A superconducting joint technique has been extensively investigated to operate magnetic resonance imaging systems in persistent current mode, which enables a high-resolution level of the magnetic field. We have presented the MgB2 superconducting joint with unreacted MgB2 wires that demonstrate the feasibility of the joint technique to be utilized for the MgB2 MRI magnet development. However, when failure occurred at the already reacted MgB2 joints and/or wires, the reproduction of the joint using the unreacted joint technique cannot be achieved. Therefore, the superconducting joint technique for the “reacted” MgB2 wires fabricated via a powder processing method using Mg and B powders (in situ) and reacted MgB2 powders (ex situ) has been examined in this study. In addition, a lab-made induction furnace that allows the local heating of the joint region was fabricated and utilized for the joint procedure. The superconducting properties (i.e., critical current and index number) of the joint were evaluated with regard to heat treatment temperature and treatment duration time.
This work was supported by the Materials and Components Technology Development Program of KEIT [10053590, Development of MgB2 wire and coil with a high critical current and long length for superconducting medical·electric power equipment].