Wed-Mo-Or10 - Resistive Accelerator Magnets
- Kazuhiro Tanaka (KEK: High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Ruediger Picker (TRIUMF)
We report on the results of magnetic measurements, in particular, of the first short models of twin-aperture magnets for the CERN Future Circular Collider (FCC-ee) arcs. To date, we have built and tested three 1-m long bending magnets, using different materials for the ferromagnetic yoke and a 1-turn vs. multi-turn excitation. Besides the interest in checking the unusual I-layout, the focus is...
The Main Beam Quadrupole (MBQ) magnets of CLIC, the Compact Linear Collider under study at CERN Laboratory in Geneva, are part of a critical magnet family, considering the industrial production challenges. An R&D program on the MBQ magnets was launched for studying and investigating several assembly solutions in order to minimize the procurement cost of a large series of magnets comprising...
A new horizontal shift bump electromagnet for the J-PARC RCS injection bump system was designed and fabricated. The magnet is a pulse magnet that repeatedly excites a trapezoidal waveform of about 1.5 ms at 25 Hz. And it is possible to change of the rising and falling time of the pulse waveform with the maximum current of 16 kA and the voltage of 12 kV between 150 and 500 microseconds...
Production-quality magnetic measurements are required to characterize accelerator magnets for the Advanced Light Source Upgrade (ALS-U). Measurements of the magnetic axis, multipolar content and mechanical fiducialization are typically performed on three separate apparati. In this work, we describe the methodology and development of a combined-function, stretched-wire magnetic measurement...
TRIUMF is constructing a new facility, ARIEL, for rare isotope beam (RIB) production using the ISOL method. ARIEL will increase the production and enable the delivery of three simultaneous radioactive beams, making it the first multi-user RIB facility worldwide. The selection of such beams will be achieved by means of a new high resolution mass separator system, funded though the CANREB...