Wed-Af-Po3.16 - Magnets for Light Source
- Greg Brittles (Tokamak Energy)
- Piyush Joshi (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
A hybrid-type cryogenic permanent-magnet undulator (CPMU) with a 15-mm period length is being constructed for the TPS Phase-II beamline. A control system for CPMU called CU15 which is developed since 2018. The control system for CU15 is based on the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) architecture and Ethernet Control Automation Technology (EtherCAT) framework. The main...
In the phase-II beamlines project of the Taiwan Photon Source (TPS), the insertion device (ID) of elliptically polarized undulator (EPU) called EPU66 and EPU168 will be installed in 2020. The new control system for EPU is based on the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS), and Ethernet Control Automation Technology (EtherCAT) framework. The EPU control elements include:...
ALS-U is an ongoing upgrade of the Advance Light Source (ALS) at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBL). The upgraded ring of the ALS will use a multibend-archomat (MBA) lattice, which will allow increasing the brightness of soft x-ray sources 100-1000 times with respect to current ALS capabilities. One of the goals of the project is maintaining ALS capability of producing hard x-ray beams,...
Abstract: Forty planar superconducting undulators (SCUs) with 4 m long magnetic structure will be used in Shanghai High Repetition rate XFEL and Extreme Light (SHINE). As the longest SCUs being developed in the world, they can produce the photons with energy of 10 keV – 25 keV. NbTi/Cu wire with the diameter of 0.6 mm and the ratio of Cu to NbTi 0.9 is adopted to fabricate the superconducting...
NbTi superconducting undulators (SCUs) are currently reliably operating at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL). These devices significantly enhanced x-ray flux and brightness at high energy spectrum. As NbTi SCU technology is close to its full potential, further performance enhancement requires using different superconducting materials. Nb3Sn is a promising...
Short period undulators are an essential component of compact free electron lasers (FEL) and medium energy storage rings for the production of hard X-rays. The use of ReBCO high temperature superconductors (HTS) in a staggered array undulator geometry is expected to yield a magnetic undulator field above 2T for a 10mm period and a 4mm magnetic gap, thus substantially increasing the performance...
Udulators are important insertion devices for synchrotron radiation light source such as storage ring and free electron laser facility. Comparing with undulators based on permanent magnet, superconducting undulators may maintain high magnetic fields with a shorter period length. Superconducting undulators based on NbTi coil were successfully developed and are now in operation. Recently,...
It is well understood that HTS conductors have low quench propagation velocities due to the high conductor specific heat with increased temperature. An HTS conductor with very little copper has a low value of the integral of j2dt between the magnet operating temperature and 300 K. Adding copper to an HTS conductor reduces the quench velocity within the coil and it makes the coil thicker, but...
A 3m long In-Vacuum Undulator (IVU) is employed at the National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II) for the Hard X-ray Nanoprobe (HXN) beamline providing structural and X-ray fluorescence imaging with world-leading spatial resolution. On July 1st 2018 a gearbox shaft in the gap drivetrain assembly sheared due to stress caused by mechanical misalignment. The device was extracted from the...
A PrFeB-based cryogenic permanent magnet undulator (CPMU) is under construction at the
Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) to provide high brilliant X-rays for phase II beamlines. The in-vacuum Hall probe measurement system is improved to measure and tune the magnetic field at cryogenic temperature. To ensure the measurement is taken in the magnetic field center, we also develop two methods:...
A 3D thermo-magneto-mechanical study of a variable gap, 14 mm - 10 period superconducting undulator has been conducted based on a preliminary magnetic design carried out in RADIA. The choice of the conductor is made on the basis of a safe operating margin of the superconducting winding. This margin is determined via a coupled thermal, magnetic and mechanical analysis. Thus, the studies include...