Tue-Af-Po2.22 - Stability of Conductors and Coils II
- Honghai Song (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Haigun Lee (Korea University)
This paper presents the basic investigation results on electrical and thermal characteristics of second generation high temperature superconducting race-track coil (2G HTS RTC) under external time-varying magnetic field. This RTC is electrically and thermally insulated by a vanadium III oxide (V2O3), which is one of the metal-insulator transition (MIT) materials and has a variability in the...
This paper proposes a heretofore unestablished process to calculate the operating current of a ReBCO coil based on the electrical stability of smart insulation (SI) ReBCO coil. The nonhomogeneity of the critical current (IC) of the ReBCO coated conductor (RCC) makes the calculation of the coil IC from the IC-B-T data of a short sample difficult. In addition, at the determining the operating...
Recently, the NI winding technique has been actively investigated to be used in HTS magnets because this technique enables the coils to become lighter and smaller than that of conventionally insulated counterparts. However, the charge–discharge rate of the NI coil is considerably higher than that of completely insulated coils due to the absence of insulation resistance. In this study, we...
Despite the extensive research on a conduction cooling system, liquid helium (LHe) was still used as a cryogen to cool down the superconducting magnets due to the high-temperature deviation and mechanical vibration of this cooling system. However, in a quench event, the superconducting magnet that utilizes LHe may also exhibit temperature deviation within the magnet because the innermost turns...
No insulation (NI) winding technique using a REBCO wire is considered as a feasible option to develop a high field magnet due to its excellent electric and mechanical stability. A NI magnet shows strong thermal and electromagnetic stability in case of quench, however, it also has charging delay due to leak currents and additional resistive loss through turn-to-turn winding contacts. The...
A coil without turn-to-turn insulation, called a no-insulation (NI) coil has been developed. The NI winding technique has been reported to be a promising method of quench protection. In order to apply the NI winding technique to a conduction-cooled REBCO coil, we developed a coil using an electrically conductive epoxy resin. The electrically conductive epoxy resin in which a metal power was...
The DC superconducting energy pipeline has the advantage of integration of power and fuel, in which the superconducting cables are cooled by liquefied natural gas (LNG) coolant. As one of the newly developing technology of superconductivity in power system, the integrated delivery has the superiority that its total efficiency of energy transportation could reach 96%, for the power loss is only...