mo-Or7-02: First field quality measurements of a 15 T Nb3Sn Dipole Demonstrator - Thomas Strauss (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)   (Regency AB)
11:30 Tue-Mo-Or7-03: 3D Design of F2D2, the FCC Block-coil Short Model Dipole - Mr Etienne Rochepault (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))   (Regency AB)
11:45 Tue-Mo-Or7-04: High Field Magnet Program for Accelerators in China: Status and Plan for Future - Qingjin Xu (IHEP)   (Regency AB)
12:00 Tue-Mo-Or7-05: Electromagnetic design, fabrication and test of LPF2: a 12-T hybrid common-coil dipole magnet with inserted IBS coil - Dr Chengtao Wang (IHEP, CAS)   (Regency AB)
Tue-Mo-Or8 - High Tc Wires and Cables I - Drew Hazelton (SuperPower Inc.) Venkat Selvamanickam (University of Houston) (until 12:45) (Regency CD)
10:45 Tue-Mo-Or8-01: Low cost transposed cables for coil windings made with REBCO 2G HTS tapes - Dr Alexander Otto (Solid Material Solutions, LLC)   (Regency CD)
11:00 Tue-Mo-Or8-02: Recent progress on CORC® cable and wire development for magnet applications - Danko van der Laan (Advanced Conductor Technologies)   (Regency CD)
11:15 Tue-Mo-Or8-03: Measurements of the Effect of Compressive Load on the Narrow Side of the HTS Tape - Shresht Joshi (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   (Regency CD)
11:30 Tue-Mo-Or8-04: Hoop stress concentration in an HTS tape coil under external magnetic fields - Shunji Takahashi (Sophia University)   (Regency CD)
11:45 Tue-Mo-Or8-05: Effect of thermal mismatch stress and electromagnetic loads on delamination in REBCO coated conductors - Prof. Xingzhe Wang (Lanzhou University) Dr Peifeng Gao (Lanzhou University)   (Regency CD)
12:00 Tue-Mo-Or8-06: Bi2223 persistent current coil with superconducting joint fabricated by JIM method - Dr Shintetsu Kanazawa (Muroran Institute of Technology)   (Regency CD)
12:15 Tue-Mo-Or8-07: Superconducting joints between Bi2223/Ag tapes towards persistent current HTS magnets - Yasuaki Takeda (The University of Tokyo)   (Regency CD)
12:30 Tue-Mo-Or8-08: Critical Current – Strain Dependence, Ic(ε), of Solenoids Wound with Bi-2212 Round Wire - Ernesto Bosque (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)   (Regency CD)
Tue-Mo-Or9 - MRI Magnets I -Dr Hitoshi Kitaguchi (National Institute for Materials Science) Michael Parizh (GE Global Research) (until 12:45) (Regency EF)
10:45 Tue-Mo-Or9-01 [Invited]: Commissioning completion of the Iseult Whole Body 11.7 T magnet - Thierry Schild (ITER) Dr Pierre Vedrine (CEA) Dr Lionel Quettier (CEA)   (Regency EF)
11:30 Tue-Mo-Or9-02 [Invited]: Development of High Stable Field REBCO Superconducting Magnet for MRI - Shoichi Yokoyama (Mitsubishi Electric Croporation)   (Regency EF)
11:45 Tue-Mo-Or9-03: Development of quench tolerant epoxy impregnated REBCO coils for an HTS MRI magnet - Mr Konstantinos Bouloukakis (Robinson Research Insitute)   (Regency EF)
12:00 Tue-Mo-Or9-04: Magnetic, mechanical and thermal modeling of superconducting, whole-body, actively shielded, 3 T MRI magnets wound using MgB2 strands for liquid cryogen free operation - Prof. Mike Sumption (The Ohio State University)   (Regency EF)
12:15 Tue-Mo-Or9-05: A Tabletop, Liquid Helium-Free, Persistent-Mode 1.5-T MgB2 “Finger” MRI Magnet: Test of a Half-Scale MRI-Quality Magnet - Dr Dongkeun Park (Francis Bitter Magnet Laboratory / Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)   (Regency EF)
12:30 Tue-Mo-Or9-06: Ultra-compact MRI System with High Temperature Superconducting Magnet - Dr Timothy Coombs (University of Cambridge)   (Regency EF)
07:50 --- Registration Open (7:00 AM - 6:00 PM) ---
07:55 --- Exhibits Open (9:00 AM - 4:00 PM) ---
Plenary: Alessandro Bonito-Oliva (F4E) - sponsored by ASG Superconductors - Cesar Luongo (ITER Organization) (until 08:45) (Regency Ballroom)
08:00 Wed-Mo-PL3-01: Toward Completion and Delivery of the First EU ITER Magnets - Alessandro Bonito-Oliva (F4E)   (Regency Ballroom)
Young Scientist Plenary - Tiina Salmi (Tampere University of Technology, Finland) (until 09:30) (Regency Ballroom)
08:45 Introduction   (Regency Ballroom)
08:50 Wed-Mo-PL4-01: Mitigation of Shielding-current-induced Field in a Magnet Wound with Coated Conductors for Accelerator Systems - Dr Yusuke Sogabe (Kyoto University)   (Regency Ballroom)
08:55 Wed-Mo-PL4-02: Superconducting Magnet Testing: The Art of Giving Feedback on Magnet Design - Franco Julio Mangiarotti (CERN)   (Regency Ballroom)
09:00 Wed-Mo-PL4-03: Bi-2212 High Field Magnet Development - Ernesto Bosque (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory) Dr Ernesto Bosque (Applied Superconductivity Center, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Florida State University)   (Regency Ballroom)
09:05 Wed-Mo-PL4-04: Electro-mechanical Characterization of HTS Tapes and Conductors for the next Generation High-field Magnets - Federica Pierro (Tufts University)   (Regency Ballroom)
09:10 Wed-Mo-PL4-05: Flux Pumps - James Gawith (University of Cambridge)   (Regency Ballroom)
09:15 Wed-Mo-PL4-06:Development of Superconducting Undulators - Dr Ibrahim Kesgin (Argonne National Laboratory)   (Regency Ballroom)
09:30 --- Coffee Break (during Poster Sessions) ---
Wed-Mo-Po3.01 - Fusion V: DDT and DEMO - Simonetta Turtu' (ENEA) Neil Mitchell (ITER Organization) (until 11:15) (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.01-01 [1]: Conceptual Design and Analysis of the DDT PF Coil System - Turtu' Simonetta (ENEA)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.01-02 [2]: Structural analyses of the Toroidal Field magnet system of the DTT - Mr Gherardo Romanelli (ENEA)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.01-03 [3]: Optimization of the fast discharge time constant for the DTT Toroidal Field magnets - Roberto Zanino (politecnico di torino)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.01-04 [4]: Structural assessment of the DTT Poloidal Field Coil system - Mr Lorenzo Zoboli (ENEA, Superconductivity section, C.R. Frascati, Italy; Department of Civil Engineering and Computer Science, University of Rome Tor Vergata)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.01-05 [5]: Magnetostructural calculations and design study of the DTT central solenoid - Dr Luigi Muzzi (ENEA) Dr Lorenzo Giannini (ICAS)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.01-06 [6]: CEA Broad Design Studies on EU Demo TF, CS and PF Magnets Systems - Louis Zani (CEA)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.01-07 [7]: Design and analysis of DEMO PF coils - Dr Mithlesh Kumar (EPFL-SPC)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.01-08 [8]: EUROfusion DEMO Tokamak, Inter-Layer Joint for Toroidal Field Coil - Mr Boris Stepanov (EPFL-SPC)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.01-09 [9]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.01-10 [10]: Progress in the Design of a Hybrid HTS-Nb3Sn-NbTi Central Solenoid for the EU DEMO - Xabier Sarasola (EPFL)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Wed-Mo-Po3.02 - Fusion VI: Conductors for Fusion & New Designs - Andries den Ouden (Radboud University) Arnaud Pascal Foussat (CERN) (until 11:15) (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.02-01 [11]: Conceptual Design of Compact CS Insert for HTS Spherical Tokamak FNSF - Yuhu Zhai (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.02-02 [12]: The general appearance of the superconducting magnet system for the Gas-Dynamic Multimirror Trap - Prof. Vitaly Vysotsky (Russian Scientific R&D Cable Institute) Dr Dmitry Yakovlev (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.02-03 [13]: An Alternative Conductor Design for the K-DEMO Toroidal Field Coils - Dr Soun Pil Kwon (NFRI)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.02-04 [14]: Development of high-current density HTS STARS conductor for the next generation helical fusion device - Shinnosuke Matsunaga (SOKENDAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies))   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.02-05 [15]: HTS-WISE conductor and magnet impregnated with low-melting point metal - Mr Shinnosuke Matsunaga (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI))   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.02-07 [16]: Electro-Magnetic Design of a 3T superconducting Dipole magnet - Chao Li   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Wed-Mo-Po3.03 - Cryogenic Systems -Mr Kazuma Fukui (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology) Hongyu Bai (NHMFL) (until 11:15) (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.03-01 [17]: Design of JT-60SA Cryodistribution components - Dr Kyohei Natsume (Quantum radiology Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.03-02 [18]: Quench recovery analysis of the JT-60SA superconducting magnets - Kazuma Fukui (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Te)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.03-03 [19]: Alarm and interlock system in cryogenic system of EAST - Dr Liangbing Hu (Institute of plasma physics Chinese academy of sciences)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.03-04 [20]: Conceptual design of the cryogenic system for large scale superconducting coil test - Dr Zhigang Zhu (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Prof. Ming Zhuang (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Wed-Mo-Po3.04 - Medical Applications - Atsushi Ishiyama (Waseda University) William Marshall (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory) (until 11:15) (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.04-01 [21]: Design and development of beamline system for a proton therapy facility - Mr Wenjie Han (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.04-02 [22]: Design and development of small model HTS coil system for Skeleton Cyclotron - Prof. Hiroshi Ueda (Okayama University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.04-03 [23]: Structure Optimization of The Fast Scanning Magnets for Proton Therapy - Zhongqi Zhang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.04-04 [24]: Multiple redundant fuzzy-PID control technology for the scanning magnets of proton therapy nozzle - Yinjie Lin (HUST: Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.04-05 [25]: Lightweight design of superconducting magnets for a rotating gantry with active shielding - Tetsuhiro Obana (NIFS)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.04-06 [26]: Fundamental Study on Cancer Therapy by Blocking Newborn Blood Vessels Using a High-Frequency Rotating Magnetic Field - Mr Makoto Kirimura (Division of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.04-07 [27]: Optimum Design of Continuously Workable Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator - Xiao Fang   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Wed-Mo-Po3.05 - Generators I - Michael Green (LBNL) Dr Timothy Coombs (University of Cambridge) (until 11:15) (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.05-01 [28]: Multiobjective optimal design of bearingless permanent magnet synchronous generator with multiobjective particle swarm optimization algorithm - Ying Xu (Jiangsu University) Mengyao Wu (Jiangsu University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.05-02 [29]: Experiments and Design Criteria for a High-Speed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator with Magnetic Bearing Considering Mechanical Aspects - Jeong-In Lee (Chungnam National University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.05-03 [30]: Design and Analysis of High-Speed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator Considering Rotor Structure - Tae-Kyoung Bang (Republic of Korea /Chungnam National University) Kyung-Hun Shin (Chungnam National University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.05-04 [31]: Experimental Verification and Analytical Prediction for Generating Characteristics of Double-Sided Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Generator for Ocean Wave Energy Converter - Sung-Won Seo (Chungnam National University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.05-05 [32]: Experimental Verification and No-load Characteristics Analysis of Permanent magnet Linear Oscillating Actuator by using Semi-3D Analysis Technique with Corrected Stacking Factor - Jong-Hyeon Woo (chungnam national university)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.05-06 [33]: Research of Post-Assembly Magnetization of Large Surface-Mounted Rare-Earth Permanent Magnet Machines with Integrated Magnetizing Windings combing with Stator Windings - Qingjian Wang (Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.05-07 [34]: Detent Force and Static Thrust Experimental Analysis of a 3kW Single-Phase Linear Permanent Magnet Generator for Striling Engines - Mr Kyu-Seok Lee   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.05-08 [35]: Maximizing Efficiency of IPMSG in the Engine Generator System of a Plug-in Hybrid EV and Its Comparison with SPMSG - Dr Ho-Chang Jung (Korea Automotive Technology Institute)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.05-10 [36]: A Novel Permanent Magnet Linear Generator - Prof. Hao Chen (China University of Mining and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.05-11 [37]: Fully Coupled Numerical Method for Coated Conductor HTS Coils in HTS Machine - Dr Zhen Huang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Wed-Mo-Po3.06 - Generators II - Michael Green (LBNL) Dr Timothy Coombs (University of Cambridge) (until 11:15) (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.06-01 [38]: Design and Performance Test of an 1-kW-class HTS Generator with HTS Contactless Rotary Excitation Device - Ji Hyung Kim (Jeju National University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.06-03 [39]: Design of a HTS Field Winding Vernier Machine with HTS bulks on Flux Modulation Pole - Do Hyun Kang (Sungkyunkwan University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.06-04 [40]: The structure design of a 300-kvar class HTS synchronous condenser prototype - Qihong Wu (Tsinghua University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.06-05 [41]: Design and Numerical Analysis of 10 MW-class Fully-Superconducting Synchronous Generators Installing the New Casing Structure for Turboelectric Propulsion System - Mr Masataka Komiya (Kyushu University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.06-06 [42]: Design and Analysis of a 10-MW-Class HTS Generator considering Various Winding Insulation Techniques for HTS Rotor-Field Poles - Yoon Seok Chae (Department of electrical engineering, Jeju National University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Wed-Mo-Po3.07 - Magnetization and AC Losses I - Hiroshi Ueda (Okayama University) Pasquale Fabbricatore (INFN Genova) (until 11:15) (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.07-01 [43]: Magnetizing Technique for Permanent Magnets in IPM Motor Rotors Using HTS Bulk Magnet - Prof. Tetsuo Oka (Shibaura Institute of Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.07-02 [44]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.07-03 [45]: Measurement and Analysis on Local Magnetization Properties of RE-123 Coated Conductor with DC Transport Current and External Magnetic Field - Dr Kohei Higashikawa (Kyushu University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.07-04 [46]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.07-05 [47]: Influence of the size of soft-iron yoke on trapped field performance of HTS bulk - Kazuya Yokoyama (Ashikaga University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.07-06 [48]: Magnetization of HTSC tape in flux pump regime - Maxim Osipov (NRNU MEPhI)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.07-08 [49]: Modelling of Field and Field Quality in a YBCO Coated- Conductor Wound Planar Undulator - Milan Majoros (The Ohio State University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Wed-Mo-Po3.08 - Current Limiters I - Martin Eibach (GSI) Dr Mark Ainslie (University of Cambridge) (until 11:15) (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.08-02 [54]: Modelling and experimental verification of dc inductive superconducting fault current limiter - Mrs Wei Hong (Tianjin University,Key Laboratory of Smart Grid of Ministry of Education School of Electrical & Information Engineering) Prof. Bin Li (Tianjin University,Key Laboratory of Smart Grid of Ministry of Education School of Electrical & Information Engineering)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.08-03 [55]: A Resistance Model of Fault Current Limiting Magnets under DC Impact - Haonan Wang (Applied Superconductivity Key Lab, Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.08-04 [56]: Design of a novel inductive type fault current limiting - Sung-Kyu Kim (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.08-05 [57]: Simulation and experimental investigation on the critical current and AC losses of a hybrid superconducting fault current limiter with bias magnetic field during normal operation - Mr Hanyang Qin (North China University of Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.08-06 [58]: Conceptual design of a saturated iron core superconducting fault current limiter for a DC power system - Mr Van Quan Dao (Changwon National University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.08-09 [59]: AC Loss Analysis of a 10-kV / 500-A Flux-coupling type Superconducting Fault Current Limiter - Guilun Chen (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Li Ren (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Sinian Yan (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.08-10 [60]: Balanced current distribution in high coupling coils of flux-coupling-type superconducting fault current limiter - Rongyu Su (State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology) Li Ren (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.08-11 [61]: Analysis on Operation Characteristics of Double Quench Flux Lock Type Superconducting Fault Current Limiter - Hyeong-Jin Lee (Soongsil University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.08-12 [62]: Study on the current limiting characteristics of YBCO coated conductor according to different stabilizer layer with iron core and coil - Ho Ik Du (Chonbuk National University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
Wed-Mo-Po3.09 - Current Limiters II - Martin Eibach (GSI) Dr Mark Ainslie (University of Cambridge) (until 11:15) (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.09-01 [63]: Fabrication and performance test of fault current limiting elements made of non-stabilizer coated conductors - Ho Ik Du (Chonbuk National University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.09-02 [64]: Comparison of Fault Current Limiting Characteristics between the separated Three-phase Flux-lock Type SFCL and the Integrated Three-phase Flux-lock Type SFCL - Ho Ik Du (Chonbuk National University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.09-03 [65]: Design and Test of 6 kV / 140 A Conduction Cooled Flux Coupling Type Superconducting Fault Current Limiter - Dr Michal Majka (Lublin University of Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.09-04 [66]: The application of hybrid-type DC SFCL in shipboard MVDC system - Ms Zheng Li (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.09-05 [67]: Voltage Distribution Research on Flux-Coupling-Type SFCL - Guilun Chen (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Li Ren (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Zhiwei Cao (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.09-06 [68]: Technical and Economic Analysis of Resistive Superconducting Current Fault Limiter with Parallel Shunt Resistance - Mr Guilun Chen (Huazhong university of science and technology) Ms Sinian Yan (Huazhong university of science and technology) Ms Zheng Li (Huazhong university of science and technology) Mr Xiangyu Tan (Huazhong university of science and technology) Mr Siyuan Liang (Huazhong university of science and technology)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.09-07 [69]: Electromagnetic field analysis of resistive superconducting fault current limiters for DC applications - Prof. Dong Xia (Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.09-08 [70]: Magnetizing Characteristics of Bridge Type SFCL with Simultaneous Quench Using Flux-Coupling - Seok-Cheol Ko (Kongju National University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.09-09 [71]: Fault Current Limiting Characteristics of a Small-Scale Bridge Type SFCL with Single HTSC Element Using Flux-Coupling - Seok-Cheol Ko (Kongju National University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.09-10 [72]: Study on Coordination of Resistive SFCLs and Hybrid-Type Circuit Breakers to Protect a HVDC System with LCC and VSC Stations - Dr Ying Xu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Prof. Lei Chen (Wuhan University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.09-11 [73]: Application Study of a Flux-Coupling-Type SFCL for Low-Voltage Ride-Through Operation of a Virtual Synchronous Generator - Ms Guocheng Li (Wuhan University) Prof. Lei Chen (Wuhan University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.09-12 [74]: Numerical Analysis of the 6 kV / 140 A Conduction Cooled Flux Coupling Type Superconducting Fault Current Limiter. - Dr Michal Majka (Lublin University of Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
Wed-Mo-Po3.10 - Conductors for Large Scale Applications - Cesar Luongo (ITER Organization) Jeseok Bang (Seoul National University) (until 11:15) (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.10-01 [75]: Study of superconducting strands damage and mechanical characteristics by different shape of CICC conductors - Dr Chao Dai (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinses Academy of Science) Mr Zichuan Guo (Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences) Jinggang Qin   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.10-02 [76]: Conductor Design of the Madmax 9 T Large Dipole Magnet - Christophe Paul Berriaud (DAPNIA)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.10-03 [77]: Nb3Sn Wind & React conductors and joints for the low field grades of a layer wound DEMO TF coil - Luigi Muzzi (ENEA)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.10-04 [78]: Post-mortem mechanical investigation of ITER TF conductor samples after heat treatment and SULTAN testing - Prof. Matthew C. Jewell (Materials Science Center, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.10-05 [79]: Cable Compaction as a Possible Factor to Reduce Tcs Degradation of ITER Toroidal Field Conductors - Vitaly Vysotsky (Russian Scientific R&D Cable Institute)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.10-06 [80]: Research on non-destructive examination of NbSn3 cables based on the method of inversion of electromagnetic property - Mrs Xiaochuan Liu ( Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.10-07 [81]: AC loss, contact resistance, and cabling degradation analysis of various Nb3Sn sub-size CICC cable designs - Anvar V A (University Of Twente)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
Wed-Mo-Po3.11 - Quench and Normal Zone Behavior II - Fedor Gömöry (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy) Honghai Song (Brookhaven National Laboratory) (until 11:15) (Level 3 Posters)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.11-01 [88]: Quench analysis of no-insulation magnet using YBCO coated conductor tapes with copper cladding - Shijun Zheng (Institute of Modern Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.11-02 [89]: Quench Analysis of an LTS Quadrupole Triplet Magnet System for the IBS RAON Inflight-Fragment Separator - Dr Wooseung Lee (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Francis Bitter Magnet Laboratory / Plasma Science and Fusion Center)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.11-03 [90]: A fast turnaround experimental platform for testing quench initiation and detection of REBCO coated conductors for high-field magnet applications - Xijie Luo (Kyoto University)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.11-04 [91]: A Lumped Circuit Model for No-Insulation Pancake Coil to Consider Fast Electromagnetic Quench Propagation - Chaemin Im (Seoul National University)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.11-05 [92]: Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Thermal Stability of Superconducting Windings Using a YBCO Core Cable - Dr Deng Xiangli (Shanghai University of Electric Power)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.11-07 [93]: Analysis of the influence of hot spots on the design of DC resistive SFCLs - Mr Jiabin Yang (University of Cambridge)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.11-08 [94]: Investigation on Quench and Normal Zone Propagation Characteristics of 2G HTS Racetrack Coil with Metal-Insulator Transition Insulation Material - Mr Huu Luong Quach (Jeju National University)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.11-09 [95]: Experimental study on the quench characteristic of YBCO tapes with different arranggements - DongSheng Pu (State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering an)   (Level 3 Posters)
Wed-Mo-Po3.12 - Motors IX - Qiuliang Wang (IEE CAS) Hao Chen (China University of Mining & Technology) (until 11:15) (Level 3 Posters)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.12-01 [96]: Design of a Novel Axial Flux Rotor Consequent-Ploe Permanet Magnet Machine - Deyang Fan (Jiangsu University)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.12-02 [97]: Measurement of eddy current loss of permanent magnet with higher frequency and temperature effects - Nijan Yogal (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.12-03 [98]: Experimental characterization of a no-insolation HTS racetrack coil in travelling magnetic fields - Dr Kang Liu (Applied Superconductivity Laboratory, State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong University)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.12-04 [99]: Comparative Analysis of a Linear Electric Motor using Superconducting and Conventional Conductor Coil - Adrian Gonzalez-Parada (University of Guanajuato)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.12-05 [100]: A novel permanent magnet linear motor for the application of urban transit - Dr Cong Deng   (Level 3 Posters)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.12-06 [101]: A Study on Robust Design of Irreversible Demagnetization of IPMSM Rotor Core Using Dy-Free Permanent Magnet - Dr SuYeon Cho (KATECH) Hyungsik Kong Mr Dong-Woo Nam Mr Min-Jae Jeong Mr Hyun-Jo Pyo Prof. Won-Ho Kim Prof. Sung Gu Lee   (Level 3 Posters)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.12-07 [102]: Design of IPMSM for Electric Oil Pump considering PM Irreversible Demagnetization at Saturation Temperature - Mr Dae-Woo Kim (Sungkyunkwan University)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.12-08 [103]: A study on the magnet structure for reducing demagnetization by grain boundary diffusion method - Byungchan Kim (keimyung university)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.12-09 [104]: Study on Reduction of Eddy Current Loss of Permanent Magnets in Ultra-High Speed Machines - Hyungkwan Jang (Hanyang University)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.12-10 [105]: Design and Analysis of a Magnetless Linear Variable Reluctance Motor with Modular Mover Units for Electric Propulsion - T. W. Ching (University of Macau)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.12-11 [106]: A Novel Three-phase Tubular Switched Reluctance Linear Machine with Transverse-flux path - Prof. Hao Chen (China University of Mining and Technology)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.12-12 [107] [Invited]: Superconducting Synchronous Motors for Electric Ship Propulsion - Michael Parizh (GE Global Research)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.12-13 [108]: Application of AC Loss on HTS Magnet using Frequency Loss Induced Quench (FLIQ) Protection System. - Kikelomo Ijagbemi (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)   (Level 3 Posters)
Wed-Mo-Po3.13 - Motors X - Qiuliang Wang (IEE CAS) Hao Chen (China University of Mining & Technology) (until 11:15) (Level 3 Posters)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.13-01 [109]: Comparative Study of Permanent Magnet Assisted Linear Switched Reluctance Motor and Linear Flux Switching Permanent Magnet Motor for Railway Transportation - Deyang Fan (Jiangsu University)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.13-02 [110]: Modelling and Experimental Study on the Magnetization Losses of Tri-axial CORC Cable used in All-Electric Aircraft - Zixuan Zhu   (Level 3 Posters)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.13-03 [111]: Ferrite PM Optimization of SPM BLDC Motor for Oil-Pump Applications According to Magnetization Direction - Seungheon Lee Hyunwoo Kim   (Level 3 Posters)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.13-04 [112]: A Study on Design of Hybrid Type Electromagnet for Maglev - Jae-Kwang Lee (hanyang university) Hyunwoo Kim   (Level 3 Posters)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.13-05 [113]: Study on The Novel Design Process of Working Bar of Double Cage Induction Motor - Mr Dong-Ho Kim (Gachon University)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.13-06 [114]: Electromagnetic performance of HTS linear generator under Field-Cooled and Zero-Field-Cooled condition - Dr Adrian Gonzalez-Parada (Universidad de Guanajuato)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.13-07 [115]: Evaluation of Power Losses in High-temperature Superconducting Coils for Field-excited Electric Motors - Dr T. W. Ching (University of Hong Kong)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.13-08 [116]: Analysis of Novel Wound Field Flux Linear Reversal Machine with Multiple MMF Working Harmonics - Yuanzhi Zhang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Yi Cheng (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.13-09 [117]: Design Optimization of 2G High-Tc Superconducting Magnet for High Speed Transportation - Dr Jungyoul Lim (Korea Railroad Research Institute)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.13-10 [118]: Study on The Novel Rotor Core of Induction Motor with Cross Lamination - Mr Dong-Ho Kim (Gachon University)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.13-11 [119]: Design of a High temperature superconducting linear synchronous motor for pulse power application - Shifeng Shen (Naval University of Engineering)   (Level 3 Posters)
09:30 Wed-Mo-Po3.13-12 [120]: A Feasibility Study to Apply the Bitter Magnet to Electric Power Devices - Mr Soobin An (SeoulNationalUniversity)   (Level 3 Posters)
Wed-Mo-Or10 - Resistive Accelerator Magnets - Kazuhiro Tanaka (KEK: High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) Ruediger Picker (TRIUMF) (until 12:45) (Regency AB)
11:15 Wed-Mo-Or10-01: Power test and magnetic measurement of the first short models of twin aperture magnets for FCC-ee - Carlo Petrone (CERN)   (Regency AB)
11:30 Wed-Mo-Or10-02: Performance of the Optimized Mechanical Design of the CLIC Main Beam Quadrupole Magnet Prototype - Michele Modena (CERN)   (Regency AB)
11:45 Wed-Mo-Or10-03: Comparative studies of three-dimensional analysis and measurement for establishing pulse electromagnet design - Tomohiro Takayanagi (JAEA/J-PARC)   (Regency AB)
12:00 Wed-Mo-Or10-04: Combined-function magnetic measurement system - Reed Teyber (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)   (Regency AB)
12:15 Wed-Mo-Or10-05: TRIUMF new high resolution mass separator magnet design - Dr Marco Marchetto (TRIUMF)   (Regency AB)
12:30 Wed-Mo-Or10-06: Presentation withdrawn   (Regency AB)
Wed-Mo-Or11 - Magnetization and AC Losses in Conductors and Coils - Eric Sun (Jefferson Lab) Dr Sebastian Hellman (Paul Scherrer Institut) (until 12:45) (Regency CD)
11:15 Wed-Mo-Or11-01 [Invited]: Magnetization, Flux Penetration, and Drift of YBCO Cable Segments Models and Measurements for Accelerator Magnet Applications - Prof. Mike Sumption (The Ohio State University)   (Regency CD)
11:45 Wed-Mo-Or11-02 [Invited]: Magnetic field measurements of stack of double-pancake coils wound with striated and copper-plated coated conductors - Prof. Naoyuki Amemiya (Kyoto University)   (Regency CD)
12:15 Wed-Mo-Or11-03: Experimental results of field-error cancellation with HTS-based magnetic screens - Mr Lorenzo Bortot (CERN)   (Regency CD)
12:30 Wed-Mo-Or11-04: Magnetic vector potential-based formulations for modeling superconducting applications: a valid alternative to the H-formulation - Francesco Grilli (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)   (Regency CD)
Wed-Mo-Or12 - Flux Pump and Cryostats -Dr Zhenan Jiang (Victoria University of Wellington) Dr Timothy Coombs (University of Cambridge) (until 12:45) (Regency EF)
11:15 Wed-Mo-Or12-01: Investigation on the Ultra-high field Flux Pumped superconducting magnets - Mr Chao Li (University of Cambridge)   (Regency EF)
11:30 Wed-Mo-Or12-02: HTS Switch for use in Flux Pumps - James Gawith (University of Cambridge)   (Regency EF)
11:45 Wed-Mo-Or12-03: Design, construction and test of thermally activated ReBCO switches - Dr Nikolay Bykovskiy (CERN)   (Regency EF)
12:00 Wed-Mo-Or12-04: Self-Protecting HTS Current Lead - Demonstration of a new technology - Alexey Dudarev (CERN)   (Regency EF)
12:15 Wed-Mo-Or12-05: Conceptual design of the cryostat for a highly radiation transparent 2 T superconducting detector solenoid for FCC-ee - Veronica Ilardi (Twente Technical University (NL))   (Regency EF)
12:30 Wed-Mo-Or12-06: Conceptual design of a conduction cooled superconducting undulator - Dr Shiroyanagi Yuko (Advacned Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory)   (Regency EF)
07:55 --- Registration Open (7:00 AM - 5:00 PM) ---
Plenary: Timothy Coombs (University of Cambridge) - Mathias Noe (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) (until 08:45) (Regency Ballroom)
08:00 Thu-Mo-PL5-01: Advances in Superconducting Rotating Machinery - Tim Coombs (University of Cambridge)   (Regency Ballroom)
08:45 --- Coffee Break (during Poster Sessions) ---
Thu-Mo-Po4.01 - Associated Technology II - Thanatheepan Balachandran (University of Illinois ) Eric Sun (Jefferson Lab, USA) (until 10:45) (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.01-02 [1]: A uniform pressure actuator with high forming efficiency based on the pulsed magnet manufacturing technique - Prof. Xiaotao Han (Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.01-03 [2]: Pulsed magnet design and fabrication for generating background magnetic field in pulse current driven forming - Mr Pengxin Dong (Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.01-04 [3]: The Design of the 30kA DCCT using in the FTPMF system - Zhenglei Wang (Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Dr Shaozhe Zhang (Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center,Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.01-05 [4]: Research on Influence of High Pulse Magnet Fault on Power Supply and Protection Strategy - Zhangfei Zhao (1.College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering,Suzhou University 2.Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.01-06 [5]: Analysis of the commutation of the 24-pluse converter for high plused magnet outer coil power supply - Zhangfei Zhao (College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering; Suzhou University 2. Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.01-07 [6]: Properties of Selected High-strength Composite Conductors - Ke Han (national high magnetic field laboratory)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.02 - Test Facility - Yusuke Sogabe (K) Thanatheepan Balachandran (University of Illinois) (until 10:45) (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.02-01 [7]: Design and Implementation of Interlock System for CFETR CSMC Testing Platform based on FMEA - Mr Tong Li (Hefei institutes of Physical Science Chinese Academy of Science, University of Science and technology of China)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.02-02 [8]: Carpenter: superconducting magnet test facility management system - Michal Duda (IFJ PAN)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.02-03 [9]: Preliminary Design of HEPdipo, a Nb3Sn Large Aperture Dipole Magnet for Cable and Insert Coil testing - Douglas Martins Araujo (CERN)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.02-05 [10]: Concept Design of magnet system of the large scale superconducting conductor test facility for future fusion reactor - Dr Chao Dai (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinses Academy of Science)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.02-06 [11]: Upgrade of sub-systems and performance improvement for a versatile multi-field test facility of superconducting wires and tapes - Xingzhe Wang (Lanzhou University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.03 - Novel Diagnostics and Other Techniques - Emmanuele Ravaioli (CERN) Takanobu Kiss (Kyushu University) (until 10:45) (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.03-01 [12]: Development of a radiation resistant magnetometer - Martin Eibach (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.03-02 [13]: Development of rotating coil measurement system - Dr Jianxin Zhou (Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.03-03 [14]: Current Reset in Superconducting Devices - Michael Parizh (GE Global Research)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.03-04 [15]: The Application of Coordination to Magnetic Measurement Automation: An SSW System Example - Dr Jerzy Nogiec (Fermilab)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.03-05 [16]: A Numerical Method to Calculate Spatial Harmonic Coefficients of Magnetic Fields generated by Screening Currents in an HTS Magnet - Jeseok Bang (Seoul National University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.03-06 [17]: Design and optimization of the PCB search coils for the accelerator magnet measurements - Xu Liu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.03-07 [18]: A Novel Diagnosis Method through Pulse Sequence Analysis of DC Void Partial Discharge in High Temperature Superconducting Cable - Mr Dong-Hun Oh (Hanyang University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.03-08 [19]: Feasibility Study of Distributed Optical Fiber Applied in the Temperature Measurement of HTS Cables - Mr Kao Zhou (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.03-09 [20]: Characteristic Resistance Measurement of No-Insulation REBCO Pancake Coil under Different Conditions - So Noguchi (Hokkaido University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.03-10 [21]: Design and Analysis of a Novel Two-Dimensional High Frequency Magnetic Tester for Nanocrystalline Alloy Material - Yongjian Li (Hebei University of Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.03-11 [22]: Implementation and first operational experiences with the high voltage In-Service-Tests on the superconducting magnet system of Wendelstein 7-X - Mr Frank Füllenbach (Max-Planck-Insatitut für Plasmaphysik)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.03-12 [23]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.04 - Fusion VII: Joints and Terminations - Louis ZANI (CEA-IRFM) Boris Stepanov (EPFL) (until 10:45) (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.04-01 [24]: Design and Manufacture of a prototype Nb3Sn-NbTi full-size joint sample for the CFETR Central Solenoid Model Coil - Guanghui Ma (Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.04-02 [25]: Development of CORC® Cable Terminations and Low-loss Joints for use in Magnets for Fusion - Jeremy Weiss (Advanced Conductor Technologies)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.04-03 [26]: Dependence of joint resistance on current for ITER-TF joint samples - Dr Tetsuhiro Obana (NIFS)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.04-04 [27]: Design Optimization and Assessment of Fabrication of ITER Central Solenoid Twin Box Joints - Ignacio Aviles Santillana (CERN, University Carlos III (ES))   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.04-05 [28]: Demountable Coaxial Clamped Joint For ITER Central Solenoid Module Final Test Program - Dr Zbigniew Piec (General Atomics)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.04-06 [29]: Research and Development of the Heater Chains for the ITER Current Lead Terminals - Mr Wanjiang Pan (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.04-07 [30]: Induced currents and AC losses models for a butt-joint with rutherfords shunts - Alexandre Torre (CEA)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.05 - Other High Tc Wires and Cables - Geonwoo Baek (Yonsei University) Dr Alexander Otto (Solid Material Solutions, LLC) (until 10:45) (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.05-01 [31]: New precursor powders fabrication technique for Bi-2223 high temperature superconducting tapes - Mr Chengshan Li (Northwest Institute for Nonferrous Metal Research)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.05-02 [32]: Structure material performance evaluation for Bi2212 CICC conductor - Ms Huan Jin (Institute of Plasma Physicas)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.05-03 [33]: Mechanical and Electrical Testing of A Novel Enhanced Bi2212 Round Wire - Jinggang Qin (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences(ASIPP))   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.05-04 [34]: Critical Current under Axial Strain of High-Pressure HT Bi-2212 Round Wire - Prof. Fang Liu (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Hefei, China) Prof. Huajun Liu (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Hefei, China) Prof. Jinggang Qin (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Hefei, China)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.05-05 [35]: Tensile mechanical properties of silver alloy sheathed Bi-2212 wires - Prof. Huajun Liu (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Hefei, China) Prof. Jinggang Qin (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Hefei, China) Prof. Fang Liu (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Hefei, China)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.05-06 [36]: Intra-wire resistance and AC loss of multi-filamentary Bi2212 round wire - Prof. Chao Zhou (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei, Anhui, China )   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.05-07 [37]: Impact of Axial Tensile Strain on the Inhomogeneity of Critical Current for Bi-2212 Round Wire - Mr Wei Chen   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.05-08 [38]: Non-destructive evaluation of the critical current for Bi-2212 cable for fusion application - Wei Chen (Southwest Jiaotong University) Dr Yang Xinsheng (Southwest Jiaotong University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.06 - Wind, Wave, Tidal Generators II - Liudmila Potanina (Russian Scientific R&D Cable Institute (JSC VNIIKP)) Kohei Higashikawa (Kyushu University) (until 10:45) (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.06-01 [39]: Analysis of a Double-sides Stator-PM Linear Generator for Wave Energy Conversion - Lei Huang (Southeast University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.06-02 [40]: Performance of multi-layer fractional-slot concentrated windings for superconducting wind turbine generators in normal and short circuit operation conditions - Dr Dong Liu (Hohai University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.06-03 [41]: Thermal and mechanical design of 10 MW class HTS wind power generator - Mr Jaehwan Lee (Changwon National University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.06-04 [42]: Comparison of Electromagnetic Performance of 10-MW HTS Double-Stator Flux Modulation Generators With Different Topologies for Offshore Direct-Drive Wind Turbines - Qian Wang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Yuting Gao (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Yi Cheng (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Yuanzhi Zhang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.06-05 [43]: Design and feasibility study of a performance evaluation system for a large-scale HTS generator under short-circuit conditions - Byeong-Soo Go (Changwon National University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.06-06 [44]: Design and property analysis of a performance evaluation system for HTS wind power generators - Mr Changhyun Kim (Changwon National University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.06-07 [45]: A Novel Thermal Network Model for Double Stator Brushless Doubly-Fed Generator With Cage-Barrier Rotor Based on Improved Mechanical Structure - Prof. Fengge Zhang (Shenyang University of Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.07 - Magnetization and AC Losses II -Dr Kathleen Amm (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Hiroshi Ueda (Okayama University) (until 10:45) (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.07-01 [46]: Core Loss Characteristics and Model Verification of Nanocrystalline Alloys Under Complex Working Conditions - Dr Chengcheng Liu (Hebei University of Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.07-02 [47]: Transverse field measurements in a bulk superconducting Magnetic Shell for a CLAS12 Target at Jefferson Lab - Marco Statera (INFN Milano - LASA)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.07-03 [48]: Magnetic Measurements of MQXFA Prototype Quadrupoles during Magnet Assembly - Xiaorong Wang (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) GianLuca Sabbi (LBNL)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.07-04 [49]: A simplified electromagnetic modelling of accelerator magnets wound with Conductor on Round Core wires for ac loss calculations - Dr Yusuke Sogabe (Kyoto University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.07-05 [50]: Field Quality Measurements of High-Temperature Superconducting Canted Cosine Theta Accelerator Magnets - Cory Myers (Ohio State University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.07-06 [51]: Maximising the trapped field of HTS ring magnets - Dr Yanwei Wang (University of Strathclyde) Dr Min Zhang (University of Strathclyde)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.07-07 [52]: AC Loss of Superconducting Materials- refined loss estimates for very high density motors and generators for hybrid-electric aircraft: MgB2 wires, Coated conductor tapes and wires - Prof. Mike Sumption (The Ohio State University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.07-08 [53]: Coupling time constants measurements of spirally-wound striated coated conductors - Yang Li (Kyoto University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.08 - Wind, Wave, Tidal Generators - I - Neil Mitchell (ITER Organization) Dr Tatsushi Nakamoto (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, KEK) (until 10:45) (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.08-02 [54]: Performance analysis of a metal-insulation type lab-scale HTS wind power generator - Hae-Jin Sung (Changwon National University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.08-03 [55]: Characteristics Analysis of Fully HTS Synchronous Generators with Dual Field Windings - Myeonghee Lee (KoreaPolytechnicUniversity)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.08-04 [56]: Electromagnetic Design of HTS DC Generator with Iron-cored Stator and Rotor - Ms Qian Wang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Mr Yi Cheng (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Prof. Ronghai Qu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Dr Yuting Gao (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.08-05 [57]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.08-06 [58]: Electromagnetic Design of an HTS Claw Pole Wind Generator - Yuanzhi Zhang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Yuting Gao (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Yi Cheng (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.08-07 [59]: Electromagnetic design of tens MW-class fully-superconducting wind power generators with high-performance REBa2Cu3Oy wires - Dr Shun Miura (Kyushu University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.08-08 [60]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.08-09 [61]: Investigation of multi-phase armature windings in HTS wind turbine generators - Dr Dong Liu (Hohai University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.08-10 [62]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.09 - Joints Between Superconductors -Dr Shintetsu Kanazawa (Muroran Institute of Technology) Dr Jun Lu (FSU/NHMFL) (until 10:45) (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.09-01 [63]: Joint properties for RE123-coated conductor in CJMB method - Dr Shintetsu Kanazawa (Muroran Institute of Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.09-02 [64]: Development and test results of a superconducting joint resistance evaluation system - Kensuke Kobayashi (National Institute for Materials Science)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.09-03 [65]: Evaluation of Joint Resistance and Electromechanical Properties in Various Type of Ultrasonic Weld CC Tape Joints - Dr Michael de Leon (Andong National University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.09-04 [66]: Investigations on the synthesis and melt-growth process of low melt temperature REBCO materials - Dr Zili Zhang (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.09-05 [67]: Research of Nb3Sn superconducting joint by powder metallurgy - Dr Junsheng Cheng (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.09-06 [68]: Progress on the Superconducting Joint Technique for the Reacted MgB2 Wires for MRI Magnet Development - Mr Byeongha Yoo (Korea University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.10 - Current Leads - Mike Sumption (The Ohio State University) Bartlomiej Glowacki (University of Cambridge) (until 10:45) (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.10-01 [69]: Comparative study of cryogenic NbTi/Cu and MgB2/Brass based current leads - Mr Atul Garg (Institute for Plasma Research )   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.10-02 [70]: Comparison Analysis of Three Different Structures of Current Leads for the Superconducting Energy Pipeline - Mr Xianhao Li (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.10-03 [71]: Thermal Design and Test of 4kA Current Lead based on Stacked YBCO Conductor - Zongtai Xie (Institute of High Energy Physic, CAS) Feipeng Ning (IHEP)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.10-04 [72]: Finite Element Analysis and Experimental test of current leads with parallel HTS tapes - Dr Anbo Wu (GE Global Research)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.10-06 [73]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.11 - Current Limiters & Breakers -Dr Tatsushi Nakamoto (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, KEK) Neil Mitchell (ITER Organization) (until 10:45) (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.11-01 [74]: Analysis on Protection Coordination of Over-Current Relay Using SFCL’s Impedance Compensation for Protection of a Power Distribution System - Prof. Sung-Hun Lim (Soonsil University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.11-02 [75]: Presentation Withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.11-03 [76]: Design and Performance Evaluation of a REBCO NI-SFCL applied in Short-Circuit Faults Occurred in 350 kV Flexible DC transmission - Ms Rao Jin (Nanjing University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.11-04 [77]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.11-05 [78]: Optimal Designing and Performance Evaluation of Inductive Superconducting Fault Current Limiter Combined with Low-Voltage Mechanical Circuit Breaker in DC Microgrid System - Mr Kyu-Hoon Park (Hanyang University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.11-06 [79]: Current Limiting and Interrupting Characteristics of Flux-Lock Type SFCL with Mechanical Switch - Prof. Sung-Hun Lim (Soongsil University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.11-07 [80]: HTS Fault Current Limiting Module to Reduce Burden of a DC Circuit Breaker for 30 kV MDVC Power Grid - Jooyeong So (Korea Polytechnic University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.11-08 [81]: Analysis of the recovery characteristics of superconducting coupled DC circuit breakers during reclosing operation - Mr Seon-Ho Hwang (Chosun university)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.11-09 [82]: Operating characteristics of arc-induction type DC circuit breaker with permanent magnets - Mr Sang-Yong Park (Chosun university)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.11-10 [83]: Characteristics of a Current-limiting DC circuit breaker with a superconducting coil applied to the commutation circuit - Ms Hye-Won Choi (Chosun University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.11-11 [84]: Improvement of Current Limiting and Interrupting Operation of Hybrid DC Circuit Breaker using Double Quench - Prof. Sung-Hun Lim (Soongsil University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.12 - Power Applications I - Kohei Higashikawa (Kyushu University) Erica Salazar (MIT) (until 10:45) (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.12-01 [88]: Mobile Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage for On-site Estimations of the Electric Power System Stability - Dr Shinichi Nomura (Meiji University)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.12-02 [89]: Multi-objective filter designing for HTS SMES considering the voltage distribution characteristic - Mr Meng Liao   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.12-03 [90]: Development of a 1-T Class Force-Balanced Helical Coils Using REBCO Tapes - Mr Hiroharu Kamada (Meiji University)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.12-04 [91]: The model and characteristics of SMES coil (1MJ) constructed of corc cable - Zhidun Zeng   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.12-05 [92]: Magneto-Archimedes levitation properties for metals by ferromagnetic material arrangement in magnetic fields - Mr Daiki Yamamoto   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.12-06 [93]: Design and Fabrication of the Permanent Magnet Diverter for Deflecting Electrons on Wide-field X-ray Telescope - Dr Lei Wang (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.12-07 [94]: Research Magnets with High-Field Uniformity - Dr Rainer Meinke (AML Superconductivity and Magnetics)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.12-09 [95]: Development and challenges of a commercial megawatt high temperature superconducting DC induction heater - Yawei Wang (University of Bath) Ping Yang (Shanghai Maritime University)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.12-10 [96]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Po4.13 - Levitation and Magnetic Bearings III - Toru Ogitsu (KEK) Nikolay Bykovskiy (CERN) (until 10:45) (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.13-01 [97]: Numerical study on dynamic characteristic of HTS Maglev system based on H-formulation with motional electromotive force - Dr Wenjiao Yang (Southwest Jiaotong University)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.13-02 [98]: Design optimization of a real-scale REBCO magnet with stepped cross-section shape and its application to EDS train - Dr Tianyong Gong (Southwest Jiaotong University)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.13-03 [99]: Semi-Analytical Calculation of Levitation and Guidance Forces in a Superconducting EDS Train - Mr Yao Cai (Southwest Jiaotong University)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.13-04 [100]: Dynamic Response Analysis of Superconducting EDS Train Based on Vehicle/Guideway Coupling Dynamics - Dr Zhaoying Yan (Southwest Jiaotong University)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.13-06 [101]: 3-D Analysis of High-Tc Superconductor for Magnetic levitation under High-Speed Movement - Dr Changqing Ye (Hohai University) Guangtong Ma (Southwest Jiaotong University)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.13-07 [102]: Numerical study and optimization for a prototype EDS maglev system - Xiao-Fen Li (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.13-08 [103]: Study on the EDS-Maglev System Based on Dynamic Circuit Theory - Dr Daoyu Hu (nstitute of Magnetic Levitation and Electromagnetic Propulsion, CASIC)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.13-09 [104]: Levitation and guidance force for the system of coated conductor stacks and permanent magnets in a wide temperature range. - Maxim Osipov (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.13-10 [105]: Vertical Dynamic Responses of the HTS Maglev System Under Track Random Irregularity - Mr Li Wang ( School of Mechanics and Engineering, Southwest JiaotongUniversity)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.13-11 [106]: A new design and exciting for HTS superconducting magnet of Maglev - Yunhao Pan (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.13-12 [107]: Investigation of the Levitation Force of High Temperature Superconducting Coils using Wind-and-Flip Method - Mr Zihao Wang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)   (Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Po4.14 - Levitation and Magnetic Bearings IV - Toru Ogitsu (KEK) Nikolay Bykovskiy (CERN) (until 10:45) (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.14-01 [108]: Proposal of Magnetically Levitated Mover Using High Tc SC Coils - Prof. Mochimitsu Komori (Kyushu Institute of Technology)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.14-02 [109]: Research on Electromagnetic Feasibility of Non-contact Eddy Current Brake System for Ultra-high-speed Maglev Trains - Dr Su-Jeong Lee (Yeungnam University and Gyeongbuk Technopark)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.14-03 [110]: Guidance performance of YBCO bulks below the liquid nitrogen temperature zone - Mr Li Wang (School of Mechanics and Engineering, Southwest JiaotongUniversity)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.14-04 [111]: Levitation Force Characteristics of High-Temperature Superconducting Bulks in a High Magnetic Field - Mr Shuai Zhang (School of Electrical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.14-05 [112]: A superconducting magnetic and electrostatic hybrid suspension and feedback system for gravity measurement - Dr Xinning Hu (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.14-06 [113]: Effect of magnetic field attenuation due to superconducting joint resistance during gravity measurement - Dr Xinning Hu (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.14-07 [114]: Research of Position Detection and Magnetic Feedback on a Superconducting Levitation Sphere for Gravity Measurement - Dr Chunyan Cui (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 3 Posters)
08:45 Thu-Mo-Po4.14-08 [115]: Analysis and Experimental Test on a Permanent Magnet EDS System Employing an Annular Halbach Structure - Mr Shuai Zhang (School of Electrical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University)   (Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Or16 - High Field Magnets for LHC Upgrade - Soren Prestemon (LBNL) Renuka Rajput-Ghoshal (Jefferson Lab) (until 12:30) (Regency AB)
10:45 Thu-Mo-Or16-01 [Invited]: Status and Plans of the MQXFA Low Beta Quadrupoles for HL-LHC - Giorgio Ambrosio (Fermilab)   (Regency AB)
11:15 Thu-Mo-Or16-02: Assembly of MQXFBP1 prototype, the Nb3Sn Q2 quadrupole for HL-LHC - Friedrich Lackner (CERN)   (Regency AB)
11:30 Thu-Mo-Or16-03: Test Results of the First Two Full-Length Prototype Quadrupole Magnets for the LHC Hi-Lumi Upgrade - Joseph F Muratore (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   (Regency AB)
11:45 Thu-Mo-Or16-04: Mechanical performance of the first two prototype 4.5 m long Nb3Sn low-β quadrupole magnets for the Hi-Lumi LHC Upgrade - Daniel Cheng   (Regency AB)
12:00 Thu-Mo-Or16-05: A Database-Tool for Storage and Analysis of Magnet Parameters and Test Results - Dr Tiina Salmi (Tampere University, Finland)   (Regency AB)
12:15 Thu-Mo-Or16-06: Prediction of the Reversible Critical Current Degradation in Nb3Sn Superconducting Accelerator Magnets - Giorgio Vallone (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)   (Regency AB)
Thu-Mo-Or17 - Very High Field Magnets - Gen Nishijima (National Institute for Materials Science) Xavier Chaud (LNCMI-EMFL-CNRS, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, INSA, UPS) (until 12:45) (Regency CD)
10:45 Thu-Mo-Or17-01 [Invited]: High field cryogen-free superconducting magnet development beyond 30 T with advanced REBCO and high strength Nb3Sn conductors - Satoshi Awaji (Tohoku University)   (Regency CD)
11:15 Thu-Mo-Or17-02: The 40 T Superconducting Magnet Project at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory - Hongyu Bai (National High Magnetic Fied Laboratory)   (Regency CD)
11:30 Thu-Mo-Or17-03: Test and commissioning of the 32 T superconducting magnet - Hubertus Weijers (NHMFL/FSU)   (Regency CD)
11:45 Thu-Mo-Or17-04: Development of High Field Superconducting Magnets with Increasing Persistence and EXperimental Access - Andrew Twin (Oxford Instruments)   (Regency CD)
12:00 Thu-Mo-Or17-05: Progress in the construction of the Nijmegen 45T hybrid magnet system - Mr Andries den Ouden (High Field Magnet Laboratory, Radboud University)   (Regency CD)
12:15 Thu-Mo-Or17-06: From Manufacture to Assembly of the 43 T Grenoble Hybrid Magnet - Dr Pierre Pugnat (LNCMI-EMFL-CNRS, UGA)   (Regency CD)
12:30 Thu-Mo-Or17-07: Winding and 77 K Testing of Non-Insulated Coils for the IBS 25 T, 100 mm bore HTS Solenoid - Shresht Joshi (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   (Regency CD)
Thu-Mo-Or18 - Rotating Machines II - Rainer Meinke (AML Superconductivity and Magnetics) Yunxing Song (GE Global Research) (until 12:45) (Regency EF)
10:45 Thu-Mo-Or18-01 [Invited]: Development, test, installation, and commissioning of the 3 MW superconducing EcoSwing wind power generator - Markus Bauer (THEVA Dünnschichttechnik GmbH)   (Regency EF)
11:15 Thu-Mo-Or18-02: Development of non-insulated racetrack coils wound with second generation high temperature superconductor tapes for a stator system for wind generators - Mr Fabian Schreiner (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)   (Regency EF)
11:30 Thu-Mo-Or18-03: Dual Superconducting Halbach Array Generator for large Direct Drive Wind Turbines - Rainer Meinke (AML Superconductivity and Magnetics)   (Regency EF)
11:45 Thu-Mo-Or18-04: Evaluation and Mitigation of AC Losses in a Fully Superconducting Machine for Wind Turbine Applications - Mr Thanatheepan Balachandran (university of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)   (Regency EF)
12:00 Thu-Mo-Or18-05: New Type of Linear Switched Reluctance Generator for Wave Energy Applications - Dr Luis Garcia-Tabarés (CIEMAT)   (Regency EF)
12:15 Thu-Mo-Or18-06: High temperature superconducting hybrid tape stacks - an enabling technology: challenges for DC and AC applications - Prof. Bartlomiej Andrzej Glowacki (ASCG Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge and Institute of Power Engineering)   (Regency EF)
12:30 Thu-Mo-Or18-07: Design and testing of a gas-helium cooled REBCO magnet prototype for a 10-Mvar HTS synchronous condenser - Dr Timing Qu (State Key Laboratory of Tribology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 10084, China.)   (Regency EF)
07:55 --- Registration Open (7:00 AM - 1:00 PM) ---
Fri-Mo-Or25 - Accelerator Magnets - Miscellaneous - Ramesh Gupta (BNL) Damien Simon (Université Paris-Saclay ) (until 09:45) (Regency AB)
08:00 Fri-Mo-Or25-01: Progress in the development of superconducting undulators at the Advanced Photon Source - Yury Ivanyushenkov (ANL)   (Regency AB)
08:15 Fri-Mo-Or25-02: Construction and Cold Test of the Superferric Skew Quadrupole for HL-LHC - Marco Statera (INFN Milano - LASA)   (Regency AB)
08:30 Fri-Mo-Or25-03: Longitudinal gradient bend magnets for the upgrade of the Swiss Light Source storage ring - Ciro Calzolaio (Paul Scherrer Institut)   (Regency AB)
08:45 Fri-Mo-Or25-04: Fabrication and test of Bi-2212 Canted-Cosine-Theta coils - Laura Garcia Fajardo (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)   (Regency AB)
09:00 Fri-Mo-Or25-05: Presentation withdrawn   (Regency AB)
09:15 Fri-Mo-Or25-06: Epoxy and quench training of Nb3Sn accelerator magnets - Tengming Shen (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)   (Regency AB)
09:30 Fri-Mo-Or25-07: Analysis of the transient mechanics behind superconducting accelerator magnet training - Maxim Marchevsky (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)   (Regency AB)
Fri-Mo-Or26 - Fusion VIII: ITER - Alexandre Torre (CEA) (until 09:30) (Regency CD)
08:00 Fri-Mo-Or26-01 [Invited]: Progress of ITER TF coil fabrication in Japan - Mio Nakamoto Norikiyo Koizumi (QST) Hideki Kajitani (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Te)   (Regency CD)
08:30 Fri-Mo-Or26-02: Progress on European ITER Toroidal Field Coil procurement: Cold Test and Insertion Work Package - Boris Bellesia (Fusion for Energy)   (Regency CD)
08:45 Fri-Mo-Or26-03: Current Centre Line integration in the manufacturing process of the ITER Toroidal Field Coils - Marc Jimenez (Fusion For Energy)   (Regency CD)
09:00 Fri-Mo-Or26-04: Preparation of the ITER Central Solenoid Assembly - Thierry Schild (ITER IO)   (Regency CD)
Fri-Mo-Or27 - No-Insulation and Insulated REBCO Magnet Technology - Hubertus Weijers (NHMFL/FSU) So Noguchi (Hokkaido University) (until 10:00) (Regency EF)
08:00 Fri-Mo-Or27-01: Current Status and Challenges in No-Insulation HTS Magnet Technology - Seungyong Hahn (Seoul National University)   (Regency EF)
08:15 Fri-Mo-Or27-02: 30 T generation using an intra-layer no-insulation (LNI) REBCO coil in a 17 T LTS magnet - Mr Yu Suetomi (RIKEN/Chiba University)   (Regency EF)
08:30 Fri-Mo-Or27-03: Control of contact resistance of a long length REBCO conductor - Dr Jun Lu (MS&T, NHMFL)   (Regency EF)
08:45 Fri-Mo-Or27-04: MI HTS Insert for Very High Field Magnet - Dr Xavier Chaud (LNCMI-EMFL-CNRS, UGA, INSA, UPS)   (Regency EF)
09:00 Fri-Mo-Or27-05: Thermal stability and mechanical characteristics of multiple no-insulation pancake coil system in high field magnets. - Yawei Wang (University of Bath)   (Regency EF)
09:15 Fri-Mo-Or27-06: Field and Voltage transient behavior in REBCO HTS coils up to the limiting critical current: Comparison between Experiment and Modelling - Dr Arnaud Badel (Tohoku University)   (Regency EF)
09:30 Fri-Mo-Or27-07: Screening current and hysteresis losses in the REBCO inserts of the 32 T magnet using a T-A homogenous model - Edgar Berrospe (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico)   (Regency EF)
09:45 Fri-Mo-Or27-08: Screening current effect on the stress/strain distribution of REBCO high-field magnets: experimental verification and numerical analysis - Yufan Yan (Tsinghua University)   (Regency EF)
10:00 --- Coffee Break ---
Plenary: Brandon Sorbom (Commonwealth Fusion Systems) - Michael Parizh (General Electric) (until 11:15) (Regency Ballroom)
10:30 Fri-Mo-PL6-01: Commercialization of Superconducting Technologies - CFS, MIT and High-field Fusion - Brandon Sorbom (Commonwealth Fusion Systems)   (Regency Ballroom)
Plenary: Mark Bird (NHMFL/FSU) - Gen Nishijima (National Institute for Materials Science) (until 12:00) (Regency Ballroom)
11:15 Fri-Mo-PL7-01: Recent Advances in Ultra-High Field Magnet Technology - Mark Bird (FSU)   (Regency Ballroom)
14:00 --- Registration Open ---
18:30 --- Welcome Reception ---
12:45 --- Lunch (on your own) ---
14:30 --- Coffee Break (during Poster Sessions) ---
Mon-Af-Po1.11 - HTS Magnets II - Yoshinori Yanagisawa (RIKEN) Ernesto Bosque (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory) (until 16:30) (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.11-01 [1]: Experiment and simulation of the magnetic field produced by the HTS magnet magnetized by the flux pump - Xi Yuan (North China Electric Power University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.11-02 [2]: A Concentrically Arranged Joint-less HTS Coil System for Persistent Current Mode Operation - Ms Miyeon Yoon (Korea Polytechnic University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.11-03 [3]: A new way to solve the critical current degradation of YBCO coils by ice - Prof. Yunfei Tan (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.11-04 [4]: Progress in the Development of a 25 T All Superconducting Magnet with Small-Scale YBCO Insert Coil - Mr Xintao Zhang (the Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031, China, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China )   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.11-05 [5]: Stress analysis of the 32 T superconducting magnet at the MagLab including screening current effects - Dylan Kolb-Bond (NHMFL-FSU)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.11-06 [6]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.11-07 [7]: Design and experimental results of a Bi2223 superconducting magnet cooling by a free-piston Stirling cryocooler - Dr Chao Li (WST)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.11-08 [8]: Development of a Bi-2212 Solenoid Insert Coil in a 14T Superconducting Magnet - Huang Chen (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031, China, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China )   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.11-09 [9]: Development of Bi-2212 high temperature superconducting magnet - Mr Lifeng Bai (Northwest Institute for Nonferrous Metal Research)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.11-10 [10]: Screen-Current Overstressing of REBCO Coil: An Experimental and Analytical Study with Small REBCO Coils - Dongkeun Park (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Mon-Af-Po1.12 - Losses in Conductors and Coils I - Juan Bascuñàn (MIT) Pasquale Fabbricatore (INFN Genova) (until 16:30) (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.12-04 [11]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.12-05 [12]: AC loss evaluation of a novel 2G HTS narrow-stacked wires with 1 mm width - Dr Zhuyong Li (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.12-06 [13]: An Improved AC loss Calculation Method Based on H-formulation for HTS Magnets with Iron Core - Yu Zhang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.12-07 [14]: Magnetization Loss estimation of HTS Solenoid Coils wound with striated CORC - Mr Jisung Goo (Korea Polytechnic University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.12-08 [15]: Numerical Modelling of Dynamic Resistance in Parallel Connected Stacks of ReBCO Tapes - Mr Justin Brooks (Robinson Research Institute, Victoria University of Wellington)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.12-09 [16]: Analysis of AC Loss of Annular Magnet Based on 3D Model and Reduced-Dimensional Inversion - Mr Shuqiang Guo   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.12-10 [17]: Additional AC loss properties of three-strand parallel conductors composed of Y-based superconducting tapes - Takuma Furukawa (Kyushu University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.12-11[18]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.12-12 [19]: Numerical Study on AC Loss of the HTS Coil with distorted AC Transport Current around Laminated Silicon Steel Sheets - Xiaoyong Xu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Mon-Af-Po1.13 - Magnets for NMR - Hubertus Weijers (NHMFL/FSU) Yoshinori Yanagisawa (RIKEN) (until 16:30) (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.13-01 [20 & 21] [Invited]: Towards a 1.3 GHz (30.5 T) NMR: Persistent-mode NMR magnet with superconducting joints between high-temperature superconductors - Yoshinori Yanagisawa (RIKEN)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.13-02 [22]: Reaching Field Uniformity of One Part Per Billion and Below - Dr Rainer Meinke (AML)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.13-03 [23]: Ultra-high field NMR superconducting magnet design with conduction-cooled cryostat system - Dr Yaohui Wang (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.13-04 [24]: Design and Analysis of a Multi-Bore NMR Magnet Array - Mr Jaemin Kim (Seoul National University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.13-05 [25]: Design Methodology for Ferromagnetic Shimming of HTS NMR Magnets Using a Stacked Multilayer Shim - Mr Hongmin Yang (Kunsan National University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.13-06 [26]:A Novel and Fast Method for Inductance and Force Calculation of Multi-Coaxial Coils for NMR Magnet Design - Mr Quanyue Liu (Uiduk University, Gyeongju, Republic of Korea)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Mon-Af-Po1.14 - Electrical Insulation for Magnets - Andries den Ouden (Radboud University) chao li (University of Cambridge) (until 16:30) (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.14-01 [27]: A Study on the Dielectric Characteristics of Epoxy Resin according to Surface Roughness - Minkyung Jeong (Korea National University of Transportation)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.14-02 [28]: Transient Voltage Analysis of Air-Core Coils with Large Section - Dr Pengyu Wang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, 430074, China) Dr Chuan Li (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, 430074, China) Dr Jiawei Li (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, 430074, China) Mr Chengjin Qian ( Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, 430074, China)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.14-03 [29]: New types of organic resins for insulation of warm magnets - Prof. Kazuhiro Tanaka (KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.14-04 [30]: Mechanical characterisation of Nb3Sn cable insulation systems at ambient and cryogenic temperature used for HL-LHC accelerator magnets. - Arnaud Pascal Foussat (CERN)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.14-05 [31]: A Study on Improving the Electrical Stability of a High Voltage Superconducting Magnet - Ms Onyou Lee (Korea National University of Transportation)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.14-06 [32]: A clean production line for conductors insulation preparation - Luigi Muzzi (ENEA)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.14-07 [33]: Partial Discharge Characteristics and Endurance Under Repetitive Square Wave Voltage for PI firm Used in Inverter-fed HTS Motors in Liquid Nitrogen - Wei Wang (Sichuan University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Mon-Af-Po1.15 - Multiphysics Design and Analysis II -Prof. Kozo Osamura (Research Institute for Applied Sciences) William Marshall (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory) (until 16:30) (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.15-01 [34]: PITHIA: An innovative BEM/FEM simulation software for field calculations of accelerator magnets - Dr Dimitrios Rodopoulos (FEAC Engineering P.C. & University of Patras)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.15-02 [35]: An electric-circuit model on the inter-tape contact resistance and current sharing for REBCO cable and magnet applications - Aurora Cecilia Araujo Martinez (Universidad de Guanajuato)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.15-03 [36]: Magnetic Properties Measurement and Analysis of High Frequency Core Material Considering Temperature Effect - Yongjian Li (Hebei University of Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.15-04 [37]: Numerical Analysis of a fully HTS Magnetic Bearing Under High-speed Operation - Guangtong Ma (Southwest Jiaotong University) Dr Changqing Ye (Hohai University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.15-06 [38]: Expansion of the magnetic field in toroidal harmonics and correlations with the current distribution - Prof. Marco Breschi (University of Bologna)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.15-07 [39]: Numerical investigation on the thermo-electro-mechanical behavior of HTS tapes - Prof. Daniela Boso (University of Padova)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.15-08 [40]: Critical Temperature Prediction for a Superconductor: A Bayesian Neural Network Approach - Thanh Dung Le (École de technologie supérieure) Huu Luong Quach (Jeju National University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.15-10 [41]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.15-11 [42]: The design of transcranial magnetic stimulation thin core coil based on multi-objective optimization - Dr Chang Liu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.15-12 [43]: Design and Quench Analysis Study on a 9 T NbTi Superconducting Magnet for Large Bore EMPS - Jae young Jang (Korea Basic Science Institute)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Mon-Af-Po1.16 - Quench Protection and Detection Systems II -Dr Minfeng Xu (GE Global Research) Mr Etienne Rochepault (CEA Paris-Saclay) (until 16:30) (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.16-01 [44]: Design of a quench detection system by implementing an optimization procedure - Giordano Tomassetti (ENEA)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.16-02 [45]: Quasi-3D Thermal Simulation of Quench Propagation of Superconducting Magnets - Ms Laura D'Angelo (Technische Universität Darmstadt)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.16-03 [46]: Quench Detection of High-Temperature Superconducting Magnet using Unsupervised Learning Method - Haeryong Jeon (Yonsei University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.16-04 [47]: Protection Studies of the HL-LHC circuits with the STEAM Simulation Framework - Matthias Mentink (CERN)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.16-05 [48]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.16-06 [49]: Working principle analysis and Parameter optimization of snubber circuit applied in 100kA quench protection system - Prof. Zhiquan Song (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei, 230031, China) Dr Chuan Li (International Joint Research Laboratory of Magnetic Confinement Fusion and Plasma Physics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, 430074, China) Dr Wei Tong (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei, 230031, China; Science island Branch, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, 230026, China.)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Mon-Af-Po1.17 - Fusion III: ITER -Prof. Marco Breschi (University of Bologna) Geonwoo Baek (Yonsei University) (until 16:30) (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.17-02 [54]: Cold Testing of ITER Toroidal Field Winding Packs - Eckhard Theisen (Babcock Noell)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.17-03 [55]: Comparison of FEM Predicted and Measured values of the TF coil closure welding distortion - Alfredo Portone (Fusion For Energy/European Commission) Mr Marc Jimenez (Fusion for Energy)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.17-05 [56]: F4E Procurement of the Pre-Compression Rings made of pultruded composite material - Eva Boter (Fusion for Energy)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.17-06 [57]: ITER Pre Compression Ring Test Facility FEM analysis - Luigi Reccia (Fusion for Energy)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
Mon-Af-Po1.18 - Fusion IV: Thermohydraulics, Mechanical, and AC Losses - Lucas Brouwer (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Daniela Boso (University of Padova) (until 16:30) (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.18-01 [58]: Advanced mechanical modeling of cyclically loaded cable-in-conduit conductors for fusion magnets - Rebecca Riccioli (CEA, Cadarache, France)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.18-02 [59]: CICCs coupling losses: Analytical COLISEUM model enhancement and experimental cross-checks - Mr Maxime Chiletti (CEA Cadarache)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.18-03 [60]: Effect of flow unbalance on the operational performance of the KSTAR PF1UL magnet with the parallel cooling channel - HyunJung Lee (National Fusion Research Institute)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.18-04 [61]: AC Loss Analysis on the KSTAR PF1L Coil Based on Long-Term Operation Data - Jung Tae Lee (Seoul National University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.18-05 [62]: Design of Quench Protection System for K-DEMO TF Magnet - Dr Yong Chu (National fusion research institute)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.18-06 [63]: Quench analysis of the CFETR TF Coil Using the Gandalf Code - Mr Xinghao Wen (University of Science and Technology of China)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.18-07 [64]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.18-08 [65]: Operational Analysis of KSTAR CS Magnet - Yong Chu   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.18-09 [66]: A pressure drop model for helium flow in Cable-in-Conduit conductors based on porous media analogy - Zhicai Ma (Lanzhou University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
Mon-Af-Po1.19 - Power Supplies and Flux Pumps I - Daniel Davis (FSU/NHMFL) Mr Patrick Noyes (Lockheed Martin) (until 16:30) (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.19-01 [67]: Design and test of the power supply for a fast kicker magnet - Mr Wenjie Han (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.19-02 [68]: The design and analysis of power supply topology for high-field MRI superconducting magnet - Prof. Chao Zhou (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei, Anhui, China )   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.19-03 [69]: Design and Implementation of SoC Embedded Waveform Acquisition System for Surveillance and Diagnostics of Pulsed Magnets Power Supplies - Mr Chun-Yi Wu (NSRRC)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.19-04 [70]: Modelling and measurements of stator vs magnet width effects in high-Tc superconducting dynamos. - Ratu Mataira (Robinson Research Institute, Victoria University of Wellington)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.19-05 [71]: Study of stator design for rotating type HTS Flux pump - Mr Jun Ma (University of Cambridge )   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.19-06 [72]: Efficiency analysis and improvement of Transformer-rectifier flux pump for high current magnets - Qihuan Dong (University of Cambridge )   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.19-09 [73]: Contactless Magnetizing Technology Based on YBCO High Temperature Superconducting Tape - Dr Yujia Zhai (Hunan University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
Mon-Af-Po1.20 - Stability of Conductors and Coils I -Dr Minfeng Xu (GE) Mr Etienne Rochepault (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) (until 16:30) (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.20-01 [74]: Thermal, Electrical and Mechanical Behaviors of Metal-as-Insulation HTS Coils Wound with Commercial REBCO Tapes under High Background Magnetic Fields at 4.2 K - Jungbin Song (LNCMI-CNRS)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.20-02 [75]: Performance Study on the No-Insulation HTS Coil wound with Narrow-Stacked wire - Mingyang Wang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.20-03 [76]: Improvement on Temporal Stability of HTS No-insulation Coil by Enhancing Transverse Resistivity - Mr Yanqing Lu   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.20-04 [77]: Experimental Study of Quench Performance for YBCO Coated Conductors - Panpan Chen   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.20-05 [78]: Thermal and electric characteristics of no insulation REBCO coil with conduction plates and epoxy impregnation - Mr Jeongmin Mun (changwon national university)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.20-06 [79]: Study on the effect of metallic protection ring in no-insulation HTS coils - Seokbeom Kim (Okayama University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.20-07 [80]: Influence of coil size and operating temperature on transient stability in multi-stacked no-insulation REBCO pancake coil system - Atsushi Ishiyama (Waseda University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.20-08 [81]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.20-09 [82]: Millisecond Dynamic Effects During Sudden Discharge and Cycling Characteristics of an HTS Stainless-Steel-Insulated Double Pancake Coil - Honghai Song (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
Mon-Af-Po1.21 - Motors III - Kyeongdal Choi (Korea Polytechnic University) Vicente Climente-Alarcon (University of Cambridge) (until 16:30) (Level 3 Posters)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.21-01 [88]: Optimization design of Stator Notch Shape of Brushless DC Motor by Response of Surface Method - Yongdae So   (Level 3 Posters)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.21-02 [89]: Analysis of Design and Mechanical Properties of AISG with Brush and Slip-Ring Structure - Hyunwoo Kim (Hanyang university)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.21-03 [90]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 3 Posters)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.21-04 [91]: A study on Improvement of Power Density and Efficiency of Permanent Magnet BLDC motor - Hyunwoo Kim (Hanyang University) Seungheon Lee (Hanyang University)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.21-05 [92]: Design and Analysis of a Multi-Flux-Modulated Permanent Magnet Motor - Mrs Weiling Pu (jiangsu univeristy school of electrical and information engineering)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.21-06 [93]: Research on the positive airgap harmonics for a flux-modulated permanent magnet motor - Mrs Min Jiang (Jiangsu univeristy school of electrical and information engineering)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.21-07 [94]: Experimental Verification and Semi-3D Analysis Techniques of BLDC Motor with Permanent Magnet Overhang and Housing-Integrated Rotor Core - Hyo-Seob Shin (Chungnam National University)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.21-08 [95]: Analysis and detection of demagnetization fault of Bearingless Permanent Magnet Slice Motor - Mengyao Wu (Jiangsu University) Ying Xu (Jiangsu University)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.21-09 [96]: Design and Optimization of A Novel Axial-Radial Flux Permanent Magnet Machine for Higher Power Density and Lower Cogging Torque - Mr Songjun Sun (State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology,School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.21-10 [97]: Design of 8p12s IPMSM for Minimization of Electromagnetic Noise and Vibration - Won-Ho Kim (Gachon University)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.21-11 [98]: A Study on the Improvement of the Correction Coefficient Considering the 3D Effect of Spoke Type Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor - Sung Gu Lee (Busan University of Foreign Studies)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.21-12 [99]: Design and Analysis of A Partitioned-Rotor and Staggered-Stator Hybrid Excited Flux Switching Permanent Magnet Machine for Hybrid Electric Vehicles - Mrs Xue Zhou (jiangsu university school of electrical and information engineering)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.21-13 [100]: Design of New Novel Shape Rotor by Inductance Changes for Power Improvement and Extended Operating Range - Hyungkwan Jang (Hanyang University) Mr Seung Heon Lee (Hanyang University)   (Level 3 Posters)
Mon-Af-Po1.22 - Motors IV - Kyeongdal Choi (Korea Polytechnic University) Vicente Climente-Alarcon (University of Cambridge) (until 16:30) (Level 3 Posters)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.22-01 [101]: Comparison of Different Stator Winding Structures on Rotating Performance of Fully High-Temperature Superconducting Induction/Synchronous Motor - Dr Liangliang Wei (Kyoto University)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.22-02 [102]: Design and Evaluation of Prototype High-Tc Superconducting Linear Synchronous Motor for High-speed Transportation - Dr Chang-Young Lee (Korea Railroad Research Institute)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.22-03 [103]: Development of a New Axial Flux Machine with the Ability of Mechanical Flux Weakening - Dr Chengcheng Liu (Hebei University of Technology)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.22-06 [104]: Influence of architecture of composite superconducting tape-based stacks on AC demagnetization for electric machines application - Dr Anis Smara (ASCG, Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy , University of Cambridge)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.22-07 [105]: A Novel Flux Reversal Claw Pole Machine with Soft Magnetic Composite Cores - Dr Chengcheng Liu (Hebei University of Technology)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.22-09 [106]: Active Magnetic Equivalent Circuit Analysis Method Considering Magnetic Saturation for Delta Typed Interior Permanent Magnet Traction Motor - Prof. JongSuk Ro (Chung Ang University) Dongkyu Lee (Chung Ang University)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.22-10 [107]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 3 Posters)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.22-11 [108]: Design and Analysis of a Novel Low-Speed and High-Torque Synchronous Motors with PM and Reluctance Hybrid Rotor - Fengge Zhang (Shenyang University of Technology)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.22-12 [109]: Analytical and Experimental Study of Multiphysics on Starting of a 50 kW Class Fully HTS Induction/Synchronous Motor and Its Variable Speed Controllability - Masaya Okuno (Kyoto University)   (Level 3 Posters)
Mon-Af-Po1.23 - Transformers -Dr Sergey Fetisov (Russian Scientific R&D Cable Institute) Roberto Zanino (Politecnico di Torino) (until 16:30) (Level 3 Posters)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.23-01 [110]: Temperature Change Effects on No-Load Loss Characteristics of Amorphous Alloy Cores - Prof. Huiqi Li (Department of Electric Power Engineering, North China Electric Power University)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.23-02 [111]: Design and Analysis of 6.9/1.0 kV-10 MVA Lightweight Superconducting Transformers with REBCO Coated Conductors - Goki Kawasaki (Kyushu University)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.23-03 [112]: Assessment of Dielectric Breakdown Characteristics of Nomex Paper under High Frequency Overvoltages for Superconducting Power Transformer Application - Mr Sun-Jin Kim (Hanyang University)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.23-04 [113]: A New Residual Flux Measurement Method in the Power Transformer - Dr Chengcheng Liu (Hebei University of Technology)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.23-05 [114]: Performance Evaluation of Conductor on Round Core Cables Used in Superconducting Fault Current Limiting Transformer - Ms Wenrong Li (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.23-06 [115]: Winding Design and simulation of a 120kVA/6kV single-phase HTS transformer - Tengyan Wang   (Level 3 Posters)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.23-07 [116]: AC loss calculation on a 6.5 MVA HTS traction transformer with hybrid winding structure - Zhenan Jiang (Victoria University of Wellington)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.23-08 [117]: Residual Flux Measurement and Reduction in the Single-phase Power Transformer - Ms Ziwei Zhao (Hebei University of Technology)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.23-09 [118]: Fault Current Limiting Characteristics of Three Phase Transformer Type Superconducting Fault Current Limiter using Two Insulated Secondary Circuits - Prof. Tae-Hee Han (Jungwon University)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.23-10 [119]: Current Limiting Characteristics of Three-Phase Transformer Type Superconducting Fault Current Limiter According to Secondary Winding Methods - Prof. Sung-Hun Lim (Soongsil University)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:30 Mon-Af-Po1.23-11 [120]: HTS Coil Structure Suitable for High-Power Transmission in a Short-Time in Wireless Power Transmission System for Railway Vehicle - Ryota Inoue (Tohoku University)   (Level 3 Posters)
Mon-Af-Or4 - Resistive and Pulsed High Field Magnet I - Anbo Wu (GE Global Research) Mark Bird (FSU) (until 18:00) (Regency AB)
16:30 Mon-Af-Or4-01: Conceptual Design Optimization of a 60 T Hybrid Magnet - Dr Hans J. Schneider-Muntau (CS&T)   (Regency AB)
16:45 Mon-Af-Or4-02: Preliminary Analysis on the Failure of a 100 T pulsed magnet at the WHMFC - Houxiu Xiao   (Regency AB)
17:00 Mon-Af-Or4-03: Pulsed-Magnet Developments at the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory - Dr Sergei Zherlitsyn (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)   (Regency AB)
17:15 Mon-Af-Or4-04: Finite Element Method (FEM) Simulations for Pulsed Magnet Design Using COMSOL Multiphysics - Dr Doan Nguyen (Los Alamos National Laboratory)   (Regency AB)
17:30 Mon-Af-Or4-05: Cold Spray materials for high field magnets at the LNCMI - Dr Olivier Jay (LNCMI‐EMFL‐CNRS, UGA, INSA, UPS )   (Regency AB)
17:45 Mon-Af-Or4-06: High strength - high conductivity silver nanowire-copper composite wires by spark plasma sintering and wire-drawing for non-destructive pulsed fields - Mr Simon Tardieu (Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses, EMFL, CNRS-INSA-UGA-UPS)   (Regency AB)
Mon-Af-Or5 - Detector Magnets I - Marco Marchetto (TRIUMF) Prof. Lance Cooley (ASC/NHMFL/FSU) (until 18:00) (Regency CD)
16:30 Mon-Af-Or5-01: Magnet Designs for the Future Circular Collider ee, eh and hh Detectors - Herman Ten Kate (CERN)   (Regency CD)
16:45 Mon-Af-Or5-02: Status of Performance Testing of the Mu2e Transport Solenoid Coils - Karie Badgley (Fermilab)   (Regency CD)
17:00 Mon-Af-Or5-03: The ALPHA-g apparatus - A precision magnet system for antimatter gravity measurement - Chukman So (TRIUMF (CA))   (Regency CD)
17:15 Mon-Af-Or5-04: Madmax: design of a very large-scale 9 T dipole for dark matter experiment - Walid Abdel Maksoud (CEA)   (Regency CD)
17:30 Mon-Af-Or5-05: Design of the BabyIAXO superconducting detector magnet system - Dr Nikolay Bykovskiy (CERN)   (Regency CD)
17:45 Mon-Af-Or5-06: Design and first tests of a unique, superconducting multipole magnet for the ultracold-neutron trap PENeLOPE - Wolfgang Schreyer (TRIUMF)   (Regency CD)
Mon-Af-Or6 - Cable-in-Conduit Conductors -Mr Antonio della Corte (ENEA) Simonetta Turtu' (ENEA) (until 18:00) (Regency EF)
16:30 Mon-Af-Or6-01 [Invited]: SuperCIC: enhancing winding current density for high-field windings of tokamaks - Peter McIntyre (Texas A&M University)   (Regency EF)
17:00 Mon-Af-Or6-02: Manufacturing and Test of Next Generation 100 kA @ 10 T and 4.5 K ReBCO-CORC Cable-In-Conduit Conductors for Large-Scale Magnets - Dr Tim Mulder (CERN)   (Regency EF)
17:15 Mon-Af-Or6-03: Presentation withdrawn   (Regency EF)
17:30 Mon-Af-Or6-04: AC Loss Measurements of the DEMO TF React&Wind Conductor Prototype no. 2 - Kamil Sedlak (EPFL Lausanne)   (Regency EF)
17:45 Mon-Af-Or6-05: The design and R&D work of high performanceCICCs for CFETR TF - Dr Qin Jinggang (Institute of Plsama Physics, CAS)   (Regency EF)
18:00 --- Exhibitor Reception ---
12:45 --- Lunch (on your own) ---
14:00 --- Coffee Break (during Poster Sessions) ---
Tue-Af-Po2.14 - No-Insulation Coil Technology - Xavier Chaud (LNCMI-EMFL-CNRS, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, INSA, UPS) Dr Arnaud Badel (Tohoku University) (until 16:00) (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.14-01 [1]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.14-02 [2]: Design and Performance Estimation of a 20 T No-Insulation all-REBCO User Magnet - Kwanglok Kim (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.14-03 [3]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.14-04 [4]: The Effect of Turn-to-Turn Contact Resistance on the Electrical Characteristic and Thermal Stability of 2G HTS Pancake Coils - Mr Guangda Wang   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.14-05 [5]: Electromagnetic and thermal analysis of No-Insulation ReBCO Double Pancake Coils During Charging - Dr Qiuliang Wang (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.14-06 [6]: A critical quench simulation model of No-insulation high temperature superconducting coils with defects - Dr Qiuliang Wang (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.14-07 [7]: Over-current test on an intra-layer no-insulation (LNI) REBCO coil under a high background field - Mr Yu Suetomi (RIKEN/Chiba University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.14-08 [8]: Study of Screening Currents in No-Insulation REBCO Magnets - Kwanglok Kim (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.14-09 [9]: Elimination of Screening Current-Induced Magnetic Field in a non-insulation REBCO Superconducting Coil Through A Small Size Radio Frequency Antenna - Dr Lei Wang (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.14-10 [10]: Fatigue behavior of No-Insulation Coils with and without Reinforcing Co-Wind - Iain Dixon (Florida State University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.14-12 [11]: Testing of Quality Assessment (QA) HTS Magnets at Tokamak Energy - Greg Brittles (Tokamak Energy)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Tue-Af-Po2.15 - Resistive and Hybrid Magnets - Satoshi Awaji (Tohoku University) Yunfei Tan (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) (until 16:00) (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.15-01 [12]: Conceptual Design for a next generation Resistive Large Bore Magnet at the NHMFL - Mr Scott Bole (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, USA) Dr Jack Toth (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, USA)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.15-02 [13]: Design of the resistive insert for the Nijmegen 45 T hybrid magnet - Dr Frans Wijnen (Radboud University Nijmegen)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.15-03 [14]: Failure modes of the insert magnet of a hybrid magnet system: consequences for the mechanical design - Frans Wijnen (Radboud University Nijmegen)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.15-04 [15]: Redesign and Strength Check of 40T Hybrid Magnet Thermal Shield - Dr Zhen Fang (Chinese High Magnetic Field Laboratory ,Chinese Academy of Science)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Tue-Af-Po2.16 - Power Supplies and Flux Pumps II: Transformers - Jun Ma (Cambridge University) Yujia Zhai (Hunan University) (until 16:00) (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.16-01 [16]: Contactless Power Transfer for HTS Magnets with A Novel YBCO-coated Conductor Bridge as Rectifier - Ms Yuke Deng (1.Applied Superconductivity Laboratory, State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China.2School of Electrical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China. 2.School of Electrical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China.2School of Electrical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China.)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.16-02 [17]: Practical Estimation of Superconducting Dynamo Losses - Ratu Mataira (Robinson Research Institute, Victoria University of Wellington)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.16-03 [18]: Design and performance analysis of a dynamo-type HTS flux pump for a 10 kW superconducting generator - Mr Gi-Dong Nam (Changwon National University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.16-04 [19]: Experimental and Numerical Characterization of the Contactless Self Current Drived HTS Flux Pump - Pengbo Zhou (Southwest Jiaotong University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.16-06 [20]: Charging Characteristics of HTS Coils with Various Insulation Materials by Charging of Rotary HTS Flux Pump - Mr Seunghak Han (Yonsei University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.16-07 [21]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.16-08 [22]: Characteristics of a Stationary Flux Pump using Linear Moving Magnetic Fields for an HTS Jointless Coil in Persistent Current Mode - Mr Seyeon Lee (Korea Polytechnic University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.16-09 [23]: Superconducting transformer for superconducting cable research and development - Hui Yu (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.16-10 [24]: Transient Analysis of AC Power System for JT-60SA Superconducting Magnets - Mr Shoichi Hatakeyama (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.16-11 [25]: Design of a Resistive Magnet Power Supply Based on Three-Level Buck Converters - Mr Can Wang (Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Scienc)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.16-12 [26]: Improvement of the performance of Flat-top Pulsed High Magnetic Field Facility based on battery-bank power supply - Zhenglei Wang (Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center,Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Dr Shaozhe Zhang (Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center,Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.16-13 [27]: A new control strategy to improve the performance of the voltage source converter of new high power magnet power supply - Dr Zhenshang Wang (1.Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Hefei 230031,P.R.China; 2.University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230026,P.R.China)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Tue-Af-Po2.17 - NbTi Accelerator Magnets I -Mr Etienne Rochepault (CEA Paris-Saclay ) Gerard Willering (CERN) (until 16:00) (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.17-04 [28]: Presentation withdrawn - MT26 Conference Organizer (Centennial Conferences)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.17-05 [29]: Preliminary Test Results of the First of Series Multiplet for the Super-FRS at FAIR - Hans Guenter Mueller (GSI)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.17-06 [30]: Industrial production of superconducting magnets for the FAIR SIS100 accelerator - Wolfgang Walter (Babcock Noell GmbH)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.17-07 [31]: Mock-up developments for the superferric dipoles of the Super-FRS of FAIR - Arnaud Madur (CEA Saclay)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.17-09 [32]: Preparation of the superconducting magnet string test for the SIS100 synchrotron - Patricia Aguar Bartolome (GSI GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Tue-Af-Po2.18 - NbTi Accelerator Magnets II -Dr Tatsushi Nakamoto (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, KEK) Thomas Strauss (FNAL) (until 16:00) (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.18-01 [33]: Magnetic field design of a full-scale prototype of the HL-LHC beam separation dipole with a correction of mechanical deformation - Kento Suzuki (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization )   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.18-02 [34]: Magnetic Field Measurement of first series twin aperture orbit correctors for the HL-LHC Upgrade - Mr Wenjie Yang (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.18-03 [35]: HL-LHC D2 Short model recombination dipole cold test results and analysis - Arnaud Pascal Foussat (CERN)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.18-04 [36]: Design and performance of the quench protection heater for the HL-LHC beam separation dipole - Kento Suzuki   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.18-05 [37]: Design of radiation hard spare units for the orbit corrector dipoles of LHC - Dr Alexandre Mehdi Louzguiti (CERN)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.18-06 [38]: Fabrication and results of the first Round Coil Superferric Magnet at LASA - Samuele Mariotto (University of Milan - INFN Milan)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.18-08 [39]: Analysis of Interdependent multipole field pattern and complement dipole field quality - Dr Seong Yeub Shim (GSI)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.18-09 [40]: The training test research of high stress superconducting magnet for 200 MeV superconducting cyclotron - Dr Kaizhong Ding (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Chunlong Zou (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Shuangsong Du (ASIPP)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.18-10 [41]: Optimization Design of CiADS Superconducting Solenoid - Wei Wu (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Ms Tongjun Yang (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Tue-Af-Po2.19 - Losses in Conductors and Coils II - Francesco Grilli (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) Mike Sumption (The Ohio State University) (until 16:00) (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.19-01 [42]: Instantaneous AC Loss Measurement of HTS Coil - Kai Zhu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.19-02 [43]: Experimental investigation on AC loss characteristics under HTS cable electromagnetic conditions - Prof. Jun Ogawa (Niigata University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.19-03 [44]: Research on Driving Coil with Coupling Cooling Method in Electromagnetic Forming - Li Qiu (China Three Gorges University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.19-04 [45]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.19-05 [46]: Test Results of Quench-back Management Due to Fast Decaying Current Induced AC Losses in SHMS Superconducting Magnet at Jefferson Lab - Dr Eric Sun (Jefferson Lab)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.19-06 [47]: Calculation of Iron Losses for Soft Magnetic Materials Under Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM) - Mr Htutzaw Hein (State Key Laboratory of Reliability and intelligence of Electrical Equipment, Hebei University of Technology, 300130 Tianjin, China)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.19-07 [48]: A Theoretical Investigation on the AC Loss Estimation Method for Fusion Magnet - Sangjun Oh (NFRI)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.19-08 [49]: Effect of Dynamic Resistance on AC loss in a Conductor-on-round-core Cable - Liu Rujing Yang Wenjiang   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.19-11 [50]: Self-field AC loss measurement of a four-tape HTS stack using Fiber Bragg Grating sensors - Mr Yanchao Liu (Beijing Jiaotong University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.19-12 [51]: Reduction of ac loss in HTS coils of superferric magnets for rapid cycling synchrotrons by changing iron yoke geometry - Yang Li (Kyoto University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Tue-Af-Po2.20 - Motors VII - Takanobu Kiss (Kyushu University) Dr Anna Kario (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH) (until 16:00) (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.20-01 [54]: An Optimal Design to Prevent Demagnetization of Dy-free Magnet for a Traction Motor - Ho-Chang Jung (Korea Automotive Technology Institute) Dr Dongsu Lee (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.20-03 [55]: Low-Iron-Loss Design of a Flux-Modulated Motor Considering Air-Gap Harmonics - Mr Fu Zhang (Jiangsu University School of Electrical and information engineering)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.20-04 [56]: Low-Weight Design Method of Electric Outboard PM Motor for Small Leisure Boat - Hyungkwan Jang (Hanyang University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.20-05 [57]: A New Hybrid Excitation Synchronous Machine with Radial Combination of PM and ALA - Hongqin Xie (Sichuan University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.20-06 [58]: Research on the cost-effectiveness for a flux-biased flux-modulated permanent magnet motor - Zixuan Xiang   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.20-07 [59]: Comparative Study on A Novel Modular Multistage Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Machine with Different Core Materials - Mr Songjun Sun (State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology,School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.20-08 [60]: A novel tubular switched reluctance linear machine shielding from end magnetic effect - Hao Chen (China University of Mining & Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.20-09 [61]: Cogging Torque Reduction in Double-Rotor Hybrid Excited Axial Switched-Flux Permanent Magnet Machine - Deyang Fan (Jiangsu University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.20-10 [62]: Optimization Design and Performance Analysis of Bearingless Flux Switching Permanent Magnet Motor with Multi-tooth Structure - Mrs Ying Xu (Jiangsu University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.20-11 [63]: A Novel Flux Switching Claw Pole Machine with Soft Magnetic Composite Cores - Dr Chengcheng Liu (Hebei University of Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.20-12 [64]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 2)
Tue-Af-Po2.21 - Motors VIII -Dr Anna Kario (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH) Takanobu Kiss (Kyushu University) (until 16:00) (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.21-01 [65]: Inductance tracking Method for Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor by Electric Torque Estimator - Hyungkwan Jang (Hanyang University) Hyunwoo Kim (Hanyang University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.21-02 [66]: Thermal-Electromagnetic Design of ISG WFSM Motor for Vehicle Considering Cooling System - Hyunwoo Kim Hyungkwan Jang (Hanyang University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.21-03 [67]: Equivalent magnetic circuit analysis of doubly salient permanent magnet motor with Π-shaped stator iron core segments - Yi Du (Jiangsu University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.21-04 [68]: Three-dimensional Magnetic Equivalent Circuit Analysis of Double-sided Switched Reluctance Linear Machine - Hao Chen (China University of Mining & Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.21-05 [69]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.21-06 [70]: Coupled Magnetic Field analysis and optimization of Double Stator Linear Rotary PM Machine - Dr Lei Xu (School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Jiangsu University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.21-08 [71]: Considering axial phenomenon, axial permanent magnet segment motor Analysis. - Seungheon Lee Hyungkwan Jang (Hanyang University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.21-09 [72]: Study of A Post-Assembly Magnetization Method of a V-Type Rotor of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor for Electric Vehicle - Qingjian Wang (Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.21-10 [73]: Optimization Method to Maximize Efficiency of a Drive Motor with Electrical Winding Changeover Technic for Hybrid EV - Dr Ho-Chang Jung (Korea Automotive Technology Institute)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.21-11 [74]: Optimization Design of Segmented Permanent-Magnet Shape by Analysis of Thermal Characteristics - Jonghun Lee (Keimyung University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
Tue-Af-Po2.22 - Stability of Conductors and Coils II - Honghai Song (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Haigun Lee (Korea University) (until 16:00) (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.22-01 [75]: Investigation on Electrical and thermal behaviors of 2G HTS Racetrack Coil with Metal-Insulator Transition Insulation Material under External Time-Varying Magnetic Field - Jung Hyup Ko (Jeju National University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.22-02 [76]: Smart Insulation that Enables Calculation of Operating Current of ReBCO Coil - Dr Hyung-Wook Kim (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.22-03 [77]: Investigation on the Thermal and Electrical Characteristics of GdBCO Magnet Using Intentional Bypass Current Path - Mr Kim Kihyun (Korea University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.22-04 [78]: Study on Cooling and Over-current Characteristics of a Superconducting Magnet Using a Grooved Bobbin - Mr Hyun Sung Noh (Korea University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.22-06 [79]: Investigation on the correlation between electric and thermal contact resistance of REBCO HTS wires - Geonhang Seo (Changwon National University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.22-07 [80]: Quench test of a stacked REBCO coil composed of six single pancakes with electrically conductive epoxy resin - Dr Hiroshi Miyazaki (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.22-08 [81]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.22-09 [82]: Characteristics research on BSCCO HTS tapes with short-circuit impulse current impact at LNG cooling ambient temperature - Mr Guangrui Zhao (Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University )   (Level 2 Posters 2)
Tue-Af-Po2.23 - Novel and Other Applications I - Philippe Masson (AML Superconductivity and Magnetics) Honghai Song (Brookhaven National Laboratory) (until 16:00) (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.23-01 [88]: Recent State of The Art Magnets for Beamline Applications - Daniel Strange (Oxford Instruments)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.23-02 [89]: A Hybrid Trapped Field Magnet Lens (HTFML): concept and realisation - Dr Mark Ainslie (University of Cambridge)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.23-03 [90]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.23-04 [91]: Research on the Squeeze Current Effect of the Foil-type Excitation Windings under the Condition of High Frequency - Prof. Yongjian Li (State Key Laboratory of Reliability and Intelligence of Electrical Equipment,School of Electrical Engineering, Hebei University of Technology)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.23-05 [92]: Development of a Prototype MgB2 Superconducting Solenoid Magnet for High-Efficiency Klystron Applications - Mr Hiroyuki Watanabe (Hitachi, Ltd.)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.23-06 [93]: Experimental Analysis of the Interference-Fit Joining of Aluminium Tubes by Electromagnetic Forming - Prof. Evandro Paese (Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, Universidade de Caxias Sul, Campus Universitário da Região dos Vinhedos)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.23-07 [94]: Design and experimental implementation of a novel electromagnetic stirring system for casting particle-reinforced aluminum matrix composites - Junyu Fu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.23-08 [95]: Design and Fabrication of a Laboratory Electromagnet applying HTS Coils - Young Jin Hwang (Korea Basic Science Institute)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.23-09 [96]: A 10+ m$^3$ Ioffe Trap for Project 8 - Alec Lindman (PRISMA+ Cluster of Excellence, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.23-10 [97]: Study on a Novel Electromagnetic Tripping System with Two Staeg Short Circuit Tripping Characteristic - Prof. Ming Zong (Shenyang University of technology,China)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.23-11 [98]: Experimental research on conduction cooling of superconducting induction heating magnet - Mr Lei Hu   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.23-12 [99]: Frequency measurement of Terahertz wave by using high magnetic field technology - Xin Qi   (Level 3 Posters)
Tue-Af-Po2.24 - Novel and Other Applications II - Rainer Meinke (AML Superconductivity and Magnetics) Sasha Ishmael (Lupine Materials and Technology) (until 16:00) (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.24-01 [100]: The development of three stage electromagnetic forming facility and its timing control system - Jianfeng Xie   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.24-02 [101]: 30 T pulsed magnet designed for an 800 GHz gyrotron - Dr Pengbo Wang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.24-03 [102]: Poloidal Vector Potential Transformer - Dr Masahiro Daibo (Iwate University)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.24-04 [103]: Dynamic analysis of sheet metal forming process by uniform pressure electromagnetic actuator using the finite element method - Mr Zelin Wu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.24-05 [104]: Design and simulation of three-phase electromagnetic wiping device - Prof. Tonghai Ding (Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.24-06 [105]: Verification of an Efficient Closed Loop Degaussing Technique for a Ferromagnetic ship - Mr Byungsu Kang (Kyungpook National University)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.24-07 [106]: Magnetic lens effect analysis of high temperature superconductors by finite element software - Donghui Jiang (The High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.24-08 [107]: The Modeling and Numerical Simulation for Spherical Vector-Potential Coil - Mrs Sarai Lekchaum (Iwate University)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.24-09 [108]: Numerical Investigations on Enhanced-Performance Superconducting Linear Acceleration System for Pellet Injection - Teruou Takayama (Yamagata University)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.24-10 [109]: A hybrid compensation method for ICT high voltage power supply - Can Jiang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.24-11 [110]: Operation parameter and economic effect study of the 1 MW HTS DC induction heater - Ping Yang (Shanghai Maritime University)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.24-12 [111]: High Coupling Characteristics of Resonance Coil for Superconducting Wireless Power Transfer - Hui-Seok Gu (Chosun University)   (Level 3 Posters)
Tue-Af-Po2.25 - Novel and Other Applications III -Dr Sasha Ishmael (Lupine Materials and Technology) Rainer Meinke (AML Superconductivity and Magnetics) (until 16:00) (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.25-01 [112]: Structure Design and Performance Analysis of Superconducting DC Energy Transfer Line - Mr Peng Xue (Tsinghua University)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.25-02 [113]: Feasibility study for the application of 154 kV smart HTS cables to a power system - Seung Ryul Lee (KERI)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.25-03 [114]: Sensitivity Analysis of Parameters in Transverse Flux Induction Heating Model - Dr Chengcheng Liu (Hebei University of Technology)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.25-04 [115]: A Finite Element Study on the Distribution and Variation of the Eddy Current in Electromagnetic Sheet Free Bulging - Dr Lantao Huang (Xiamen University)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.25-05 [116]: Effect of the iron core air gap structure of superconducting DC induction heater on the heating of aluminium billet - Mr Xufeng Yan (Beijing Jiaotong University)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.25-08 [118]: A Novel Trenchless Detection Technology Based on Transient Electromagnetic Method for Power Poles - Jun Zhou (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.25-09 [119]: A Novel Magnetic Gear with Unequal Halbach Array and Spoke Permanent Magnets - Qian Wang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.25-10 [120]: A Novel Slotted Magnetic Gear with Spoke and Inset Permanent Magnets - Qian Wang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Tue-Af-Po2.25-12 [121]: Detection of Underground Tower Base for Distribution Transmission Network Based on Transient Electromagnetic Method - Xiao Fang   (Level 3 Posters)
Tue-Af-Spe1 - Special Session: Magnet Technology and Conductor for Future High-field Applications - Joseph Minervini (MIT) (until 18:30) (Regency Ballroom)
16:00 Introduction   (Regency Ballroom)
16:05 Ultra-high Field Superconducting Magnets for MRI - Michael Parizh (GE Global Research)   (Regency Ballroom)
16:15 Ultra-high-field Fusion - CFS - Zach Hartwig (MIT)   (Regency Ballroom)
16:27 Advantages and Challenges in High-field Rotating Machinery - Mathias Noe (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)   (Regency Ballroom)
16:41 High-field Accelerator Magnets - Bernardo Bordini (CERN)   (Regency Ballroom)
16:54 TMC - A Low-cost High Field Conductor - Mr Bernd Seeber (scMetrology)   (Regency Ballroom)
17:07 Status of High-field ReBCO Conductor - Satoshi Awaji (Tohoku University)   (Regency Ballroom)
17:20 Conductor Technology Needs - Mike Sumption (The Ohio State University)   (Regency Ballroom)
17:33 Key Issues in HTS Magnet and Conductor Technology Toward Various Applications - Naoyuki Amemiya (Kyoto University)   (Regency Ballroom)
17:45 Magnet Technology Development for High-field Accelerator Magnets - Ramesh Gupta (BNL)   (Regency Ballroom)
18:00 Questions & Discussion   (Regency Ballroom)
12:45 --- Lunch (on your own) ---
14:00 --- Coffee Break (during Poster Sessions) ---
Wed-Af-Po3.14 - Structural Materials for Magnets - Pablo Cayado (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)) Akira Yamamoto (KEK and CERN) (until 16:00) (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.14-01 [1]: The Study of Strengthening and the Electrical Resistivity of Deformation Processed Cu/Cu-16%Nb and Cu/Cu-7%Nb Microcomposites - Victor Pantsyrny (Bochvqr Institute)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.14-02 [2]: Study of the fatigue behavior of unidirectional zylon/epoxy composite used in pulsed magnets - Prof. Houxiu Xiao (Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.14-04 [3]: High strength and conductivity CuAg micro-composites by accumulative drawing and bundling process - Ming Liang (Northwest Insititute for Non-ferrous Metal Research)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.14-05 [4]: Examination and Assessment of Large Forged Structural Components for the Precompression Structure of the ITER Central Solenoid - Stefano Sgobba (CERN)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Wed-Af-Po3.15 - HTS Magnets and Conductors for Accelerators -Dr Alexander Otto (Solid Material Solutions, LLC) Maria Baldini (FNAL) (until 16:00) (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.15-01 [5]: Ongoing Manufacturing of the EuCARD2 Roebel-based cos-theta magnet at CEA Saclay - Maria Durante   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.15-02 [6]: Bending properties of quasi-isotropic strands made by 2G wires at 77 K - Changtao Kan   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.15-03 [7]: Quench Analysis of HTS quadrupole magnets for the IF Separator of IBS RISP Demonstrating Electromagnetic Quench Propagation - Dr Jiho Lee (Institute for Basic Science)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.15-04 [8]: Design study and preliminary test results of a high field ReBCO coil with a new end structure - Ershuai Kong (IHEP&USTC)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.15-05 [9]: Excitation and Magnetic Field Performances of a Prototype REBCO Sextupole Magnet at 4.2 K - Xudong Wang (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.15-06 [10]: Research and development of future radiation resistant accelerator magnets based on high temperature superconductors - Masami Iio (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.15-07 [11]: HTS Quadrupole Magnet for the Persistent Current Mode Operation - Vladimir Kashikhin (Fermilab)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.15-08 [12]: Applying Superconducting Magnet Technology for Klystron Beam Focusing and Energy Efficient RF Power Systems in Particle Accelerators   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.15-09 [13]: Effect of Screening Current Induced Field on Field Quality of an Air-Core HTS Quadruple Magnet - Mr Geonwoo Baek (Yonsei University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.15-10 [14]: Experimental test of the Magnetic Field Active Shimming Method for the Air-core HTS Quadruple Magnet - Mr Junseong Kim (Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.15-11 [15]: The Design of superconducting magnet for IF (In-flight Fragment) separator of RISP - Sukjin Choi (IBS)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.15-12 [16]: Development of a 3-T conduction cooled MgB2 dipole magnet - Qihong Wu (Tsinghua University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.15-13 [17]: Preliminary research on Soldered Stack ReBCO Cable - Mr Feipeng Ning (IHEP) Dr Xuyang Liu (IHEP)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.15-14 [18]: New Application of Superconducting MgB2 Tubes for Passive Magnetic Field Shielding for Electron Ion Collider - Honghai Song (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Wed-Af-Po3.16 - Magnets for Light Source - Piyush Joshi (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Greg Brittles (Tokamak Energy) (until 16:00) (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.16-01 [19]: Control System for a Cryogenic Permanent Magnet Undulator at Taiwan Photon Source - Mr Chun-Yi Wu (NSRRC)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.16-02 [20]: Design and Development of a New Control Architecture for Elliptically Polarizing Undulator at Taiwan Photon Source - Mr Chun-Yi Wu (NSRRC)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.16-03 [21]: Conceptual Design of a Superbend Magnet for Advance Light Source Upgrade Project - Mariusz Juchno (LBNL) Charles Swenson (LBNL)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.16-04 [22]: The Cooling Design for the Magnetic Structure of the SHINE Superconducting Undulator - Mr Qisheng Tang (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.16-05 [23]: Development of a Nb3Sn superconducting undulator for the Advanced Photon Source - Dr Ibrahim Kesgin (Argonne National Laboratory)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.16-06 [24]: Numerical Design Optimisation of Short-Period HTS Staggered Array Undulators - Dr Sebastian Hellmann (Paul Scherrer Institut)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.16-07 [25]: Quench simulation of a REBCO undulator coil - Dr Yi Ding   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.16-08 [26]: Quench Protection of Insulated HTS Magnets by inducing a Current Surge within the Magnet - Dr Michael Green (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.16-10 [27]: Magnetic Field Optimization of an In-Vacuum Undulator at NSLS-II - Dr Marco Musardo (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.16-11 [28]: Field measurement of a cryogenic permanent magnet undulator at NSRRC - Dr Chinkang Yang (NSRRC)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.16-12 [29]: Magnetic and thermomechanical study of a variable gap superconducting undulator - Dr Frederic Trillaud (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Wed-Af-Po3.17 - Mechanical Behavior II - Hyung-Seop Shin (Andong National University) Victor Bykov (Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Greifswald, Germany) (until 16:00) (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.17-02 [30]: Cyclic behavior of Wendelstein 7-X magnet system during first two phases of operation - Dr Victor Bykov (Max-Planck Institute for Plasmaphysics)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.17-03 [31]: Mechanical design and analysis of the BabyIAXO magnet cold mass, cryostat and support system - Helder Filipe Pais Da Silva (CERN)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.17-04 [32]: Mechanical design of the magnet mirror structure for testing Nb3Sn sextupole coil of 45 GHz ECRIS - Dr Wei Wu (Institute of Modern Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.17-05 [33]: Mechanical Design and Analysis of Capture Superconducting Magnet for EMuS - Mr Zhilong Hou (The State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics, Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS), University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.17-06 [34]: The Mechanical Analysis of the Rutherford Cable Subjected to Axial Tension - Ms Libin Jiang (Lanzhou University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.17-07 [35]: High definition 3D finite element analysis of low temperature Rutherford cable - Pierre Manil (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.17-08 [36]: Mechanical behaviour of the HL-LHC beam screen during a quench test campaign of the MQXF short model magnet - Mr Marco Morrone (CERN)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.17-09 [37]: Analysis of the mechanical behavior of the KSTAR CS magnet during long pulse plasma discharges - Hee-Jae Ahn (NFRI)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Wed-Af-Po3.18 - REBCO Wires & Cables III -Dr Ibrahim Kesgin (Argonne National Laboratory) Chris Kovacs (The Ohio State University) (until 16:00) (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.18-01 [38]: Development of High Je 2G HTS Wires for High-Field Magnet Applications - Yue Zhao (shanghai jiao tong university)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.18-02 [39]: Effect of Core Materials on the Electrical Properties of Superconducting Conductor on Round Core Cable - Haosheng Ye (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.18-04 [40]: Electromagnetic properties of REBCO coated conductor with multi-superconducting layers - Dr Sang-Soo Oh (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.18-05 [41]: Current distribution of an HTS twisted stacked-tape cable conductor investigated by self-field measurements - Dr Tetsuhiro Obana (NIFS)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.18-06 [42]: Improvement of Jc properties for Hf and La doped Gd123 films fabricated by fluorine-free MOD method - Joichiro Fukui (Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.18-07 [43]: The study of pinning center formation in Sm1Ba2Cu3O7-d coated conductor by reactive-co evaporation method - Dr Ho-Sup Kim (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.18-08 [44]: Experimental research on critical current behavior of various HTS tapes - Prof. Li Ren (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.18-09 [45]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.18-10 [46]: Insulation Design for 10kV Three-phase Concentric High-Temperature Superconducting Cable - Dr Wei Pi (North China Electric Power University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Wed-Af-Po3.19 - REBCO Wires & Cables IV - Anbo Wu (GE Global Research) Drew Hazelton (SuperPower Inc.) (until 16:00) (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.19-01 [47]: The impact of stacked angle on the uniformity of trapped field in HTS taped stacks - Xiaodong Li (Beihang University) Wenjiang Yang (China)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.19-02 [48]: Performance Test of a Geometrically Symmetrical Strand Fabricated by 2G Wires at 4.2 K - Changtao Kan   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.19-03 [49]: The Contact Mechanical Behaviors in Triad CORC Wires - Mr Keyang Wang (Lanzhou University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.19-05 [50]: Numerical study on the coupling current and magnetization loss of striated CORC cables using 3D T-A formulation - Yufan Yan (Tsinghua University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.19-06 [51]: Development of Cost-effective Secondary Generation High-temperature Superconducting REBaCuO Tapes for Power Applications - Prof. Cai Chuanbing (Shanghai Key Laboratory of High Temperature Superconductors, Shanghai University;Shanghai Creative Superconductor Technologies Co. Ltd. )   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.19-07 [52]: Study on Mechanical Properties of Quasi-identical Superconductor Strands Stacked by 2mm Wide REBCO Tapes - Shuwen Ma (North China Electric Power University)   (Level 2 Posters 1)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.19-08 [53]: Effect of Combination Twisting with Bending Characteristics on Critical Current of Quasi-Isotropic HTS Strand - Dr Yang Nie   (Level 2 Posters 1)
Wed-Af-Po3.20 - CCT Magnets and Field Quality of Accelerator Magnets - Damien Simon (Université Paris-Saclay) Federica Pierro (Tufts University) (until 16:00) (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.20-01 [54]: CCT Type Twin aperture Superconducting Quadrupole Design for CEPC Interaction Region - Prof. Quanling Peng (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.20-02 [55]: No Insulation CCT Coils for Superconducting Accelerator Magnets - Lucas Brouwer (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.20-03 [56]: Design and Test of a Canted-Cosine-Theta Superconducting Quadrupole Prototype For CiADS Project - Dr Yu Liang (IMP,CAS)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.20-04 [57]: The Effects of Manufacturing Errors on Field Quality of a Canted-Cosine-Theta Twin Aperture Beam Orbit Corrector - Dr Shaoqing Wei (Institute of High Energy Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences(IHEP,CAS))   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.20-05 [58]: Design considerations of an alternating-gradient canted-cosine-theta superconducting magnet applied to proton therapy - Mr Wenjie Han (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.20-06 [59]: A Transducer for Measuring the Field Quality in Superconducting Solenoids - Carlo Petrone (CERN)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.20-07 [60]: Vertical Magnetic Field Measurements of Full-Length Prototype MQXFAP Quadrupoles at Cryogenic Temperatures for Hi-Lumi LHC - Honghai Song (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.20-09 [61]: A flexible search coil set-up for magnetic measurements of accelerator dipole magnets - Dr Carsten Muehle (GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.20-10 [62]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.20-11 [63]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.20-12 [64]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.20-13 [65]: A rotating coil system based on CMM for high gradient small aperture quadrupoles in HEPS-TF - Dr Yingshun Zhu (Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.20-14 [66]: Magnet end shaping of the Future Circular Collider Main Quadrupole: optimization and validation - Helene Felice (CEA Paris-Saclay) Mr Etienne Rochepault (CEA Paris-Saclay)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.20-15 [67]: Topology Optimization of the Pole Shape in Passive Magnetic Channel using MMA Method - Dr Lige Zhang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
Wed-Af-Po3.21 - Nb3Sn Wires - Ildar Abdyukhanov (VNIINM (Bochvar Institute)) Matthias Mentink (CERN) (until 16:00) (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.21-02 [68]: Refining the grain size and improving critical current in tube type Nb3Sn conductor in Hyper Tech - Xuan Peng (Hyper Tech Research Inc.)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.21-03 [69]: Challenges and Perspectives of the Phase Formation of Internally Oxidized PIT-Type Conductors - Carl Buehler (Bruker EST)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.21-04 [70]: Mechanical strength evaluation of the internal matrix reinforced Nb3Sn multifilamentary wire using Cu-Sn-In ternary alloy matrix - Prof. Yoshimitsu Hishinuma (National Institute for Fusion Science)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.21-05 [71]: Fabrication of new internal tin Nb3Sn wire using Sn-Zn alloy as Sn core - Taro Morita   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.21-06 [72]: Fundamental study on the effect of Zn addition into Cu matrix in internal tin Nb3Sn conductors - Nobuya Banno (National Institute for Materials Science)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.21-07 [73]: Superconducting Properties of Internal Tin Nb3Sn Strands, doped with Ti, Zr and Ti, Ti and Ta. - Dr Victor Pantsyrny (Bochvqr Institute)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.21-08 [74]: Evaluation of various Nb-rod-method Cu-Nb/Nb3Sn wires designed for practical React-and-Wind coils - Mr Masahiro Sugimoto (Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd.)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.21-09 [75]: Performance Improvements to Nb3Sn Superconducting Wires by bronze route - Dr Ke Zhang (Western Superconducting Technologies Co. Ltd.)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.21-10 [76]: Effect of Nb3Sn coarse grains on critical current densities of Internal Tin Nb3Sn strand - Dr Bo Wu (1. National Engineering Laboratory for Superconducting Material, Western Superconducting Technologies (WST) Co., Ltd. 2. State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing, Northwestern Polytechnical University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.21-11 [77]: Impact of transverse compression on the sub-element RRP Nb3Sn strand - Dr Yongliang Zhang (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Science)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.21-12 [78]: Heat Treatment Studies of Nb3Sn RRP wires for Superconducting Planar Undulators - Emanuela Barzi (Emanuela)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
Wed-Af-Po3.22 - Associated Technology I -Dr Sasha Ishmael (Lupine Materials and Technology) Maria Baldini (FNAL) (until 16:00) (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.22-01 [79]: Study of magneto-resistance for low magnetic field measurement - Dr Ryuichi Ueki (KEK)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.22-02 [80]: Effect of Specimen Shape on Eddy Current Distribution in Large Single Sheet Tester - Yongjian Li (Hebei University of Technology)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.22-03 [81]: Vibration Control of Vertical Motion for a Superconducting EDS Train - Mr Gang Li (Southwest Jiaotong University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.22-04 [82]: A pulsed current based critical current measurement system for long REBCO coated conductors - Ms Yiwen Chen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.22-05 [83]: Trapped Field Charateristics of A HTS Magnet with Two Holes Using Four Magnetization Methods - Yanqing Lu (NCEPU)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.22-06 [84]: Numerical study of the performance of HTS switch under perpendicular magnetic field - Jun Ma (Cambridge Universitry)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.22-07 [85]: Development of fine shimming technique with magnetorheological fluid - Ken-ichi Sasaki (KEK)   (Level 2 Posters 2)
Wed-Af-Po3.23 - Resistive and Pulsed High Field Magnet II - Tao Peng (Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Frans Wijnen (Radboud University Nijmegen) (until 16:00) (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.23-03 [88]: Design, Construction and Operation of New Duplex Magnet at Pulsed Field Facility-NHMFL - James Michel (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Doan Nguyen (LANL)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.23-04 [89]: Design and Test of the 64 T with 10ms Flat-Top Magnetic Field System Driven by Capacitor at the Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center - Shuang Wang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.23-05 [90]: The Axial Displacement and Its’ Effects on the Mechanical Behavior of Pulsed High-field Magnets - Dr Siyuan Chen (Wuhan National High Field Center, Huazhong University of Scienc)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.23-06 [91]: Integrating Modeling Toolchain into High Field Magnet Monitoring and Control system. - Dr Christophe Trophime (Christophe)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.23-07 [92]: Modular Toroidal Copper Coil for the Investigation of Inductive Pulsed Power Generators in the MJ-Range - Oliver Liebfried (French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.23-08 [93]: Presentation withdrawn   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.23-09 [94]: Non-destructive testing of high strength conductors for high field pulsed magnets - Dr Jun Lu (MS&T, NHMFL)   (Level 3 Posters)
Wed-Af-Po3.24 - Small Test Model Coil - Eric Sun (Jefferson Lab, USA) Rainer Meinke (AML Superconductivity and Magnetics) (until 16:00) (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.24-01 [95]: A cable-scale experiment to predict training characteristics of superconducting magnets and explore new magnet materials - Chris Kovacs (The Ohio State University)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.24-02 [96]: Design, Construction and Test of a Double-Pancake Coil wound with Kilometer Long REBCO tape - Mr Jaemin Kim (Seoul National University)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.24-03 [97]: Design and Development of a High-Frequency Magnet Prototype for Magnetic Hyperthermia Applications - Prof. Shinichi Nomura (Meiji University)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.24-04 [98]: Design and research of a REBCO plate-stacked coil - Guihong Zou (high magnetic field laboratory of Chinese Academy of Sciences) Donghui Jiang   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.24-05 [99]: Manufacture and performance test of High Temperature Superconducting Coils for 3.5T Magnetic Separation - Huajun Liu (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Liang Guo   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.24-06 [100]: Design and Test a ReBCO Conduction-Cooled Solenoid Magnet without Insulation - Mr Feipeng Ning (IHEP) Dr Xuyang Liu (IHEP)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.24-07 [101]: Electrical insulation testing for CFETR CS model coil - Dr Ma Yuanyuan (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.24-08 [102]: Reliability evaluation procedure of REBCO coated conductor tapes based on mechanical and electro-mechanical properties obtained by uniaxial tension and cyclic tests at 77 K - Hyung-Seop Shin (Andong National University)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.24-09 [103]: Composite Mechanical Properties of Coils Made With Nickel-Alloy Laminated Bi-2223 Conductors - William Marshall (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.24-10 [104]: An Experimental Study on “Defect-irrelevant” Behavior of No-insulation REBCO Pancake Coil in Conduction-Cooling Operation - Uijong Bong (Seoul National University)   (Level 3 Posters)
Wed-Af-Po3.25 - MgB2 and Iron-Based - Franco Julio Mangiarotti (CERN) Kookchae Chung (Korea Institute of Materials Science) (until 16:00) (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.25-01 [105]: Effects of carbon doping on trapped magnetic field of MgB$_{2}$ bulk prepared by in-situ hot isostatic pressing method - Tomoyuki Naito (Iwate University)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.25-02 [106]: Development of MgB2 superconductor wire and coils for AC and DC applications - Mr Michael Tomsic (Hyper Tech Research)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.25-03 [107]: Numerical simulation of drawing process of multi-filamentary MgB2 wire - Mr Young-Seok Oh (Korea Institute of Materials Science)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.25-04 [108]: Performance of MgB2 Superconductor developed for high-efficiency Klystron Applications - Dr Hideki Tanaka (Hitachi, Ltd.)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.25-05 [109]: Fabrication of (6+1)-structure superconducting cable based on 30-core MgB2 superconducting wire - Mr Wang Dayou (State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing, Northwestern Polytechnical University and Western Superconducting Technol WST Co Ltd, NELSM)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.25-06 [110]: Experimental and numerical study on crack evolution of Nb barriers causing Ic deterioration in multi-filament MgB2 strands during cabling process for large-scale energy storage coils. - Tsuyoshi Yagai (Sophia University)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.25-07 [111]: The rapid heating and quenching method for MgB2 superconducting wires with kilometer-grade length - Yong Zhang (Southwest Jiaotong University)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.25-09 [112]: Electromechanical Properties Evaluation of Various Multifilamentary MgB2 Wires - Mr Mark Angelo Diaz (Andong National University)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.25-10 [113]: Enhancement of high field Jc of MgB2 superconductors by carbon doping through coating process - Mr Jang Sehoon (KAT)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.25-11 [114]: Influence of chemical treatment of the raw precursors for the MgB2 superconducting applications - Dr Kookchae Chung (Korea Institute of Materials Science)   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.25-12 [115]: Electro-mechanical properties of multifilamentary Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2 tapes - Prof. Huajun Liu (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031, China) Prof. Liu Fang (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese academy of Sciences, Hefei, China) Prof. Qin Jinggang   (Level 3 Posters)
14:00 Wed-Af-Po3.25-13 [116]: Mechanical Property of Composite MgB2 Superconducting Wires - Prof. Kozo Osamura (Research Institute for Applied Science)   (Level 3 Posters)
Wed-Af-Or13 - High Field HTS/Hybrid Magnets for Accelerators - Tiina Salmi (Tampere University of Technology, Finland) Dr Tengming Shen (LBNL) (until 18:00) (Regency AB)
16:00 Wed-Af-Or13-01 [Invited]: Ac loss and shielding-current-induced field in a coated-conductor test magnet for accelerator applications under repeated excitations - Prof. Naoyuki Amemiya (Kyoto University)   (Regency AB)
16:30 Wed-Af-Or13-02 [Invited]: New Approach and Test Facility for High Field Accelerator Magnets R&D - Ramesh Gupta (BNL)   (Regency AB)
17:00 Wed-Af-Or13-03: Performance, diagnostic, and quench measurements of a dipole composed of two racetrack coils wound with high temperature superconducting Bi-2212 Rutherford cable - Daniel S. Davis (Applied Superconductivity Center, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Florida State University)   (Regency AB)
17:15 Wed-Af-Or13-04: Development of REBCO dipole magnets using CORC® wires - Xiaorong Wang (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)   (Regency AB)
17:30 Wed-Af-Or13-05: Integration for testing HTS Feather M2 in the FRESCA2 magnet - Douglas Martins Araujo (CERN)   (Regency AB)
17:45 Wed-Af-Or13-06: Comparison between measurements and calculations of shielding-current-induced field in a small dipole magnet wound with coated conductors - Dr Yusuke Sogabe (Kyoto University)   (Regency AB)
Wed-Af-Or14 - Novel Wire Processes and Development - in Memoriam of Prof. Kyoji Tachikawa -Prof. Matthew C. Jewell (University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire) Charlie Sanabria (Commonwealth Fusion Systems) (until 18:00) (Regency CD)
16:00 Wed-Af-Or14-01: Memorial   (Regency CD)
16:15 Wed-Af-Or14-02: Reduced strain/stress sensitivity of the critical current of Nb3Sn conductors - Dr Bernd Seeber (University of Geneva)   (Regency CD)
16:30 Wed-Af-Or14-03: Three-fold improvement in layer critical current density in Nb₃Sn wires by using Hf addition - Dr Peter Lee (Applied Superconductivity Center, National High Field Magnet Laboratory, Florida State University)   (Regency CD)
16:45 Wed-Af-Or14-04: Wire and Cable Characterization of Nb3Sn Conductor with High Heat Capacity - Emanuela Barzi (Fermilab)   (Regency CD)
17:00 Wed-Af-Or14-05: Evolution of Nano-particles Doping in Nb3Sn Wires - Mr Mattia Ortino (TU Wien)   (Regency CD)
17:15 Wed-Af-Or14-06: The effect of transverse loads on Nb3Sn Rutherford cables for accelerator magnets - Bernardo Bordini (CERN)   (Regency CD)
17:30 Wed-Af-Or14-07: Recent advances in iron-based superconducting wires for high-field applications - Prof. Yanwei Ma (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Regency CD)
17:45 Wed-Af-Or14-08: Fabrication and Test of ϕ35 mm Iron-Based Superconductor Coils - Dr Zhan Zhang (IHEP, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) )   (Regency CD)
Wed-Af-Or15 - Rotating Machines I -Mr Thibault Genestier (GE Power) Timothy Haugan (U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory) (until 18:00) (Regency EF)
16:00 Wed-Af-Or15-01: Key electromagnetic characteristics of non-insulation REBCO rotor windings in machines of electrical aircraft: eddy loss and ramping delay. - Yawei Wang (University of Bath)   (Regency EF)
16:15 Wed-Af-Or15-02: Presentation withdrawn   (Regency EF)
16:30 Wed-Af-Or15-03: Conceptual design of an HTS motor for future electric propulsion aircrafts - Mr Dinh-Vuong Le (Changwon National University)   (Regency EF)
16:45 Wed-Af-Or15-04: Low loss HTS stator coils for high power density superconducting motors - Dr Alexander Otto (Solid Material Solutions, LLC)   (Regency EF)
17:00 Wed-Af-Or15-05: Superconducting magnetic heterostructured components for electric motor applications - Dr Vicente Climente-Alarcon (ASCG - Dept. Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge)   (Regency EF)
17:15 Wed-Af-Or15-06: Rotor Cooling Concept for the ASuMED Superconductive Motor - Ana Perez (Demaco Holland BV)   (Regency EF)
17:30 Wed-Af-Or15-07: Analytical and Experimental Study on a Low-Speed and High-Efficiency 1 kW Class Fully High-Temperature Superconducting Induction/Synchronous Generator - Dr Liangliang Wei (Kyoto University)   (Regency EF)
17:45 Wed-Af-Or15-08: Superconducting magnetic bearings for a high-speed electric aircraft motor - Dr James Storey (Robinson Research Institute, Victoria University of Wellington)   (Regency EF)
18:30 --- Banquet ---
12:45 --- Lunch (on your own) ---
Thu-Af-Or19 - High Tc Wires and Cables II - Francesco Grilli (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) Dr Kathleen Amm (Brookhaven National Laboratory) (until 16:00) (Regency AB)
14:00 Thu-Af-Or19-01: Progress of SuperPower 2G HTS (RE)BCO Conductor Development for Magnet Applications - Mr Drew Hazelton (SuperPower Inc.)   (Regency AB)
14:15 Thu-Af-Or19-02: New product line of SuperOx 2G HTS tapes customized for application in specific ranges of magnetic fields and temperatures - Dr Valery Petrykin (SuperOx-Japan LLC)   (Regency AB)
14:30 Thu-Af-Or19-03: Development of ReBCO coated conductors with improved properties for magnet applications by THEVA - Dr Markus Bauer (THEVA Dünnschichttechnik GmbH)   (Regency AB)
14:45 Thu-Af-Or19-04: Recent Advances in REBCO Tapes and Round Wires for High Magnetic Field Applications - Venkat Selvamanickam (University of Houston)   (Regency AB)
15:00 Thu-Af-Or19-05: Controllable Critical Current Degradation of ReBCO CC by Post-Manufacturing Annealing - Griffin Bradford (FSU - NHMFL - ASC)   (Regency AB)
15:15 Thu-Af-Or19-06: Electromechanical Performance of CORC® Cables and Wires under Axial Tension and Transverse Compression - Danko van der Laan (Advanced Conductor Technologies)   (Regency AB)
15:30 Thu-Af-Or19-07: Low cost transposed cables for coil windings made with Type NX 1G and ReBCO 2G HTS tapes - Dr Alexander Otto (Solid Material Solutions, LLC)   (Regency AB)
15:45 Thu-Af-Or19-08: Experimental research of contact mechanical behavior among YBCO tapes in HTS cable - Mr Yang Liu (Lanzhou University)   (Regency AB)
Thu-Af-Or20 - Quench Detection and Protection Systems III - Matthias Mentink (CERN) Emmanuele Ravaioli (CERN) (until 16:00) (Regency CD)
14:00 Thu-Af-Or20-01 [Invited]: Quench detection via Rayleigh backscattering interrogated optical fibers - Dr Sasha Ishmael (Lupine Materials and Technology)   (Regency CD)
14:30 Thu-Af-Or20-02: Modeling and Experimental Validation of Quench Protection Concepts for Canted-Cosine-Theta Type High-Field Magnets - Jiani Gao (Paul Scherrer Institut)   (Regency CD)
14:45 Thu-Af-Or20-03: Acoustic sensor array for quench detection of CICC superconducting cables - Makoto Takayasu (MIT)   (Regency CD)
15:00 Thu-Af-Or20-04: Quench protection of the 16 T Nb3Sn ERMC and RMM magnets - Emmanuele Ravaioli (CERN)   (Regency CD)
15:30 Thu-Af-Or20-05: Quench simulations versus experimental observations on the HL-LHC MCBRD canted-cosine-theta short models and prototype magnets - Matthias Mentink (CERN)   (Regency CD)
Thu-Af-Or21 - Novel Applications and Power Applications -Dr Mark Ainslie (University of Cambridge) Timothy Haugan (U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory) (until 15:45) (Regency EF)
14:00 Thu-Af-Or21-01: A Superconducting Demonstrator Magnet for Magnetic Density Separation - Mr Jaap Kosse (University of Twente)   (Regency EF)
14:15 Thu-Af-Or21-02: A Superconducting Space Magnet for Antimatter Spectrometer - Riccardo Musenich (INFN e Universita Genova (IT))   (Regency EF)
14:30 Thu-Af-Or21-03: Practical Design and Performance Analysis Results of the First MgB2 Magnets for Superconducting Induction Heater in Korea - Mr Chan-Kyeong Lee (Supercoil Co., Ltd. ) Jongho Choi (Supercoil Co., Ltd.)   (Regency EF)
14:45 Thu-Af-Or21-04: Development of Superconducting-Magnetic-Energy-Storage (SMES) for Aerospace Applications - Timothy Haugan (U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory)   (Regency EF)
15:00 Thu-Af-Or21-05: Potential of Long Solenoid Coil as Superconducting Cable with Energy Storage Function - Dr Kohei Higashikawa (Kyushu University)   (Regency EF)
15:15 Thu-Af-Or21-06: Design and Test of 40 kV / 2 kA DC Superconducting Fault Current Limiter - Qingquan Qiu (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science)   (Regency EF)
15:30 Thu-Af-Or21-07: Development of a 220 kV/ 1.5kA Resistive Type Superconducting Fault Current Limiter - Shaotao Dai (Beijing Jiaotong University)   (Regency EF)
16:00 --- Coffee Break ---
Thu-Af-Or22 - NbTi Accelerator Magnets III -Dr Pierre Pugnat (CNRS - LNCMI) Toru Ogitsu (KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) (until 18:30) (Regency AB)
16:30 Thu-Af-Or22-01: Improvement in training performance by enhancing coil end support of the Beam Separation Dipole for the High-Luminosity LHC - Michinaka Sugano   (Regency AB)
16:45 Thu-Af-Or22-02: Test of the first full-length prototype of the HL-LHC D2 orbit corrector based on Canted Cosine Theta technology - Franco Julio Mangiarotti (CERN)   (Regency AB)
17:00 Thu-Af-Or22-03: Cold tests of the first nested orbit corrector prototype for HL-LHC - Luis Garcia-Tabares (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT))   (Regency AB)
17:15 Thu-Af-Or22-04: Assembly and Test of MQYYM: a 90 mm NbTi quadrupole magnet option for HL-LHC - Damien Simon (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))   (Regency AB)
17:30 Thu-Af-Or22-05: FAIR’s first SIS100 Accelerator Quadrupole Doublet Module – Manufacturing Update and Test - Dr Anna Kario (GSI Darmstadt)   (Regency AB)
17:45 Thu-Af-Or22-06: Status of the SIS100 dipole magnet production and testing - Dr Patricia Aguar Bartolome (GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforchung GmbH)   (Regency AB)
18:00 Thu-Af-Or22-07: Optimization of an Interaction Region Quadrupole Magnet for Future Electron-Ion Collider at Jefferson Lab - Dr Renuka Rajput-Ghoshal (Jlab)   (Regency AB)
Thu-Af-Or23 - Magnets for NMR and Medical Applications - Iain Dixon (NHMFL) Seungyong Hahn (Seoul National University) (until 18:30) (Regency CD)
16:30 Thu-Af-Or23-01: Construction and Test Results of a Cryogen-Free 23.5-T REBCO Magnet Prototype towards a Tabletop 1-GHz Microcoil NMR Magnet - Dongkeun Park (Francis Bitter Magnet Laboratory / Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)   (Regency CD)
16:45 Thu-Af-Or23-02: Development and charging test of a compact 1 GHz (23.5 T)-class NMR magnet with Bi-2223 inner coils - Dr Yoshinori Yanagisawa (RIKEN)   (Regency CD)
17:00 Thu-Af-Or23-03: Operation and Performance Evaluation of a Conduction-Cooled 400 MHz/66-mm Metal-Clad No-Insulation All-REBCO NMR Magnet - Jae Young Jang (Korea Basic Science Institute)   (Regency CD)
17:15 Thu-Af-Or23-04: Optimal Design of HTS/LTS Hybrid Magnet for 25T NMR - Mr Dongquan Wang (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Regency CD)
17:30 Thu-Af-Or23-05: Excitation Test of Superconducting Magnet for 230MeV Isochronous Cyclotron for Proton Therapy - Dr Jun Yoshida (Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.)   (Regency CD)
17:45 Thu-Af-Or23-06: Design and Test of a Curved Superconducting Dipole Magnet for Proton Therapy - Lucas Brouwer (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)   (Regency CD)
18:00 Thu-Af-Or23-07: Magnetic design of superconducting toroidal gantry for hadron therapy - Mr Enrico Felcini (CERN - EPFL)   (Regency CD)
18:15 Thu-Af-Or23-08: A Design Study on No-Insulation HTS Isochronous Cyclotron Magnet for Carbon Ion Therapy - Jeonghwan Park (Seoul National University)   (Regency CD)
Thu-Af-Or24 - Diagnostics and Test Results of Coils - Michael Parizh (GE Global Research) Emanuela Barzi (Fermilab) (until 18:30) (Regency EF)
16:30 Thu-Af-Or24-01: Diagnostics and control of superconducting magnets using diffuse field ultrasound - Maxim Marchevsky (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)   (Regency EF)
17:00 Thu-Af-Or24-02: Magnet diagnostic utilizing stray capacitance monitoring on a 2 m long CCT coil - Emmanuele Ravaioli (CERN)   (Regency EF)
17:15 Thu-Af-Or24-03: Novel Characterization Technique to Visualize Local Defects in a REBCO Pancake Coil Winding - Takanobu Kiss (Kyushu University)   (Regency EF)
17:30 Thu-Af-Or24-04: "Thermal Eraser” to Mitigate Screening Current by Optimal Control on Temperature in an HTS Pancake Coil - Jeseok Bang (Seoul National University)   (Regency EF)
17:45 Thu-Af-Or24-05: 25 K performance of conduction-cooled solenoids wound from exfoliated filament YBCO cables - Dr Vyacheslav Solovyov (Brookhaven Technology Group)   (Regency EF)
18:00 Thu-Af-Or24-06: Design and initial test results for a canted-cosine-theta dipole subscale magnet series - Diego Arbelaez (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)   (Regency EF)
18:15 Thu-Af-Or24-07: Small solenoid made from round HTS superconducting cable - Fedor Gömöry (Slovak Academy of Sciences)   (Regency EF)
12:00 --- Best Poster Awards, Closing & MT27 Announcement ---