--- Registration Open (7:00 AM - 5:00 PM) ---
Plenary: Timothy Coombs (University of Cambridge)
Mathias Noe
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
(until 08:45)
(Regency Ballroom)
Thu-Mo-PL5-01: Advances in Superconducting Rotating Machinery
Tim Coombs
(University of Cambridge)
(Regency Ballroom)
--- Coffee Break (during Poster Sessions) ---
Thu-Mo-Po4.01 - Associated Technology II
Thanatheepan Balachandran
(University of Illinois )
Eric Sun
(Jefferson Lab, USA)
(until 10:45)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.01-02 [1]: A uniform pressure actuator with high forming efficiency based on the pulsed magnet manufacturing technique
- Prof.
Xiaotao Han
(Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.01-03 [2]: Pulsed magnet design and fabrication for generating background magnetic field in pulse current driven forming
- Mr
Pengxin Dong
(Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.01-04 [3]: The Design of the 30kA DCCT using in the FTPMF system
Zhenglei Wang
(Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Dr
Shaozhe Zhang
(Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center,Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.01-05 [4]: Research on Influence of High Pulse Magnet Fault on Power Supply and Protection Strategy
Zhangfei Zhao
(1.College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering,Suzhou University 2.Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.01-06 [5]: Analysis of the commutation of the 24-pluse converter for high plused magnet outer coil power supply
Zhangfei Zhao
(College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering; Suzhou University 2. Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.01-07 [6]: Properties of Selected High-strength Composite Conductors
Ke Han
(national high magnetic field laboratory)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.02 - Test Facility
Yusuke Sogabe
Thanatheepan Balachandran
(University of Illinois)
(until 10:45)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.02-01 [7]: Design and Implementation of Interlock System for CFETR CSMC Testing Platform based on FMEA
- Mr
Tong Li
(Hefei institutes of Physical Science Chinese Academy of Science, University of Science and technology of China)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.02-02 [8]: Carpenter: superconducting magnet test facility management system
Michal Duda
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.02-03 [9]: Preliminary Design of HEPdipo, a Nb3Sn Large Aperture Dipole Magnet for Cable and Insert Coil testing
Douglas Martins Araujo
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.02-05 [10]: Concept Design of magnet system of the large scale superconducting conductor test facility for future fusion reactor
- Dr
Chao Dai
(Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinses Academy of Science)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.02-06 [11]: Upgrade of sub-systems and performance improvement for a versatile multi-field test facility of superconducting wires and tapes
Xingzhe Wang
(Lanzhou University)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.03 - Novel Diagnostics and Other Techniques
Emmanuele Ravaioli
Takanobu Kiss
(Kyushu University)
(until 10:45)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.03-01 [12]: Development of a radiation resistant magnetometer
Martin Eibach
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.03-02 [13]: Development of rotating coil measurement system
- Dr
Jianxin Zhou
(Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.03-03 [14]: Current Reset in Superconducting Devices
Michael Parizh
(GE Global Research)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.03-04 [15]: The Application of Coordination to Magnetic Measurement Automation: An SSW System Example
- Dr
Jerzy Nogiec
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.03-05 [16]: A Numerical Method to Calculate Spatial Harmonic Coefficients of Magnetic Fields generated by Screening Currents in an HTS Magnet
Jeseok Bang
(Seoul National University)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.03-06 [17]: Design and optimization of the PCB search coils for the accelerator magnet measurements
Xu Liu
(Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.03-07 [18]: A Novel Diagnosis Method through Pulse Sequence Analysis of DC Void Partial Discharge in High Temperature Superconducting Cable
- Mr
Dong-Hun Oh
(Hanyang University)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.03-08 [19]: Feasibility Study of Distributed Optical Fiber Applied in the Temperature Measurement of HTS Cables
- Mr
Kao Zhou
(Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.03-09 [20]: Characteristic Resistance Measurement of No-Insulation REBCO Pancake Coil under Different Conditions
So Noguchi
(Hokkaido University)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.03-10 [21]: Design and Analysis of a Novel Two-Dimensional High Frequency Magnetic Tester for Nanocrystalline Alloy Material
Yongjian Li
(Hebei University of Technology)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.03-11 [22]: Implementation and first operational experiences with the high voltage In-Service-Tests on the superconducting magnet system of Wendelstein 7-X
- Mr
Frank Füllenbach
(Max-Planck-Insatitut für Plasmaphysik)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.03-12 [23]: Presentation withdrawn
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.04 - Fusion VII: Joints and Terminations
Louis ZANI
Boris Stepanov
(until 10:45)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.04-01 [24]: Design and Manufacture of a prototype Nb3Sn-NbTi full-size joint sample for the CFETR Central Solenoid Model Coil
Guanghui Ma
(Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.04-02 [25]: Development of CORC® Cable Terminations and Low-loss Joints for use in Magnets for Fusion
Jeremy Weiss
(Advanced Conductor Technologies)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.04-03 [26]: Dependence of joint resistance on current for ITER-TF joint samples
- Dr
Tetsuhiro Obana
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.04-04 [27]: Design Optimization and Assessment of Fabrication of ITER Central Solenoid Twin Box Joints
Ignacio Aviles Santillana
(CERN, University Carlos III (ES))
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.04-05 [28]: Demountable Coaxial Clamped Joint For ITER Central Solenoid Module Final Test Program
- Dr
Zbigniew Piec
(General Atomics)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.04-06 [29]: Research and Development of the Heater Chains for the ITER Current Lead Terminals
- Mr
Wanjiang Pan
(Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.04-07 [30]: Induced currents and AC losses models for a butt-joint with rutherfords shunts
Alexandre Torre
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.05 - Other High Tc Wires and Cables
Geonwoo Baek
(Yonsei University) Dr
Alexander Otto
(Solid Material Solutions, LLC)
(until 10:45)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.05-01 [31]: New precursor powders fabrication technique for Bi-2223 high temperature superconducting tapes
- Mr
Chengshan Li
(Northwest Institute for Nonferrous Metal Research)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.05-02 [32]: Structure material performance evaluation for Bi2212 CICC conductor
- Ms
Huan Jin
(Institute of Plasma Physicas)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.05-03 [33]: Mechanical and Electrical Testing of A Novel Enhanced Bi2212 Round Wire
Jinggang Qin
(Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences(ASIPP))
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.05-04 [34]: Critical Current under Axial Strain of High-Pressure HT Bi-2212 Round Wire
- Prof.
Fang Liu
(Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Hefei, China) Prof.
Huajun Liu
(Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Hefei, China) Prof.
Jinggang Qin
(Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Hefei, China)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.05-05 [35]: Tensile mechanical properties of silver alloy sheathed Bi-2212 wires
- Prof.
Huajun Liu
(Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Hefei, China) Prof.
Jinggang Qin
(Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Hefei, China) Prof.
Fang Liu
(Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Hefei, China)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.05-06 [36]: Intra-wire resistance and AC loss of multi-filamentary Bi2212 round wire
- Prof.
Chao Zhou
(Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei, Anhui, China )
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.05-07 [37]: Impact of Axial Tensile Strain on the Inhomogeneity of Critical Current for Bi-2212 Round Wire
- Mr
Wei Chen
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.05-08 [38]: Non-destructive evaluation of the critical current for Bi-2212 cable for fusion application
Wei Chen
(Southwest Jiaotong University) Dr
Yang Xinsheng
(Southwest Jiaotong University)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.06 - Wind, Wave, Tidal Generators II
Liudmila Potanina
(Russian Scientific R&D Cable Institute (JSC VNIIKP))
Kohei Higashikawa
(Kyushu University)
(until 10:45)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.06-01 [39]: Analysis of a Double-sides Stator-PM Linear Generator for Wave Energy Conversion
Lei Huang
(Southeast University)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.06-02 [40]: Performance of multi-layer fractional-slot concentrated windings for superconducting wind turbine generators in normal and short circuit operation conditions
- Dr
Dong Liu
(Hohai University)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.06-03 [41]: Thermal and mechanical design of 10 MW class HTS wind power generator
- Mr
Jaehwan Lee
(Changwon National University)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.06-04 [42]: Comparison of Electromagnetic Performance of 10-MW HTS Double-Stator Flux Modulation Generators With Different Topologies for Offshore Direct-Drive Wind Turbines
Qian Wang
(Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
Yuting Gao
(Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
Yi Cheng
(Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
Yuanzhi Zhang
(Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.06-05 [43]: Design and feasibility study of a performance evaluation system for a large-scale HTS generator under short-circuit conditions
Byeong-Soo Go
(Changwon National University)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.06-06 [44]: Design and property analysis of a performance evaluation system for HTS wind power generators
- Mr
Changhyun Kim
(Changwon National University)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.06-07 [45]: A Novel Thermal Network Model for Double Stator Brushless Doubly-Fed Generator With Cage-Barrier Rotor Based on Improved Mechanical Structure
- Prof.
Fengge Zhang
(Shenyang University of Technology)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.07 - Magnetization and AC Losses II
Kathleen Amm
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Hiroshi Ueda
(Okayama University)
(until 10:45)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.07-01 [46]: Core Loss Characteristics and Model Verification of Nanocrystalline Alloys Under Complex Working Conditions
- Dr
Chengcheng Liu
(Hebei University of Technology)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.07-02 [47]: Transverse field measurements in a bulk superconducting Magnetic Shell for a CLAS12 Target at Jefferson Lab
Marco Statera
(INFN Milano - LASA)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.07-03 [48]: Magnetic Measurements of MQXFA Prototype Quadrupoles during Magnet Assembly
Xiaorong Wang
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
GianLuca Sabbi
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.07-04 [49]: A simplified electromagnetic modelling of accelerator magnets wound with Conductor on Round Core wires for ac loss calculations
- Dr
Yusuke Sogabe
(Kyoto University)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.07-05 [50]: Field Quality Measurements of High-Temperature Superconducting Canted Cosine Theta Accelerator Magnets
Cory Myers
(Ohio State University)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.07-06 [51]: Maximising the trapped field of HTS ring magnets
- Dr
Yanwei Wang
(University of Strathclyde) Dr
Min Zhang
(University of Strathclyde)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.07-07 [52]: AC Loss of Superconducting Materials- refined loss estimates for very high density motors and generators for hybrid-electric aircraft: MgB2 wires, Coated conductor tapes and wires
- Prof.
Mike Sumption
(The Ohio State University)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.07-08 [53]: Coupling time constants measurements of spirally-wound striated coated conductors
Yang Li
(Kyoto University)
(Level 2 Posters 1)
Thu-Mo-Po4.08 - Wind, Wave, Tidal Generators - I
Neil Mitchell
(ITER Organization) Dr
Tatsushi Nakamoto
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, KEK)
(until 10:45)
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.08-02 [54]: Performance analysis of a metal-insulation type lab-scale HTS wind power generator
Hae-Jin Sung
(Changwon National University)
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.08-03 [55]: Characteristics Analysis of Fully HTS Synchronous Generators with Dual Field Windings
Myeonghee Lee
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.08-04 [56]: Electromagnetic Design of HTS DC Generator with Iron-cored Stator and Rotor
- Ms
Qian Wang
(Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Mr
Yi Cheng
(Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Prof.
Ronghai Qu
(Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Dr
Yuting Gao
(Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.08-05 [57]: Presentation withdrawn
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.08-06 [58]: Electromagnetic Design of an HTS Claw Pole Wind Generator
Yuanzhi Zhang
(Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
Yuting Gao
(Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
Yi Cheng
(Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.08-07 [59]: Electromagnetic design of tens MW-class fully-superconducting wind power generators with high-performance REBa2Cu3Oy wires
- Dr
Shun Miura
(Kyushu University)
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.08-08 [60]: Presentation withdrawn
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.08-09 [61]: Investigation of multi-phase armature windings in HTS wind turbine generators
- Dr
Dong Liu
(Hohai University)
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.08-10 [62]: Presentation withdrawn
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.09 - Joints Between Superconductors
Shintetsu Kanazawa
(Muroran Institute of Technology) Dr
Jun Lu
(until 10:45)
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.09-01 [63]: Joint properties for RE123-coated conductor in CJMB method
- Dr
Shintetsu Kanazawa
(Muroran Institute of Technology)
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.09-02 [64]: Development and test results of a superconducting joint resistance evaluation system
Kensuke Kobayashi
(National Institute for Materials Science)
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.09-03 [65]: Evaluation of Joint Resistance and Electromechanical Properties in Various Type of Ultrasonic Weld CC Tape Joints
- Dr
Michael de Leon
(Andong National University)
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.09-04 [66]: Investigations on the synthesis and melt-growth process of low melt temperature REBCO materials
- Dr
Zili Zhang
(Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.09-05 [67]: Research of Nb3Sn superconducting joint by powder metallurgy
- Dr
Junsheng Cheng
(Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.09-06 [68]: Progress on the Superconducting Joint Technique for the Reacted MgB2 Wires for MRI Magnet Development
- Mr
Byeongha Yoo
(Korea University)
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.10 - Current Leads
Mike Sumption
(The Ohio State University)
Bartlomiej Glowacki
(University of Cambridge)
(until 10:45)
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.10-01 [69]: Comparative study of cryogenic NbTi/Cu and MgB2/Brass based current leads
- Mr
Atul Garg
(Institute for Plasma Research )
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.10-02 [70]: Comparison Analysis of Three Different Structures of Current Leads for the Superconducting Energy Pipeline
- Mr
Xianhao Li
(Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.10-03 [71]: Thermal Design and Test of 4kA Current Lead based on Stacked YBCO Conductor
Zongtai Xie
(Institute of High Energy Physic, CAS)
Feipeng Ning
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.10-04 [72]: Finite Element Analysis and Experimental test of current leads with parallel HTS tapes
- Dr
Anbo Wu
(GE Global Research)
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.10-06 [73]: Presentation withdrawn
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.11 - Current Limiters & Breakers
Tatsushi Nakamoto
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, KEK)
Neil Mitchell
(ITER Organization)
(until 10:45)
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.11-01 [74]: Analysis on Protection Coordination of Over-Current Relay Using SFCL’s Impedance Compensation for Protection of a Power Distribution System
- Prof.
Sung-Hun Lim
(Soonsil University)
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.11-02 [75]: Presentation Withdrawn
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.11-03 [76]: Design and Performance Evaluation of a REBCO NI-SFCL applied in Short-Circuit Faults Occurred in 350 kV Flexible DC transmission
- Ms
Rao Jin
(Nanjing University of Science and Technology)
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.11-04 [77]: Presentation withdrawn
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.11-05 [78]: Optimal Designing and Performance Evaluation of Inductive Superconducting Fault Current Limiter Combined with Low-Voltage Mechanical Circuit Breaker in DC Microgrid System
- Mr
Kyu-Hoon Park
(Hanyang University)
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.11-06 [79]: Current Limiting and Interrupting Characteristics of Flux-Lock Type SFCL with Mechanical Switch
- Prof.
Sung-Hun Lim
(Soongsil University)
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.11-07 [80]: HTS Fault Current Limiting Module to Reduce Burden of a DC Circuit Breaker for 30 kV MDVC Power Grid
Jooyeong So
(Korea Polytechnic University)
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.11-08 [81]: Analysis of the recovery characteristics of superconducting coupled DC circuit breakers during reclosing operation
- Mr
Seon-Ho Hwang
(Chosun university)
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.11-09 [82]: Operating characteristics of arc-induction type DC circuit breaker with permanent magnets
- Mr
Sang-Yong Park
(Chosun university)
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.11-10 [83]: Characteristics of a Current-limiting DC circuit breaker with a superconducting coil applied to the commutation circuit
- Ms
Hye-Won Choi
(Chosun University)
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.11-11 [84]: Improvement of Current Limiting and Interrupting Operation of Hybrid DC Circuit Breaker using Double Quench
- Prof.
Sung-Hun Lim
(Soongsil University)
(Level 2 Posters 2)
Thu-Mo-Po4.12 - Power Applications I
Kohei Higashikawa
(Kyushu University)
Erica Salazar
(until 10:45)
(Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Po4.12-01 [88]: Mobile Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage for On-site Estimations of the Electric Power System Stability
- Dr
Shinichi Nomura
(Meiji University)
(Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Po4.12-02 [89]: Multi-objective filter designing for HTS SMES considering the voltage distribution characteristic
- Mr
Meng Liao
(Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Po4.12-03 [90]: Development of a 1-T Class Force-Balanced Helical Coils Using REBCO Tapes
- Mr
Hiroharu Kamada
(Meiji University)
(Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Po4.12-04 [91]: The model and characteristics of SMES coil (1MJ) constructed of corc cable
Zhidun Zeng
(Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Po4.12-05 [92]: Magneto-Archimedes levitation properties for metals by ferromagnetic material arrangement in magnetic fields
- Mr
Daiki Yamamoto
(Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Po4.12-06 [93]: Design and Fabrication of the Permanent Magnet Diverter for Deflecting Electrons on Wide-field X-ray Telescope
- Dr
Lei Wang
(Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
(Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Po4.12-07 [94]: Research Magnets with High-Field Uniformity
- Dr
Rainer Meinke
(AML Superconductivity and Magnetics)
(Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Po4.12-09 [95]: Development and challenges of a commercial megawatt high temperature superconducting DC induction heater
Yawei Wang
(University of Bath)
Ping Yang
(Shanghai Maritime University)
(Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Po4.12-10 [96]: Presentation withdrawn
(Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Po4.13 - Levitation and Magnetic Bearings III
Toru Ogitsu
Nikolay Bykovskiy
(until 10:45)
(Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Po4.13-01 [97]: Numerical study on dynamic characteristic of HTS Maglev system based on H-formulation with motional electromotive force
- Dr
Wenjiao Yang
(Southwest Jiaotong University)
(Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Po4.13-02 [98]: Design optimization of a real-scale REBCO magnet with stepped cross-section shape and its application to EDS train
- Dr
Tianyong Gong
(Southwest Jiaotong University)
(Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Po4.13-03 [99]: Semi-Analytical Calculation of Levitation and Guidance Forces in a Superconducting EDS Train
- Mr
Yao Cai
(Southwest Jiaotong University)
(Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Po4.13-04 [100]: Dynamic Response Analysis of Superconducting EDS Train Based on Vehicle/Guideway Coupling Dynamics
- Dr
Zhaoying Yan
(Southwest Jiaotong University)
(Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Po4.13-06 [101]: 3-D Analysis of High-Tc Superconductor for Magnetic levitation under High-Speed Movement
- Dr
Changqing Ye
(Hohai University)
Guangtong Ma
(Southwest Jiaotong University)
(Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Po4.13-07 [102]: Numerical study and optimization for a prototype EDS maglev system
Xiao-Fen Li
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
(Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Po4.13-08 [103]: Study on the EDS-Maglev System Based on Dynamic Circuit Theory
- Dr
Daoyu Hu
(nstitute of Magnetic Levitation and Electromagnetic Propulsion, CASIC)
(Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Po4.13-09 [104]: Levitation and guidance force for the system of coated conductor stacks and permanent magnets in a wide temperature range.
Maxim Osipov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
(Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Po4.13-10 [105]: Vertical Dynamic Responses of the HTS Maglev System Under Track Random Irregularity
- Mr
Li Wang
( School of Mechanics and Engineering, Southwest JiaotongUniversity)
(Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Po4.13-11 [106]: A new design and exciting for HTS superconducting magnet of Maglev
Yunhao Pan
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
(Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Po4.13-12 [107]: Investigation of the Levitation Force of High Temperature Superconducting Coils using Wind-and-Flip Method
- Mr
Zihao Wang
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
(Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Po4.14 - Levitation and Magnetic Bearings IV
Toru Ogitsu
Nikolay Bykovskiy
(until 10:45)
(Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Po4.14-01 [108]: Proposal of Magnetically Levitated Mover Using High Tc SC Coils
- Prof.
Mochimitsu Komori
(Kyushu Institute of Technology)
(Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Po4.14-02 [109]: Research on Electromagnetic Feasibility of Non-contact Eddy Current Brake System for Ultra-high-speed Maglev Trains
- Dr
Su-Jeong Lee
(Yeungnam University and Gyeongbuk Technopark)
(Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Po4.14-03 [110]: Guidance performance of YBCO bulks below the liquid nitrogen temperature zone
- Mr
Li Wang
(School of Mechanics and Engineering, Southwest JiaotongUniversity)
(Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Po4.14-04 [111]: Levitation Force Characteristics of High-Temperature Superconducting Bulks in a High Magnetic Field
- Mr
Shuai Zhang
(School of Electrical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University)
(Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Po4.14-05 [112]: A superconducting magnetic and electrostatic hybrid suspension and feedback system for gravity measurement
- Dr
Xinning Hu
(Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
(Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Po4.14-06 [113]: Effect of magnetic field attenuation due to superconducting joint resistance during gravity measurement
- Dr
Xinning Hu
(Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
(Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Po4.14-07 [114]: Research of Position Detection and Magnetic Feedback on a Superconducting Levitation Sphere for Gravity Measurement
- Dr
Chunyan Cui
(Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
(Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Po4.14-08 [115]: Analysis and Experimental Test on a Permanent Magnet EDS System Employing an Annular Halbach Structure
- Mr
Shuai Zhang
(School of Electrical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University)
(Level 3 Posters)
Thu-Mo-Or16 - High Field Magnets for LHC Upgrade
Soren Prestemon
Renuka Rajput-Ghoshal
(Jefferson Lab)
(until 12:30)
(Regency AB)
Thu-Mo-Or16-01 [Invited]: Status and Plans of the MQXFA Low Beta Quadrupoles for HL-LHC
Giorgio Ambrosio
(Regency AB)
Thu-Mo-Or16-02: Assembly of MQXFBP1 prototype, the Nb3Sn Q2 quadrupole for HL-LHC
Friedrich Lackner
(Regency AB)
Thu-Mo-Or16-03: Test Results of the First Two Full-Length Prototype Quadrupole Magnets for the LHC Hi-Lumi Upgrade
Joseph F Muratore
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
(Regency AB)
Thu-Mo-Or16-04: Mechanical performance of the first two prototype 4.5 m long Nb3Sn low-β quadrupole magnets for the Hi-Lumi LHC Upgrade
Daniel Cheng
(Regency AB)
Thu-Mo-Or16-05: A Database-Tool for Storage and Analysis of Magnet Parameters and Test Results
- Dr
Tiina Salmi
(Tampere University, Finland)
(Regency AB)
Thu-Mo-Or16-06: Prediction of the Reversible Critical Current Degradation in Nb3Sn Superconducting Accelerator Magnets
Giorgio Vallone
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
(Regency AB)
Thu-Mo-Or17 - Very High Field Magnets
Gen Nishijima
(National Institute for Materials Science)
Xavier Chaud
(LNCMI-EMFL-CNRS, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, INSA, UPS)
(until 12:45)
(Regency CD)
Thu-Mo-Or17-01 [Invited]: High field cryogen-free superconducting magnet development beyond 30 T with advanced REBCO and high strength Nb3Sn conductors
Satoshi Awaji
(Tohoku University)
(Regency CD)
Thu-Mo-Or17-02: The 40 T Superconducting Magnet Project at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
Hongyu Bai
(National High Magnetic Fied Laboratory)
(Regency CD)
Thu-Mo-Or17-03: Test and commissioning of the 32 T superconducting magnet
Hubertus Weijers
(Regency CD)
Thu-Mo-Or17-04: Development of High Field Superconducting Magnets with Increasing Persistence and EXperimental Access
Andrew Twin
(Oxford Instruments)
(Regency CD)
Thu-Mo-Or17-05: Progress in the construction of the Nijmegen 45T hybrid magnet system
- Mr
Andries den Ouden
(High Field Magnet Laboratory, Radboud University)
(Regency CD)
Thu-Mo-Or17-06: From Manufacture to Assembly of the 43 T Grenoble Hybrid Magnet
- Dr
Pierre Pugnat
(Regency CD)
Thu-Mo-Or17-07: Winding and 77 K Testing of Non-Insulated Coils for the IBS 25 T, 100 mm bore HTS Solenoid
Shresht Joshi
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
(Regency CD)
Thu-Mo-Or18 - Rotating Machines II
Rainer Meinke
(AML Superconductivity and Magnetics)
Yunxing Song
(GE Global Research)
(until 12:45)
(Regency EF)
Thu-Mo-Or18-01 [Invited]: Development, test, installation, and commissioning of the 3 MW superconducing EcoSwing wind power generator
Markus Bauer
(THEVA Dünnschichttechnik GmbH)
(Regency EF)
Thu-Mo-Or18-02: Development of non-insulated racetrack coils wound with second generation high temperature superconductor tapes for a stator system for wind generators
- Mr
Fabian Schreiner
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
(Regency EF)
Thu-Mo-Or18-03: Dual Superconducting Halbach Array Generator for large Direct Drive Wind Turbines
Rainer Meinke
(AML Superconductivity and Magnetics)
(Regency EF)
Thu-Mo-Or18-04: Evaluation and Mitigation of AC Losses in a Fully Superconducting Machine for Wind Turbine Applications
- Mr
Thanatheepan Balachandran
(university of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
(Regency EF)
Thu-Mo-Or18-05: New Type of Linear Switched Reluctance Generator for Wave Energy Applications
- Dr
Luis Garcia-Tabarés
(Regency EF)
Thu-Mo-Or18-06: High temperature superconducting hybrid tape stacks - an enabling technology: challenges for DC and AC applications
- Prof.
Bartlomiej Andrzej Glowacki
(ASCG Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge and Institute of Power Engineering)
(Regency EF)
Thu-Mo-Or18-07: Design and testing of a gas-helium cooled REBCO magnet prototype for a 10-Mvar HTS synchronous condenser
- Dr
Timing Qu
(State Key Laboratory of Tribology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 10084, China.)
(Regency EF)