Tue-Mo-Po2.04 - Resistive Magnets for Accelerator and Fusion I
- Tenming Shen (LBNL)
- Reed Teyber (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
The extraction line of the future synchrotron SIS100 will have a series of three normal-conducting magnetic septa which deflect the beam upwards. Underneath the third septum there will be a beam stop for emergency extraction. Therefore, the entire region will be very likely activated with anticipated doses that forbid manual installation of a heating jacket. A mechanism which would...
In high intensity circular accelerators such as Rapid Cycling Synchrotrons (RCS) and Fixed Field Alternating-gradient (FFA) synchrotron, maximum beam intensity is limited by beam loss. Suppression of beam scatterings occurred in beam extraction system, especially in septum magnets, is one of the key issues to achieve low beam loss rate. Application of massless septum may be a promising way...
An electron lens – a novel instrument in accelerator physics to manipulate hadron beams with a magnetically confined electron beam - is under development at GSI, Darmstadt. It will be used to compensate the ion beam’s space charge by an overlapping electron beam and therefore may help to increase the intensity of primary beams in the low energy booster synchrotron SIS18 for FAIR. The main...
The new accelerate facility HIAF is under constructing in IMP (Institute of Modern Physics), Chinese Academy of Sciences. It consists of a linac, a booster of BRing and a spectrometer ring of SRing and some terminals for experiments. The electron cooling technology is applied in the SRing, which is composed of solenoids and racetrack coils. In this paper, the magnetic field of the electron...
Fast kickers such as strip-lines along with lambertson magnet or thin septum magnet could support on-axis injection for Diffraction Limited Storage Ring (DLSR), in which traditional off-axis injection becomes inadequate. This paper focuses on the designing, manufacturing and process optimization of thin septum magnet. The scheme of eddy-current type thin septum magnet (the thinnest portion is...
The design of focusing solenoids used in accelerator magnets or other charged particle beam applications usually has some general design requirements such as focusing strength, stray field, and eddy current losses. In superconducting solenoids specific requirements often include mechanical stress, cryogenic performance, and quench protection. In resistive solenoids specific requirements...
The design of the compression magnet in the magnetic trap type magnetic compression device has an important influence on the compression effect. Due to the large diameter (0.3m) of the vacuum chamber, and the severe eddy current in the metal cylinder induced by the rapidly changing current (700-1100kA/100μs) of the coil, the radial distribution of the magnetic field in the magnetic mirror...