Thu-Mo-Po4.07 - Magnetization and AC Losses II
- Hiroshi Ueda (Okayama University)
- Kathleen Amm (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
In order to saving energy and reducing consumption, making full development of advanced materials has been a global consensus. Nanocrystalline alloys, compared with ferrite, have high permeability, high saturation flux density and relatively low core loss. Due to the lack of magnetic properties under complex working conditions, its application in high power density applications have been...
Prototype tests are underway to study the feasibility of using a bulk magnetic system to maintain a transversely polarized target within the longitudinal solenoid of the CLAS12 detector, during an experiment to measure transverse spin effects in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering (SIDIS) at 11 GeV. The experiment has been approved with the highest priority rating at Jefferson Lab. The...
The High-Luminosity LHC Accelerator Upgrade Project (HL-LHC AUP) is preparing for production of the US-contributed Q1 and Q3 Interaction Region Quadrupoles (MQXFA). These magnets are based on Nb$_3$Sn conductor and need to satisfy stringent requirements for operation in HL-LHC. Magnetic field measurements are performed during magnet assembly to monitor key parameters such as integrated...
Conductor on Round Core (CORC(R)) wires are attractive for applications to accelerator magnets because of their large current capacity and mechanical flexibility. Because accelerator magnets are sometimes required to generate time-dependent magnetic field, ac losses and their distributions in the magnets can be problems. Because coated conductors composing CORC(R) wires have three-dimensional...
High-temperature superconducting (HTS) composites are being considered for use in high-field magnets for future particle accelerators, as they allow the development of very high field dipoles and quadrupoles. As part of the US Magnet Development Program, LBNL is developing Bi2212- and REBCO-based insert magnets towards 20 T hybrid dipole magnets. The field quality of the magnets is important...
High-temperature Superconducting tapes with high critical currents have shown a potential to be used as high-field magnets. HTS ring magnets have been proposed to use as a trapped field magnet with persistent current flowing in them after magnetization. The advantage over conventional HTS bulks is that the HTS ring magnet can be flexible in size and easy to build. This work focuses on...
Superconducting winding are enabling for the development of the highest power density motors and generators for aircraft use. It is presently estimated that motors with normal conducting can reach a future limit of at best 20 kW/kg. On the other hand, superconducting winding are estimated to be able to produce more than double this, at 45 kW/kg. Superconducting windings carry very large...
Striation is one of the approaches to reduce ac losses and shielding-current-induced fields (SCIFs) in conductors or coils made with coated conductors. If filaments in a striated coated conductor are decoupled, the magnetization of the coated conductor is reduced, and, then, the ac loss as well as the SCIF is reduced. Striated coated conductors can be classified into two types: one in which...