Fri-Mo-Or26 - Fusion VIII: ITER
- Alexandre Torre (CEA)
QST, as Japan Domestic Agency in ITER, has responsibility to procure 9 ITER Toroidal Field (TF) coils and all 19 TF Coil Cases (CC). The 9 TF coils are procured by two suppliers to ac-celerate their production. The series production of Double-Pancakes (DPs) and Winding Pack (WP) are in progress in both two manufacturing lines. 1st WP have been completed and net three WPs are in fabrication....
The plasma confinement of the International Tokamak Experimental Rector (ITER) is provided by the magnetic field generated by 18 toroidal filed coils (TFC). Fusion for Energy, the European Domestic Agency for ITER, is responsible for the supply of 10 TFC to ITER project.
Their procurement has been divided in three main work packages: I) the production of the radial plates, structural stainless...
The first ITER’s European Toroidal Field Coil (TFC) is going to be assembled in 2019. The TFC is composed mainly by the superconducting Winding Pack (WP - manufactured in Europe), and the Coil Cases (TFCC - manufactured in Japan), which provide structural integrity to the magnet and offer interface connections with the rest of the machine.
Dimensional measurements and other manufacturing...
The Central Solenoid (CS) is a key element of the ITER Magnet system, including six identical coils, called modules, assembled together to form a 4 m outer diameter, 13 m high solenoid. It is a superconducting magnet, using a 45 kA Nb3Sn conductor internally cooled by circulation of supercritical helium at 4.5 K with a peak field up to 13 T. It is enclosed inside a structure providing...