Wed-Mo-Po3.08 - Current Limiters I
- Martin Eibach (GSI)
- Mark Ainslie (University of Cambridge)
Due to its excellent current-limiting capacity, especially at the initial dc fault transient stage, the analyses of dc inductive superconducting fault current limiter (I-SFCL) are attracting more attention. In this paper, a modelling method for dc I-SFCL was proposed to describe its nonlinear characteristic of inductance. Firstly, the structure of dc I-SFCL was briefly introduced. Then the...
Abstract: The short-circuit fault current on the DC side affects the operation safety of the multi-terminal flexible HVDC transmission system (MTDC) seriously. At the same time the superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) has received extensive attention in limiting the DC impact current due to its characteristics such as fast response speed, good current limiting effect and zero impedance...
In a power system, fault currents are on the rise and are becoming a common problem. Although several methods are used to restrict fault currents, the methods have demerits in respect of stability and reliability of power system. In this regard, high temperature superconducting (HTS) fault current limiting applications are considering as an alternative and a number of related researches are in...
The level of fault current has been increases quickly with rapid growth of electric load in recent years. The capacity of conventional circuit breaker has been unable to meet the demand. The wide application of high temperature superconducting fault current limiters (HT SFCL) provides a new avenue for power protection. They use the electrical properties of HTS to instantaneously protect power...
Recently, high voltage direct current (HVDC) power systems have been widely developed and used around the world because of their large transmission capacity and low power loss. However, conventional DC circuit breaker (DCCB) is difficult to interrupt large fault current. Therefore, to limit the fault current to a relatively low level, a superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) is...
Fault current limiter (FCL) is commonly applied as a current-limiting device to improve the stability of the power system. In this paper, a Flux-coupling type Superconducting FCL (FC-SFCL) with a pair of HTS parallel windings has been developed. The limiter is based on disconnecting coupling windings for current-limiting, which has a low steady impedance at normal state and higher limiting one...
The flux-coupling-type superconducting fault current limiter (FC-SFCL) has been proposed to solve excessive short-circuit current in power system. FC-SFCL promotes the breaking capability by connecting two circuit breakers in parallel through two high-coupling coils. Since each coil is made of multiple coil units in parallel, there may be a problem of unbalanced current distribution, resulting...
System operators make an effort to solve the fault current problem due to increase of distributed generation and complexity with parallel connection of the power system. Announced methods for solving the fault current such as replacing circuit breaker, installing high-impedance power equipment or series reactors have problems with cost, voltage drop, and power loss. The SFCL (Superconducting...
The yttrium-barium-copper-oxide (YBCO) coated conductor, which supplement the fault of the existing superconducting current-limit materials YBCO thin film, bismuth-strontium-calcium-copper-oxide(BSCCO) wire and bulk, has been improved its mechanical weakness and has high index; hence, after quench YBCO coated conductor could limit the fault current effectively because of fast resistance...