Mon-Af-Po1.15 - Multiphysics Design and Analysis II
- Kozo Osamura (Research Institute for Applied Sciences)
- William Marshall (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
PITHIA is an advanced simulation tool, in-house developed by FEAC Engineering P.C., with currently three available modules for electromagnetic, cathodic protection and fluid-structure interaction problems (either 2D or 3D), which can effectively treat large-scale problems as well. This paper describes PITHIA’s electromagnetic module, focusing on applications such as superconducting accelerator...
Several investigations have shown that ReBCO coils wound without turn-to-turn insulation are self-quench protecting due to the current bypass through layers. However, some of the obstacles that this type of magnets face are charging and discharging delays, directly related to the generation of eddy currents increased by the low contact resistance between turns. The inter-tape contact...
Electrical equipment is tending to miniaturization and high frequency in modern industry development. High frequency transformer (HFT) has a broad application prospects whose volume obeys the law of inverse-squares of the operating frequency. Magnetic properties of its core materials under actual conditions need to be studied.
The soft magnetic ferrites, amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys...
The superconducting magnetic bearing (SMB) has great application potential in flywheel energy storage system (FESS), because of the merits of wear-free, low-drag torque, self-stable, unlubricated and vacuum-compatible operation. A fully high-Tc superconducting (HTS) FESS with a 300 kW power has been established in Japan, 2015. The next generation MW-class FESS needs a larger weight and...
Toroidal magnets are widely exploited in industry and scientific research, involving a vast spectrum of applications, such as thermonuclear fusion, particle detectors, SMES systems and medical devices. Toroidal configurations may involve different number of coils of different planar and three-dimensional geometries; to properly analyse these systems, it is crucial to determine the magnetic...
High temperature superconducting (HTS) materials are nowadays considered as possible candidates for high field magnets, e.g. for fusion and high-energy physics, and for AC or DC power applications. The development of HTS conductors requires extensive information about the impact of the main characteristics of the cable architecture on the electrical performances of the superconducting tapes or...
Recently, there have been a number of studies using empirical machine learning approaches to extract useful insights on the structure-property relationships of superconductor material. Especially, these approaches are bringing extreme benefits when superconductivity data often come from costly and arduously experimental work. However, this assessment cannot be based solely on an open “black...
Transcranial magnetic stimulation(TMS), as a new medical technology with great development prospect, has been shown to be effective in treating a variety of mental illnesses. The stimulation intensity and focality of the transcranial magnetic coil are often used to measure its biological effects. In order to improve its performance, a magnetic core can be added to the existing coil to enhance...
A 9 T NbTi superconducting magnet with large bore is designed and will be fabricated for EMPS (Electro-Magnetic Property measurement System) whose sample space is 50 mm in diameter. To satisfy the large sample space of the system, winding bore of the magnet should be larger than 100 mm in diameter. Since the winding diameter is larger than that of conventional 9 T class NbTi superconducting...