Thu-Mo-Po4.05 - Other High Tc Wires and Cables
- Geonwoo Baek (Yonsei University)
- Alexander Otto (Solid Material Solutions, LLC)
Nowadays, although the fabrication techniques of high temperature superconductors have been far developed, Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10 (Bi-2223) high temperature superconducting tapes are still the ones the most mature fabrication technique and the most stable batch production ability, not to mention their stable mechanical configuration. Therefore, for the construction of many big scientific facilities,...
At present, Ag- sheathed Bi2212 is considered as the most suitable superconducting material to alternate the Nb-based material for the CICC conductor operation with the magnetic field higher than 20T. However, the Bi2212 round wire application technology development encountered difficulties, due to the complicated Bi2212 CICC manufacturing processes, the low mechanical performance as well as...
Abstract-High temperature superconducting material Bi 2212 has outstanding conductor-carrying capacity at 4.2 K in magnetic field and it is the only high temperature superconducting material that can be made into isotropic round wire (RW). Therefore, it’s considered to be one potential material for CICC (Cable-in-Conduit Conductor) in high magnetic field application, especially when magnetic...
China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor project (CFETR) , the next generation of Tokamak of China, has been incorporated into the important development of nuclear fusion in the future. Compared to low temperature superconducting materials, Bi-2212 is more promising due to the high irreversible field and outstanding current-carrying capacity. In particular, its critical properties can be improved...
Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox (Bi2212) has the excellent current carrying properties at 4.2K and is one of the potential materials for superconducting magnets. In the construction and use of magnets, superconducting wires are subjected to complex stresses, so it is important to determine the mechanical properties of the wires. In this paper, the mechanical properties of Bi-2212 wire before heat treatment and...
A quantitative knowledge of the intra-wire transverse resistance is essential for a proper characterization of multi-filamentary Bi2212 round wires, and a better understanding of their performance in short sample tests and thus inter-strand current redistribution in cabled conductors.
Intra-wire resistance and AC loss of various multi-filamentary Bi2212 round wires have been measured and...
Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox has excellent electromagnetic properties under high magnetic field, and can be made into isotropic round wire (RW) form. Therefore, it is easy to use cabling technology to make them as cable in conduit conductor (CICC) for the next fusion reactors. However, the Bi-2212 phase is a ceramic structure and sensitive to strain. In application, Bi-2212 RW will be affected by thermal...
High-temperature superconducting material of Bi-2212 (Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox) is considered to be used in the next generation of fusion reactors such as China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR) due to extremely high critical current density as well as high critical field at low temperature. The critical current as well as its inhomogeneity is one of the important factors to evaluate the...