22–27 Sept 2019
Hyatt Regency Hotel Vancouver
Canada/Pacific timezone

Tue-Mo-Or9-01 [Invited]: Commissioning completion of the Iseult Whole Body 11.7 T magnet

24 Sept 2019, 10:45
Regency EF

Regency EF

Invited Oral Presentation Tue-Mo-Or9 - MRI Magnets I


Dr Lionel Quettier (CEA)Dr Pierre Vedrine (CEA) Thierry Schild (ITER)


Neurospin is a neuroscience research center located in France at CEA Saclay. The facility is already hosting several MRI magnets and Iseult, an innovative Whole Body 11.7 T MRI system, will be available very soon. The core part of Iseult is an actively shielded NbTi magnet cooled with a superfluid helium bath at 1.8K, that will provide a homogeneous field of 11.7 T within a 90 cm warm bore. The project was launched in 2002, and after 15 years of work and efforts, the magnet successfully reached its nominal field in July 2019. The paper will summarize the project history, from the early design phase to the commissioning tests performed a few weeks ago. The prototyping activities, the magnet manufacturing, as well as the cryogenic and electrical facilities required to operate Iseult will be also described. The last section will cover the magnet commissioning, from the cooling phase to the step-by-step energization up to the nominal current.


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