Wed-Mo-Po3.03 - Cryogenic Systems
- Kazuma Fukui (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Hongyu Bai (NHMFL)
JT-60SA is a fusion experiment tokamak device using superconducting magnets to be built in Japan. This joint international project involves Japan and Europe. In this work, we presents the design of cryodistribution and its components which are composed of a main transfer line (TL) and valve boxes (VB).
Five coolant loops are distributed between a helium refrigerator system (HRS) and cold...
JT-60SA is one of the experimental nuclear fusion reactors with superconducting magnets. It is a joint international research and development project involving Japan and Europe. The transitional change of temperature distribution of these magnets in recovery from the coil quench is investigated.
The quench recovery period is necessary to be confirmed. Generally, the maximum temperature drop...
EAST (Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak) has been carried out fourteenth campaigns since its implementation at the end of 2005. The cryogenic system is one important subsystem which is to cool down the superconducting magnets and relating components. Alarm and interlock system ensure the reliability and safety of cryogenic system. This paper presents the overview of the alarm and...
With the development of superconductivity technology, more and more large scale superconducting coils or magnets are used in the scientific installation like tokomaks, particle accelerators and colliders. Before installation, each coil is needed to cold test at nominal operating current to minimize the risk of malfunction. Hence, a helium refrigerator with an equivalent cooling capacity of 5...